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Water sports

to share with the class. Pay attention to the use of the Present Perfect Tense.

 III. Presentation
  Speech Cassette. Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat. Then in groups, have the students read and act out the dialogue, ask several pairs to perform the dialogue for the class.
  Note: such great fun; Time flies; on business. They may be explained in Chinese.
  Explain the difference between "such" and "so" (such + nouns, so + adjectives)

 IV. Practice
  Part 2. Go through the dialogue with the students. Then get the students to ask and answer in pairs. Remind the difference between "have / has gone to" and "have / has been to"
V. Practice
Each student interviews a student or a teacher by asking the following questions:
What places have you been to in China?
Have you ever been to…?
How many times have you been there?
When did you go there?
How did you go there?
What interesting things did you do there?
Do you want to go there again?
Then ask the students to write a short passage about the interview, get one or two students to read for the class.
VI. Practice
Have the students give their own answers to the questions in the book.
Ask the students to ask and answer in pairs.
VII. Workbook
Do Exercise I with the class. First have the students do it individually, then check with the whole class.
The answers are: have got; Have been; went; gave; Have taken; took; be; has gone
Do Exercise 3 with the whole class. And get the students to learn the sentences.
VIII. Summary
Exercises for class
Translate the following sciences into Chinese.
1. 他在哪儿?他已经去了北京。
2. 他去过北京几次?
3. 不管他说什么,我都不会相信。
4. 你刚才做家庭作业了吗?还没有。
5. 他已经到美国去旅游了。
6. 不管你走到哪儿,我都会记得你。
IX. Homework
Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

Lesson 8

Language Focus:
 Useful expressions:
  a 12 - year - old schoolboy; try to; cross; channel; fail; set off; slow down; go on swimming, a big crowd of; wait for; be proud of; speak highly to.

 Recorder; Overhead Projector; Pictures

Teaching procedures:
 I. showing aims
  Get the students to know what they will learn in this lesson and what they will do in this class:
  1. To master some useful expressions.
  2. To revise all the contents of Unit 2.
  3. To go through Checkpoint 2.
  4. To train their listening ability.
  5. To train their writing ability.

 II. Revision
  1. Revise "have / has been to" and "have / has gone to". Ask: Where is he? Get some of the students' answers with: He has gone to. . .
  S1: He has gone to the office.
  S2: He has gone to the hospital. .
  S3: He has gone to Beijing.
    Then ask: How many times have you been to Beijing?
  S1: I've never been there.
  S2: I've been there twice.
  S3: I've been there three times.
    Make sure the students can ask and answer correctly.
  2. Revise the sports words. Divide the class into four groups and have a competition, say out the words as quickly as possible. See which group can say the most quickly and say the most words.

 III. Listen
  Listening Casette. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and do Exercise I in the workbook. Then play the tape again, and check the answers with the class.

 IV. Word Puzzle
  Ask the students to find the words in groups of the four. Get one student to share his or her answer with the whole class and check with them. The answers are: skiing; swimming; skating; boat-racing; diving.

 V. Presentation
  Part 3. Speech Cassette. Play the tape twice for the students to listen and repeat. Then ask the students to read the passage by themselves. Try to find the answers to the following questions:
  1. Who was the youngest swimmer to cross channel?
  2. Which channel did he cross first?
  3. When did he first cross the channel?
  4. Where was the channel?
  5. Why did he slow down?
  6. How many hours did it take him to cross the channel?
  7. Did he cross the channel alone?
  8. How did his parents feel when he arrived the beach?
  Note some useful expressions on the blackboard: a-12-year-old schoolboy; cross the Qiongzhou Channel; fail; his dream came true; step into; slow down; go on swimming; another; a big crowd of people; be proud of; not only … but also … ; Have the students retell the story.

 VI .Writing
  Get one student to act as Li Lida and the other students act as journalists. Make an interview, then write down a passage about the interview. The journalists can ask questions like:
  1. Do you like swimming?
  2. When did you swim?
  3. Do you often swim?
  4. Were you afraid while you were crossing the channel?
  5. Do your parents like you to swim?
  6. How do you like when your dream comes true?

 VII. A poem
  Speech Cassette. Get the s

《Water sports(第5页)》

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