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In the library

>  She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她以前是一位语文老师。

  used to意为“过去经常”,它只有过去式,用于各种人称的单、复数,表示过去存在的,


  They used to come on foot,but they don’t do that again. They often come by bus. 他们过去经常步行来,现在不了。他们经常乘车来。

  used to是表示过去经常重复的动作。在表示过去的习惯时,used to是比较规则的习惯,它与would不太一样,would侧重于叙述过去的光景,used to侧重于和现在相对照。

  used to的疑问形式和否定形式可以用助词did或自身形成构成。美国人多用助动词  did;英国人多用used to本身。如:

  –Did you use to go there?

  –Yes, very often./No, only seldom.

  I used not to like Beijing opera, but now I’m very fond of it.我过去不喜欢京戏,但现在非常喜欢。

  注意区分be used to所表示的意思是“习惯于……”,后跟名词或动名词,used是一个形容词。例如:

I’m not used to drinking.我不习惯喝酒。

  She is used to running in the morning.她习惯早上跑步。

have got

  I think I've got one.我想我有一个。

  英语中表示“所有”用have,口语中常用 have got,其否定形式为haven't got,疑问形式为Have…got…?在美国英语中常使用don't have,Do… have…?例如:

  I've got a book about chemistry. = I have a book about chemistry.我有一本化学书。

  He hasn't got an umbrella. = He doesn't have an umbrella. 他没有雨伞。

  –Have you got a pencil sharpener? = Do you have a pencil sharpener?

  –Yes, here you are.

Have you got …?句型教学建议

  利用初一学过的表示“拥有”的交际用语引出“have got”句型,讲解可先不讲解它的时态:现在完成时。


  T: Excuse me, Do you have a dictionary?

  S: Yes, I do.

  T: May I borrow them, please?

  S: Certainly. Here you are.

  T: Thank you.


  I have a dictionary

  I have got a dictionary

  并在黑板上板书:have got … ,然后让学生反复跟读。然后告诉学生这就是我们今天所要学的新句型:This is another way of saying “Do you have …?”

  2.教师可逐一取出一些画片,边取边对学生说:I have got a …或拿出一些实物进行上面的句型练习。(a cup, a pen, a ruler, an eraser, a book等。)

关于课文The Lost Books教学建议

  1.在教学本课的课文The Lost Books之前,先就本课Part 1的两个问题让学生进行回答,并写一段短文关于自己如何爱书,以及从图书馆借书的经历,然后让学生作演讲。如:

  I like reading very much, because I’ve learned a lot from the book I read. I’ve bought many books and has got a small library of zoo interesting books. They are about many different subjects such as foreign languages, maths, history, geography and interesting stories. But my own library is still too small to meet my needs. I often borrow books from the school library. It has a great number of books. Many of them are very interesting. I’ve read so many interesting books in the school reading room. I’m a careful boy/girl. I never lose any library book. But some of my classmates do. When they are in such a trouble, I help them. I sometimes help them to buy new books. I even pick out the best books from my book shelves and give them to my friend in trouble. I believe a friend in need is a friend indeed.


   3.把课文The Lost Books改成对话,由两个学生分别扮演grandma和 librarian,表演一遍,然后让学生轮换角色,以便更多的学生参加演出。实现学生自编——自导——自演——语言探究活动的过程。


  Librarian: Mrs. Li, I’ve heard the bad news. You’ve lost more books.

  Grandma: Yes, I’ve already lost 5 more books. I’m afraid I’ll have to pay for all the six lost books.

  Librarian: Never mind. I think someday you will find them. What about putting a bookmark in each of the borrowed books. Just leave a message on the bookmark. It may help a lot.

  Grandma: What do you think I should write on the bookmark?

  Librarian: Something like this: If you find this book, please return it to the school library. Then you can get a nice present from the librarian. I’m an old woman. But one is never too old to learn. I do hope you’ll help me to be a good reader of the school library books. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

  4.让学生阅读英语泛读Unit 1 的阅读材料:Library Services,回答文后的五个问题。




  1. Why did they get books back so quickly?

  2. If you lost the book, how would you get it back?




  I have seen that film.我看过那部电影。

  We have just finished our homework.我们刚刚做完家庭作业。

  She has gone home.她回家去了。



  Have you read this book yet?你读过这本书吗?

  Has he eaten that apple yet?他吃了那个苹果了吗?

  注意:现在完成时的一般疑问句往往在句末加yet。把现在完成时的一般疑问句译成汉语时,往往表示“……过吗?”“还没有……吗?”等。其肯定回答用Yes,主语+ have/has。否定回答用No,主语+haven’t/hasn’t.有时用 No,not yet.或 No,never.

  3.现在完成时的否定句式是have/has not +过去分词。例如:

  We haven’t studied Bo

《In the library(第2页)》

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