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Unit 16 What a good, kind girl!











  tell, across, miss, reach, way, wait, cut


  1. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the library?

  2. Walk along ZhongShan Road, and turn right at the second crossing.

  3. Go across the bridge. You’ II find the library on the left.


  4.You can’t miss it.

  (1)miss在这里相当于no find或not see,“未看见”的意思。

  (2)miss还相当于be late for或not catch,“错过”“没赶上”的意思。

  He missed the early bus yesterday morning.

  5.What’s the matter?

  What’s the matter? 相当What’s wrong? 或What’s the trouble?

  6. Maybe you put it there.

  7. It s take you about half an hour.





  1.Go on until you reach the end.

  until在本句中是连词,引导一个时间状语从句,意思是“直到……为止”,主句是肯定句,谓语动词要用持续性动词,until引导的时间状语从句将来时用一般现在时来表示。如:I will wait for you until you returns.

  2.He’s sick in hospital.

  in hospital在这里作“住院”讲,表示一种抽象的意义。 hospital前不要加定冠词the。  in the hospital表示“在某家医院”,不一定住院。如:His father works in the hospital.

  3.Ah,so it is.


  (l)—He could sing some English songs when he was ten years old.

   —So he could.

  (2)—It’s raining heavily outside.

   —Ah, so it is.


  含有情态动词may的一般疑问句表示请求许可时它的否定回答不能用may not而用mustn’t或can’t。

  -May I use your computer?

  —No, you mustn’t./No, you can’t.



  1. Excuse me. Where’s the (nearest) . . . please?

  2. Which is the way to...?

  3. Do you know the way to. . . ?

  4. How can I get to( reach) . . . from. . . ?

  5. Can you tell me the way from. . . to. . . ?

  6. Can you tell me how to get to...?

  7. Can you find the way from. . . to. . . ?

  8. I want to go to. ...Do you know the way to. . . ?

  9. I’m looking for. . . .Where is it, do you know?

  这些问句可以根据实际情况进行回答。如:Excuse me. Where’s the nearest book shop? It’s in front of/behind/next to/on the right side of/the shopping centre. Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to/reach Zhongshan Park? Walk along/down/up this street. Take the second turning on the left/right/walk across the bridge/the street/it’s between. . .and. . .等等。


  1. A: Excuse me. Is there a middle school near here?

   B: I’ m sorry, I don’t know.

   A: Thank you all the same.

  2. A: Excuse me. Which is the way to the theatre?

   B: Sony. I’m new here. You can ask the policeman over there. Maybe he knows.

   A: Thank you all the same.


  1. A: Excuse me. Where’s the nearest video shop?

   B: Yes. Walk along Beijing Road, and turn left at the third crossing. Go across the bridge, you will find the video shop on the right.

   B: It’s a pleasure.

  2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell/show me the way to NO. 7 Middle School?

   B: Go straight to the shopping centre and turn right. Then walk across Zhongshan Road, you will find a theatre, NO. 7 Middle School is one the right.

   A: Thank you very much.

   B: Not at all.

  3. A: Excuse me. How Can I get to/reach the library from the zoo?

   B: Go on until you reach the end of the road. Them turn left and you will find the library. It’s between the shops and the market, you can t miss it.

   A: Many thanks.

   B: That’s OK.


  情态动词may和can一是表示请求/许可,二是表示可能性。它们的回答可根据实际情况进行,但要告诉学生情态动词may的否定回答不能用 may not,只能用can’t。


  May I watch TV in the evening? Yes, you may./No, you can’t.

  May I use your computer? Certainly, Here it is./Sorry, I am using it.

  May I come in? Yes, please./Come in, please./Please don’t./Wait a moment, please.

  May I speak to Miss Li, please? Certainly./One moment, please./I’m afraid not. She isn’t here at the moment.

  Can I borrow these books? Yes, please./Sorry, you can’t.

  Can you tell me the way to the cafe? Sure./Certainly./Sorry, I don’t know.

  2. 表示可能性

  They may have a lot of work to do.

  Lucy isn’t here, she may be ill in hospital.

  Where’s Li Ping? He may go to the shopping centre with his parents.

  A: Do you know John s address?

  B: Sorry, I don’t know. But my English teacher may know.





  (1 )Why does Liu Mei help the woman?

  (2) Why can’t the woman find the address of the hospital?

  (3) What’s the name of the hospital?

  (4) Does the girl know the way to the hospital?




 1.本单元的新单词比较多,同学们可以动脑筋进行分析。不难看出,可以用联想法记忆单词。例如:lady ,ladies’ room, cross across crossing, library lab cafe video shop church, geography physics history








  May I go now?               Yes, you may.         No, you mustn't.

  May I watch TV after supper?   Yes, you may.         No, you mustn't.

  May I use your pen?          Certainly. Here you are.  Sorry. I'm using it.

  May I borrow your bike?      Sure. Here's the key.     Sorry, it's broken.

  May I come in?   Yes, please./Come in. please.  Please don't./Wait a moment, please.

  May I go with you?           Why not?             No, please not.

  May I have a cake, please?    Sure. Here you are.    Sorry. Wait a while.

  May I speak to Miss Li, please?     Certainly./0ne moment, please.     I'm afraid not. She isn't here at the moment.


  1. From the weather report it may rain here the day after tomorrow.

  2. It is quite cloudy now. I hope the cloud may lift in the afternoon.

  3. We'd better take the raincoats with us. It may rain tonight.

  4. Bruce called you this morning, but you were not in. He may ring you again this evening.

  5. She is better today. She may go on writing the story.

  6. I went to Lily's home yesterday, but didn't see her grandfather. He is very old and often ill. He may be in hospital again.

  7. A: Why can't we see Robert here?

   B: He may be in the next room.

  8. A: Do you know John's address?

   B: No, I don't. But I saw you wrote down his address on a piece of paper

   A: Yes, but I can't find it.

   B: It may be in your inside pocket.

   A: No, it isn't there.

   B: It may be in your pencil-box.

   A: No, I looked there.

   B: Your mother may know the address.

   A: Well, let me ask her. Thank you.

   B: Not at all.


  Which is the way to North street Hospital? 去北大医院怎么走?


  Where is North Street Hospital, please?

  Can you tell me the way to North Street Hospital, please?

  Can you tell me how I can get  to North Street Hospital?


  Go along the road.     Walk along the street.

  Take the first turning on the right/left.  Turn right/left at the second crossing.

  It's next to …      It's beside/behind …    It's between … and …


  1.may表示可以(相当于to be allowed/permitted):

  You may take this seat. (= You are allowed to take this seat.)你可以坐这个位子。

    May I come in?我可以进来吗?


    —May I sit here?  ——我可以坐这儿吗?

    —Yes, please. (或Certainly.) ——请坐吧。(当然可以。)

    —Please don't.  ——请不要坐在这儿。

    —No, you mustn't. ——不,不行。


    He may be busy today. 今天他可能很忙。

    She may go to Beijing by air next month.她下个月可能乘飞机去北京。

    A fool may give a wise man counsel.傻子也可能给聪明人出主意。(谚)


    Stand up so that you may see farther.大家站起来以便看得更远。

    No matter what you may say, I will go ahead.不管你怎么说,我都要干下去。


    May that day come soon. 愿那一天早日到来。

    May your dream come true. 愿你的梦想成真。

  辨析cross, crossing和across

  A. cross与across都可译作“横穿/越过”,但词性不同。cross是动词,across是介词,cross sth. = go across sth.,

    Go across the bridge. 横穿过那座桥。

  B. go across 横穿过,区别于 go along沿着,一直走。如:

    go across the street 横穿过街道,

    go along/ up / down the street 沿着街道走。

  C. crossing n. 十字路口。如:

  Turn right/left at the second/first. . . crossing. 在第二/一个路口向右/右拐。

  =Take the second /first. . . turning on the right/left.


  Go cross the bridge, and you'll find the library.

   分析与解答:句中的cross作名词时意思是“十字形(物)”,作动词时意思是“穿过;横过”,在此和动词go连用,犯了语法上的错误。go是不及物动词,其后跟宾语时,需加介词。而介词across 表示“穿过;横过”,因此应该把cross改成across。



  1.一般放在don't, doesn't等词的前面。如:

    I still don't know now. 现在我仍然不知道。


    Look! The children are still watching TV. 瞧!孩子们仍然在看电视。


    You could still ask him about it. 你仍能问他那件事。


    Jim's kite flies high, his brother's flies still higher. 吉姆的风筝飞得高,他哥哥的飞得更高。

  辨析in time和on time


  1)in time指“及时”,表示动作“在老人家时间内或提前发生”。如:

   You'll get there just in time. 你将会正好及时到那儿(没误事)。

   When he was hungry, I sent the bread to him in time.他饿时,我及时送了面包给他。

  2)on time 强调“准时、按时”,即at the right time。如:

   Please be come on time. Don't be late. 请准时来,别迟到。(不早不晚)。

   The train came in on time.火车准时进站。

  辨析So it is. / So is it.

  1) So it is. “它确实是这样”。这种结构中的主语通常与上文的主语相同,主谓语不倒装,用于对上文的进一步肯定和确认。句型为:so+主语+be(have, 助动词或情态动词)。如:

    —The students work hard. 学生们努力学习。

    —So they do. 确实是这样。

  2)So is it. “它也是”。这种结构中的主语与上文的主语不同,表示前句所说的情况也适用于另一个人(或物)。句型是:So + be(have,助动词或情态动词)+主语,意为“……同样/也那样。”如:

    —English people eat a lot of potatoes. 英国人常吃土豆。

    —So do we. 我们也是。

  辨析maybe/ may be


    Maybe they won't come here tonight. 他们大概今晚不会来这儿。

    Maybe she is happy. 也许她是幸福的。

    2)may be是情态动词may加动词原形be构成的,在句中做谓语,意为“可能是、大概是”,后接形容词、介词短语或名词作表语。如:

    She may be at home. 她可能在家。(也可以说:Maybe she is at home.)

    You may be right. 你可能是对的。(也可以说:Maybe you are right.)



   误:Your pen maybe in one of your pocket.

   正:Your pen may be in one of your pockets.

      Maybe your pen is in one of your pockets.

   解析:maybe为副词“或许,可能”之意,在句中作状语;may be为情态动词may加系动词be构成,在句中作谓语,one of后面须接可数名词的复数形式。

  关于not until用法分析

  You mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor. 你在看大夫前,一定不能吃任何东西。


  I won't leave until / before you come back. 你回来以前我不离开。(直到你回来我才离开。)


  Go on until you reach the end. 你走下去一直走到头。

  He waited until I came back. 他一直等到我回来。











  tell, across, miss, reach, way, wait, cut


  1. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the library?

  2. Walk along ZhongShan Road, and turn right at the second crossing.

  3. Go across the bridge. You’ II find the library on the left.


  4.You can’t miss it.

  (1)miss在这里相当于no find或not see,“未看见”的意思。

  (2)miss还相当于be late for或not catch,“错过”“没赶上”的意思。

  He missed the early bus yesterday morning.

  5.What’s the matter?

  What’s the matter? 相当What’s wrong? 或What’s the trouble?

  6. Maybe you put it there.

  7. It s take you about half an hour.





  1.Go on until you reach the end.

  until在本句中是连词,引导一个时间状语从句,意思是“直到……为止”,主句是肯定句,谓语动词要用持续性动词,until引导的时间状语从句将来时用一般现在时来表示。如:I will wait for you until you returns.

  2.He’s sick in hospital.

  in hospital在这里作“住院”讲,表示一种抽象的意义。 hospital前不要加定冠词the。  in the hospital表示“在某家医院”,不一定住院。如:His father works in the hospital.

  3.Ah,so it is.


  (l)—He could sing some English songs when he was ten years old.

   —So he could.

  (2)—It’s raining heavily outside.

   —Ah, so it is.


  含有情态动词may的一般疑问句表示请求许可时它的否定回答不能用may not而用mustn’t或can’t。

  -May I use your computer?

  —No, you mustn’t./No, you can’t.



  1. Excuse me. Where’s the (nearest) . . . please?

  2. Which is the way to...?

  3. Do you know the way to. . . ?

  4. How can I get to( reach) . . . from. . . ?

  5. Can you tell me the way from. . . to. . . ?

  6. Can you tell me how to get to...?

  7. Can you find the way from. . . to. . . ?

  8. I want to go to. ...Do you know the way to. . . ?

  9. I’m looking for. . . .Where is it, do you know?

  这些问句可以根据实际情况进行回答。如:Excuse me. Where’s the nearest book shop? It’s in front of/behind/next to/on the right side of/the shopping centre. Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to/reach Zhongshan Park? Walk along/down/up this street. Take the second turning on the left/right/walk across the bridge/the street/it’s between. . .and. . .等等。


  1. A: Excuse me. Is there a middle school near here?

   B: I’ m sorry, I don’t know.

   A: Thank you all the same.

  2. A: Excuse me. Which is the way to the theatre?

   B: Sony. I’m new here. You can ask the policeman over there. Maybe he knows.

   A: Thank you all the same.


  1. A: Excuse me. Where’s the nearest video shop?

   B: Yes. Walk along Beijing Road, and turn left at the third crossing. Go across the bridge, you will find the video shop on the right.

   B: It’s a pleasure.

  2. A: Excuse me. Can you tell/show me the way to NO. 7 Middle School?

   B: Go straight to the shopping centre and turn right. Then walk across Zhongshan Road, you will find a theatre, NO. 7 Middle School is one the right.

   A: Thank you very much.

   B: Not at all.

  3. A: Excuse me. How Can I get to/reach the library from the zoo?

   B: Go on until you reach the end of the road. Them turn left and you will find the library. It’s between the shops and the market, you can t miss it.

   A: Many thanks.

   B: That’s OK.


  情态动词may和can一是表示请求/许可,二是表示可能性。它们的回答可根据实际情况进行,但要告诉学生情态动词may的否定回答不能用 may not,只能用can’t。


  May I watch TV in the evening? Yes, you may./No, you can’t.

  May I use your computer? Certainly, Here it is./Sorry, I am using it.

  May I come in? Yes, please./Come in, please./Please don’t./Wait a moment, please.

  May I speak to Miss Li, please? Certainly./One moment, please./I’m afraid not. She isn’t here at the moment.

  Can I borrow these books? Yes, please./Sorry, you can’t.

  Can you tell me the way to the cafe? Sure./Certainly./Sorry, I don’t know.

  2. 表示可能性

  They may have a lot of work to do.

  Lucy isn’t here, she may be ill in hospital.

  Where’s Li Ping? He may go to the shopping centre with his parents.

  A: Do you know John s address?

  B: Sorry, I don’t know. But my English teacher may know.





  (1 )Why does Liu Mei help the woman?

  (2) Why can’t the woman find the address of the hospital?

  (3) What’s the name of the hospital?

  (4) Does the girl know the way to the hospital?




 1.本单元的新单词比较多,同学们可以动脑筋进行分析。不难看出,可以用联想法记忆单词。例如:lady ,ladies’ room, cross across crossing, library lab cafe video shop church, geography physics history








  May I go now?               Yes, you may.         No, you mustn't.

  May I watch TV after supper?   Yes, you may.         No, you mustn't.

  May I use your pen?          Certainly. Here you are.  Sorry. I'm using it.

  May I borrow your bike?      Sure. Here's the key.     Sorry, it's broken.

  May I come in?   Yes, please./Come in. please.  Please don't./Wait a moment, please.

  May I go with you?           Why not?             No, please not.

  May I have a cake, please?    Sure. Here you are.    Sorry. Wait a while.

  May I speak to Miss Li, please?     Certainly./0ne moment, please.     I'm afraid not. She isn't here at the moment.


  1. From the weather report it may rain here the day after tomorrow.

  2. It is quite cloudy now. I hope the cloud may lift in the afternoon.

  3. We'd better take the raincoats with us. It may rain tonight.

  4. Bruce called you this morning, but you were not in. He may ring you again this evening.

  5. She is better today. She may go on writing the story.

  6. I went to Lily's home yesterday, but didn't see her grandfather. He is very old and often ill. He may be in hospital again.

  7. A: Why can't we see Robert here?

   B: He may be in the next room.

  8. A: Do you know John's address?

   B: No, I don't. But I saw you wrote down his address on a piece of paper

   A: Yes, but I can't find it.

   B: It may be in your inside pocket.

   A: No, it isn't there.

   B: It may be in your pencil-box.

   A: No, I looked there.

   B: Your mother may know the address.

   A: Well, let me ask her. Thank you.

   B: Not at all.


  Which is the way to North street Hospital? 去北大医院怎么走?


  Where is North Street Hospital, please?

  Can you tell me the way to North Street Hospital, please?

  Can you tell me how I can get  to North Street Hospital?


  Go along the road.     Walk along the street.

  Take the first turning on the right/left.  Turn right/left at the second crossing.

  It's next to …      It's beside/behind …    It's between … and …


  1.may表示可以(相当于to be allowed/permitted):

  You may take this seat. (= You are allowed to take this seat.)你可以坐这个位子。

    May I come in?我可以进来吗?


    —May I sit here?  ——我可以坐这儿吗?

    —Yes, please. (或Certainly.) ——请坐吧。(当然可以。)

    —Please don't.  ——请不要坐在这儿。

    —No, you mustn't. ——不,不行。


    He may be busy today. 今天他可能很忙。

    She may go to Beijing by air next month.她下个月可能乘飞机去北京。

    A fool may give a wise man counsel.傻子也可能给聪明人出主意。(谚)


    Stand up so that you may see farther.大家站起来以便看得更远。

    No matter what you may say, I will go ahead.不管你怎么说,我都要干下去。


    May that day come soon. 愿那一天早日到来。

    May your dream come true. 愿你的梦想成真。

  辨析cross, crossing和across

  A. cross与across都可译作“横穿/越过”,但词性不同。cross是动词,across是介词,cross sth. = go across sth.,

    Go across the bridge. 横穿过那座桥。

  B. go across 横穿过,区别于 go along沿着,一直走。如:

    go across the street 横穿过街道,

    go along/ up / down the street 沿着街道走。

  C. crossing n. 十字路口。如:

  Turn right/left at the second/first. . . crossing. 在第二/一个路口向右/右拐。

  =Take the second /first. . . turning on the right/left.


  Go cross the bridge, and you'll find the library.

   分析与解答:句中的cross作名词时意思是“十字形(物)”,作动词时意思是“穿过;横过”,在此和动词go连用,犯了语法上的错误。go是不及物动词,其后跟宾语时,需加介词。而介词across 表示“穿过;横过”,因此应该把cross改成across。



  1.一般放在don't, doesn't等词的前面。如:

    I still don't know now. 现在我仍然不知道。


    Look! The children are still watching TV. 瞧!孩子们仍然在看电视。


    You could still ask him about it. 你仍能问他那件事。


    Jim's kite flies high, his brother's flies still higher. 吉姆的风筝飞得高,他哥哥的飞得更高。

  辨析in time和on time


  1)in time指“及时”,表示动作“在老人家时间内或提前发生”。如:

   You'll get there just in time. 你将会正好及时到那儿(没误事)。

   When he was hungry, I sent the bread to him in time.他饿时,我及时送了面包给他。

  2)on time 强调“准时、按时”,即at the right time。如:

   Please be come on time. Don't be late. 请准时来,别迟到。(不早不晚)。

   The train came in on time.火车准时进站。

  辨析So it is. / So is it.

  1) So it is. “它确实是这样”。这种结构中的主语通常与上文的主语相同,主谓语不倒装,用于对上文的进一步肯定和确认。句型为:so+主语+be(have, 助动词或情态动词)。如:

    —The students work hard. 学生们努力学习。

    —So they do. 确实是这样。

  2)So is it. “它也是”。这种结构中的主语与上文的主语不同,表示前句所说的情况也适用于另一个人(或物)。句型是:So + be(have,助动词或情态动词)+主语,意为“……同样/也那样。”如:

    —English people eat a lot of potatoes. 英国人常吃土豆。

    —So do we. 我们也是。

  辨析maybe/ may be


    Maybe they won't come here tonight. 他们大概今晚不会来这儿。

    Maybe she is happy. 也许她是幸福的。

    2)may be是情态动词may加动词原形be构成的,在句中做谓语,意为“可能是、大概是”,后接形容词、介词短语或名词作表语。如:

    She may be at home. 她可能在家。(也可以说:Maybe she is at home.)

    You may be right. 你可能是对的。(也可以说:Maybe you are right.)



   误:Your pen maybe in one of your pocket.

   正:Your pen may be in one of your pockets.

      Maybe your pen is in one of your pockets.

   解析:maybe为副词“或许,可能”之意,在句中作状语;may be为情态动词may加系动词be构成,在句中作谓语,one of后面须接可数名词的复数形式。

  关于not until用法分析

  You mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor. 你在看大夫前,一定不能吃任何东西。


  I won't leave until / before you come back. 你回来以前我不离开。(直到你回来我才离开。)


  Go on until you reach the end. 你走下去一直走到头。

  He waited until I came back. 他一直等到我回来。

Lesson 61多媒体教学设计方案


  1. How to use location words to describe the position of important buildings.

  2. How to talk about different ways of travelling from one place to another.



 Step1 Revision


  (图片演示对话)1. Where’s the…?

  A: Excuse me. Where’s North Street Hospital, Please?

  B: Go along this street, and take the second turning on the right.

  A: Thank you very much.

  (录像放映)2. Is there a … near here?


  Walk along this road.

  Take the … turning on the left/right.

  It’s about … metres along on the right/left.

 Step2 Presentation


  1. Revise giving direction:

  A: Excuse me, is there a hospital near here?

  B: Walk along this road and take the first turning on the left.

  2. Learn new words

  教师让学生看看图中的地点名称有哪些没学过的,学生发现图中已用红色圈起来的地点名称都没学过,教师告诉学生这些就是本节课所要学的新词汇:lady ladies’ and men’s rooms church, library, cafe and video shop。

  3. Read and act


  (1)问路的表达:Can you tell me the way to the library? ;

  (2)教学新词汇:tell, cross, crossing, across, miss。


  A. cross与across都可译作“横穿/越过”,但词性不同。cross是动词,across是介词,cross sth. = go across sth.

  Go across the bridge. 横穿过那座桥。

  B. go across 横穿过,区别于 go along沿着,一直走。如:

  go across the street 横穿过街道,

  go along/ up / down the street 沿着街道走。

  C. crossing n. 十字路口。如:

  Turn right/left at the second/first. . . crossing. 在第二/一个路口向右/右拐。

  =Take the second /first. . . turning on the right/left.

  讲解reach这个新单词:reach vt.意为“ 到达”相当 get to ; arrive (in/at)  如: They reached Italy yesterday. 昨天他们到了意大利。

  Note the different between the usage of reach, arrive (at/in) and get (to)

 Step3 Practice


  •Go along this road and …

  •Go up this road to the end.

  •Go on until you reach the end.

  •Turn left at the … crossing.

  •Take the second turning on the left.

  •Go across the bridge.

  •It’s between the … and the …

  •You will see … in front of you.

  •You can’t miss it.

  (学生活动)让学生看着上面的地图,问学生:How can I get to the church? 并帮助学生从课本Part 3 的方框中选择句子回答。如:Go along this road and take the second turning to the right. Walk across a bridge. Go on until you reach the end. You can’t miss it.


  教师换用其它的地点(如:church, cafe, etc),让学生看图仿照  Part2对话内容进行训练,先师生进行对话,然后让学生进行俩俩对话,再让两组学生进行表演。

 Step4 Practice



 Step 5  Exercises in class

  Complete the missing words.

  Conversation 1 (In the hotel)

  A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the barber’s. I’d like to have my hair cut.

  B: Certainly, sir. Turn right at the lift(电梯).  The barber's is at the end of the corridor on the left.

  A: Many thanks.

  Conversation 2(In the street)

  A: Excuse me. Where is Jian Guo Hotel from here?

  B: Jian Guo Hotel is quite a long way.   How did you plan on getting there?

  A: I really don't know. Can you tell me?

  B: Sure. Walk down the street and turn right, then turn left at the comer. Take bus No. 1、4 or 5 there. Get off the bus at Da Bei Yao and Jian Guo Hotel is just across the street. Actually, I suggest you take a tube. It’ s rush hour now, buses are usually very crowded.

 Step 6  Homework

  •1.Practise talking about the ways to school/work/hospital in oral English/orally.

  •2. Make a short dialogue about asking the way.

  •3. Do exercises on page 67.

 Step 7 Summary 



  1.Where’s the (nearest)…, please?

  2.Is there a … near here?

  3.Which is the way to …?

  4.How can I get to …?

  5.Can you tell me the way to …?

  6.Do you know the way to …?

  7.Can you tell me how to get to …?

  … …

Lesson 61教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives

  1. How to use location words to describe the position of important buildings.

  2. Get the students to know how to talk about different ways of travelling from one place to another.

Language Focus

  the way to...  on the way home  turn left/right at the second crossing

  go along

  go up

  go down

  go across

  go through

  go on

Properties: Pictures or video

Teaching Procedures

  I. Organizing the class

  T: Good afternoon, class.

  Ss: Good afternoon. Mrs. Ling.

  T: Sit down, please. Let's listen to a duty report.

  II. Revision

  T: Give the students a few minutes to draw a map of their school. Pick out a best drawing from the students in class or you draw it on the blackboard with the tape, and give some questions on the blackboard or ask one of the students to talk about where his house is.

  Student 1: I live in De Pao Hotel on Xinai street, but I study at Foreign Language School. I come out of the main gate of De Pao Hotel. I ride a bike. Then I go southward about one kilometre’s drive, past the big post office to the bridge. Then I turn left and go southward this time. Drive a few minutes, I can see the Bank of China in front of me, then turn left towards the traffic limits. Past McDonald, I go across the street, eastward for another two minutes, then I get to F. L. S.

  T: Get the class to know where he/she lives, where to study, how to get there /come here, how many places are named/mentioned here.

  III. Presentation

  T: Go back to the beginning of the dialogue and then listen to the whole conversation. While the class listen, get them to complete the chart below. Hang the pictures on the blackboard.

  IV. Practice

  T: Pair work about Part 1 and Part 2.

  Tell the students, you are somewhere and point to some certain place on the map. Say “You want to get to some place.”

  Now that we have considered types of questioning the ways to some places. Let’s talk about the actual buildings. This task gives the students the opportunity to revise words they know already and learn some new vocabulary items.

  Use the phrases below to help them to practise similar dialogues.

  For example;

  1. go along the road/the street. . .

  go down the road/the street. . .

  go up the road/the street. . .

  go through the road/the street. . .

  go across the road/the street. . .

  go on the road/the street. . .

  2. turn left / right

  3. take the first turning on the left

  4. get the second turning on the right

  T: Now, using the information you have written from the table above, practise the dialogues with the phrases in Part 3.

  T: Now you are standing at the school gate, how to get to the Beijing Zoo.

  (two pairs act it out)

  T: Now, you are standing at the Beijing Zoo, how to get to the Summer Palace.

  T: Go back and listen to the cassette and copy the way of saying those key expressions.

  V. Exercises in class

  Complete the missing words.

  Conversation_1 (In the hotel)

  A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the barber’s. I’d like to have my hair cut.

  B: Certainly, sir. Turn right at the lift(电梯).  The barber's is at the end of the corridor on the left.

  A: Many thanks.

  Conversation_2(In the street)

  A: Excuse me. Where is Jian Guo Hotel from here?

  B: Jian Guo Hotel is quite a long way.   How did you plan on getting there?

  A: I really don't know. Can you tell me?

  B: Sure. Walk down the street and turn right, then turn left at the comer. Take bus No. 1、4 or 5 there. Get off the bus at Da Bei Yao and Jian Guo Hotel is just across the street. Actually, I suggest you take a tube. It’ s rush hour now, buses are usually very crowded.

  VI. Homework

  1. Practise talking about the ways to school/work/hospital in oral English/orally.

  2. Make a short dialogue about asking the way.

  3. Do exercises on page 67.

  VII. Summary

  Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

at, ago, friend, family, house, new, nice, post, when,

where, understand, right

  Mary: Excuse me. Could you tell me___1___the post office is?

  Sue: Certainly. Go to the corner and turn___2___. The poet office is__3__the end of the street.

  Mary: Thank you. By the way,___4__does the post office open?

  Sue: At 10:00.

  Mary: I'm going to__5__a birthday card to my old friend in Australia. My__6___moved here only three and a half weeks__7__.

  Sue: Do you like to live here?

  Mary: Yes, I like our__8___house here, but I miss my old__9___.

  Sue: I___10__.

  Keys: l. where  2.right(left) 3.at 4.when 5.post 6.family 7.ago 8.new 9.friend 10. understand

  VIII. Writing on blackboard

Lesson 61

    Asking the way.

    1. Can you tell me the way to. . . ?

    2. Can you tell me how to get to...?

    3. Can you tell me where’s the. . . ?

    4. Can you tell me which is the way to. . . ?

    5. Can you tell me where is the. . . ?

6. Can you tell me how I can get to. . . ?

Lesson 62教学设计方案1

  一、 课题:What a good, kind girl?

  二、 教学目标:



  三、 教学重点、难点

  1、教学重点:问路的表达方式,及useful expressions

  2、教学难点:be in hospital maybe

  四、 媒体的选择与组合:



  五、 教学过程


  复习:问路的一种表达方式--Which is the way to……?由一学生根据投影片上图示发问,其余学生回答;然后师生共同复习总结问路的其他表达方式及其应答。

  引入新课,利用录像画面对本课进行内容简介,接着学生看录像,再根据录像做"判断正误"练习。转入课本,听录音,朗读对话。学生自己尝试把握重点,找出useful expressions,由教师总结、评判、投影讲解。


  1. What a kind girl!

  2. What's the matter?

  3. be in hospital

  4. maybe

  5. at the end of

  6. How kind!

  7. look around

  其中重点讲解be in hospital及maybe。投影讲解如下:


  1.be in hospital(住院)和be in the hospital(在医院里)。例:

   His mother was in the hospital.他的妈妈生病住院了。

   His mother was in the hospital.他的妈妈在医院里。

  2.maybe (也许,可能)和may be (也许是,可能是) 例:

  Maybe you are right.也许你是对的。(maybe是副词)

  You may be right(中文意思同上,但may be是两个词--情态动词 may后跟动词原形be)

  再次看录像,学生要注意模仿各角色的语音、语调及表情、动作,然后四人一组进行对话练习,抽三个组进行表演。最后做巩固练习,听写本课的useful expressions,学生写在投影片上,然后评讲。


Lesson 62教学设计方案2

Teaching Objectives: How to show the way or ask the way to a place.

Properties: Pictures, Tape-recorder

Language Focus

   what about/how about  let sb. do sth.  be happy to do sth.

Teaching Procedures

 I. Organizing the class

  T: Good morning, class!

  Ss: Good morning, teacher!

  T: Sit down, please. Who’s on duty today?

 II. Revision

  T: The student on duty starts his/her dialogue with the following words about directions. Get the students in one group to give response one by one.

  1. —Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Beijing Zoo is?

    —Certainly. Go down Xiwai street westwards, walk about 5 minutes. You can t miss it.

  2. —Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to McDonald?

    —Yes. Go along this street, it’s in front of you.

  3. —Excuse me, but I m trying to find the post office.

    —Yes, go on until you get to the end of the street.

   T: Give more information about asking the way.

  1. Is this the right way to . . .?

  2. I wonder if you could tell me where . . . is.

  3. Excuse me, which is the way to . . .?

  4. Please show me this place on the map.

  5. Is it far?

  6. Should I take a bus/trolley bus/underground train?

  7. Will it take me long to get there?

  8.Which is the shortest way to . . .?

    Showing the way:

  1. Go straight ahead and then turn right/left.

  2. Go along this road and then cross the street at the traffic lights.

  3. First right, second left, you can’t miss it.

  4. Walk down the street and turn right at the corner. The department store will be right in front of

  5. The drug store is next to /near/opposite the post office.

  6. It’s at the end of the corridor (走廊) on the left.

  7. Yes, you axe going in the right direction.

  8.Take bus/trolley bus No. 1 and then change to bus No.20 at . . ..

  9. You may take the subway/underground train/tube.

  10.I’d like you to take a tube. It saves your time.

  11. It takes you about 20 minutes to get there.

 III. Presentation

  T: Present the dialogues. Using appropriate gestures.

  1. You are hungry. You need to buy some food.

  Where is the food shop?

  2. You are a student. You need to buy some books.

  Where is the bookstore?

 IV. Practice

  T: Oral work. Complete the following dialogue in different ways.

  A: Excuse me. Could you please ________?

  B: Certainly. First _________, second _________.You can’t_________.

  A: _________________________?

  B: No, it’s only 5 minutes walk.

  A: Thanks a lot.

  B: ____________________.

 V. Learn Part 1 and Part 2

  T: Get the students to answer the questions about Part I.

  1. —What do you do when you don t know the way?

  —Excuse me . . .

  —Is this the way to . . .?

  —Which is the way to . . .?

  —Should I lake ...?

  2. —What do you do if somebody asks you the way to a place you don’t know?


  —I’m new here.

  —Ask the police.

  T: Give the students two minutes to practise the second part in groups (3 in one group). And then get them to act it out.

  T: Pair work again. They ask and answer about Part 2.

  For example: 1. How many people are there in this dialogue?

  2. Who are they?

  3. Where are they?

  4. What are they talking about?

  5. What’s the matter with the woman?

  6. Did she find it at last?

  7. Where will the woman go?

  8. Why will she go there?

  9. Is it far?

  10. How long will it take the woman to get there?

  11. How will she go there?

  12. Will she go to the hospital alone?

  13. Who will go with her?

  14. Is she a good girl?

  15. Do you want to learn from the girl?

 VI. Practice

  T: Get the students to listen to the tape again, and ask one of the students to retell the text with his/her own words.

  Learn language points;

  1. What’s the matter?

  What’s wrong?

  What’s your trouble?

  What’s up!

  2. What can I do for you?

  Can I help you?

  3. What about doing sth.?

  How about doing sth.?

  4. had better do sth.

  had better not do sth.

  5. be happy to do sth.

    be glad to do sth.

    be pleased to do sth.

    be lucky to do sth.

  6. look around

    walk around

    travel around

    T: You are sure time is OK. Get them to practise the key sentences above orally.

 VII. Exercises in class

  1.What about...? 怎么样? (你以为如何?)

  (1)What about a glass of cherry?

  (2)What about sending him a copy?

  (3) What about inviting her here?

  2.How about...? 怎么样? ……行吗?……呢?

  (1)How about another piece of pie?

  (2) How about you? I’m going to have orange juice.

  (3) How about coming with us to the club?

  3. It takes sb. . ..to do...

  (1) It takes me half an hour to go to school.

  (2) It will take me one and a half hours to go there.

  VIII. Homework

  1. Make sentences with the phrases that the teacher mentions in class.

  2. Do exercises on page 68.

  Writing on blackboard

Lesson 62

What a good, kind girl!

    1.The old woman couldn’t find the address of the hospital.

    2. A girl helped her to find the address of the hospital.

    3. They asked a policeman the way to North Street Hospital.

    4. They took the No .72 bus.

    5. The old woman met her husband in the hospital.

Lesson 63教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives: To master the words of thinking when people are not sure.

Language Focus

   It may be in . . .  So it is.  the key to the door  help sb. do sth.

Properties: Pictures, Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching Procedures

  I. Organizing the class

  T: Good morning, class!

  Ss: Good morning, teacher!

  T: Sit down, please. Who's on duty today?

  II. Revision

  T: Get the students to listen to the tape or read by the teacher.

  (Tape)Dad: Where are my glasses. Sue? Are they over there?

  Sue: Where? Dad?

  D: There! Near that box.

  S: No, they aren’t here, Dad.

  D: But they aren’t under the newspaper.

  S: Dad, perhaps they are in your pocket.

  D: So they are. How silly of me!

  T: Invite two students to act the scene. One plays the part of Father, the other one plays the part of Sue.

  III. Presentation

  Show the picture on the blackboard. Practise questioning about on Page 8.

  1. Where are they? -Library.

  2. Who are they? -Maybe one is a student, the other is an assistant who works in the library.

  3. What can't he find? -He can't find his geography book.

  4. Where is it? -It may be in his bag.

  5. Did he find it at last? -Yes.

  6. What's his response? -Ah, so it is.

  IV. Practice

  T: You can get them to practise speaking in another way. The student can't find the library card. Start this dialogue with this reason.

  A: What can I do for you?

  B: I want to borrow some books.  But I can't find my library card.

  A: It may be in your inside pocket.

  B: Ah, so it is.

  V. Learn Part 1

  T: Encourage the students to imagine what words they can talk. Two in pairs work on the 2nd Picture and the 3rd Picture.

  For example: 1. Picture 2.

  A: Excuse me, how much can I pay?

  B: $50, please.

  A: Here you are.

  B: Thank you. Here is your change.

  A: Bye.

  B: Bye-bye!

  2. Picture 3.

  A: What are you doing, Dad?

  B: I’m making some cakes for breakfast.

  A: Let me help you, dad.

  B: You can cut the cake.

  A: All right.

  VI. Learn Part 2

  T: Give the prompts on the blackboard. Get them to practise the dialogue with them.

  Teach the words “find” and tell the difference between “find” and “look for”. One emphasizs the action, the other one emphasizs the result.

  For example:

  1. I lost my key. I can't find it.

  2. Just now I looked for it, but I couldn't find it.

  VII. Learn Part3

  T: Ask the students what they are going to do the next day. One student comes to the front to write them out on the blackboard.

  Such as: help sb. do sth.

   help sb. with sth.

   watch TV

   play basketball/football

   go fishing/traveling…

  T: Give the class a few minutes to practise the dialogues with the Future Tense: “be going to do”. And then you ask the students, what's your response if you are not sure? Get the students to know when to use the word “may”.

  Get one student to stand up.

  T: What are you going to do tomorrow?

  S: I’m not sure.

  I may go to the library to borrow some books.

  T: When the class understand what you mean, get them to practise the dialogue in Part 3.

  T: Learn language points:

  help sb. do(美国人不加to时较多)

  help to do

  help sb. with sth.

  1. I can’t make you happy myself, but I can help another man to do it.

  2. I’ll help you solve it.

  3. She helped to organize the women for singing.

  4. She helped him with his English.

  watch a play on TV

  see a film in the theatre

  look at the birds in the sky

  notice sb. enter the roam

  show sb. a book/a photo

  You can write the phrases above on the blackboard. Make the students understand what's the difference among them.

  VIII. Exercises in class

  1. help oneself to. ..是“自己取食”的意思。

    Mary, help yourself to some fish.

  2.can't help doing. ..的意思是“忍不住”。

    I can t help crying.

  3.with the help. ..的意思是“在……帮助下”。

    I’m examining it carefully with the help of the doctor.

    IX. Homework

  1. Look up the modal verb “may”.

  2. Make sentences with “may”.

  3. Do exercises on page 69.

  X. Summary

  may: used to indicate possibility or probability. 用于表示“可能”“或许”

  1. May I come in?

  2. May I make a suggestion?

  3. You may have a chance.

  4 .You may leave now.

  XI. Writing on blackboard

   Lesson 63

1. Can/May I...?

2. A: I can’t find . . . .

  B: It may be in/on . . . .

  A: Ah, so it is.

3. What are you going to do . . .?

  Is he/she going to do . . .?

  Are they going to do . . .?


Lesson 64教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives: To master the modal verbs “may” “can”.

  Get the students to talk about the possibility of may and can.

Language Focus: five minutes’ walk

  If you hurry, you’ll do. . . .

  If it snows tomorrow, we’ll. . .

  help sb.

Properties: Tape-recorder, Overhead projector

Teaching Procedures:

  I. Organizing the class

  Greetings between the teacher and the students and begins a duty report.

  II. Revision

  T: Check the students 'homework and get them to give some sentences with the modal verbs “may” and “can”.

  Practise asking permission. (Pick up one group to stand up.)

  1. May I go out now?

  2. Can I have a seat here?

  3. May I have your name, please?

  4. He may know about that.

  5. That can be dangerous.

  6. It may be in his pocket.

  III. Presentation

  T: Draw a picture about a girl who is in a hurry.

   T: Get the students to imagine what happens to the girl. Give them one minute to prepare for it.

  S1: Excuse me. Where is the toilet?

  S2: Sorry. Ask that schoolgirl. She may know.

  IV. Learn Part 1

  T: Play the tape twice, and the then question about it. Help the students do exercises on page 70.

  V. Practice

  T: When the students answer the questions about the 1st part.

  For example:

  1. What does it talk about?

  2. When did it happen?


  T: And then ask the students to look at Part 2 of the lesson and practise it in pairs. If the person you ask doesn’t know the way. Guess the response. Perhaps, he says “Sorry” and then goes away. If you ask another person who doesn't know the way, either. You guess what his/her answer is then. Maybe he suggests you ask others and the following response maybe he knows or he may know and so on. You are really sure that they know the information about it. Get them to divide into pairs to work.

  VI. Learn Part 3

  T: Ask one student to come to the front to draw a map based on the student s reciting. And check whether it's right or not.

  T: Learn Language points:

  1. get to:

  (1) When did he get to the farm?

  (2) I’ll tell him about it when they arrive on the farm.

  (3) We cam reach there before 9: 00.


  “go on” differs from the phrases above.

  Go on means continue walking.

  (1)You can go down this road.

  (2)Let’s go up the street.

  (3)Go on until you reach the bank.

  3. turn left/right

  Turn left at the lights and go ahead.

  4. take the first turning on the left/right

  Remember to take the first turning on the right, you can't miss it.

  5. How long: How long will you stay there?

  How often: How often does she call on you?

  How soon: How soon will ins father be back?

  How tall: How tall are you?

  1. Practice

  T: Give some prompts to the students and then get them to practise. Encourage the students to practise talking about real way to school from home.

  VII. Learn Part 4 and part 5

  T: Ask the students to look at the map on page 6 and help them make up a simple dialogue first and then tell the class where the place is.

  Here are some language points:

  1. five minutes walk

  (1) If you walk there, it will take you five minutes’ walk.

  (2) If you drive there, it will take you one minute.

  2. one minute’s walk

  (Tell the students the sentence pattern: “if” is used with the simple present tense and the main clause is in the future tense)

  3. had better do sth.

  had better not do sth.

  (1) He’d better sit down, hadn’t he?

  (2) We’d better not stay here.

  T: The following phrases you can get them to practise orally.

  1. next to: beside

  2. get there:

  3. It’s easy to do sth.

  (1) It’s difficult for me to work out this maths problem.

  (2) It’s hard to say.

  4. go wrong, get lost

  T: When the students master the main phrases in the text, you can write the key words and expressions on the blackboard. Get them to make a short story.

  IX. Exercises in class


  1.    Turn left.

  2.    Turn right.

  3.    Don’t turn left.

  4.    Don’t turn right.

  5.    Don’t drive into this street.

  6.    Don’t stop your car.

  7.    Walk across the road.

  8.    Don’t walk across the road.

  X. Homework

  1. Give a short summary about Unit 16 and write it out in the exercise books.

  2 .You can tell the class to write a short passage about asking directions.

  3. Go over checkpoint of this unit.

  4. Finish exercises of Unit 16 on page 70, page 72.

  XI. Summary


  1. She had to buy something on this list, hadn't she?

  2. If it rains tomorrow, I go with you.

  3. There is a video here, isn't it?

  4. Nobody wanted to see the film, didn’t he?

  5. It will take you 10 minutes drive.

  6.The bridge is 5 metres’ long.

  7. There is a man standing in the right hand side.

  8. There was no signs on the way to school.

  Keys: 1. hadn't→didn't 2. go→will go 3. it→there 4. he→they 5. minutes→minutes’  6.

  metres’ →metres 7. in→on 8. signs→sign

  XII. Writing on blackboard

Lesson 64

  1. Asking the way;

Excuse me.

2. Mrs Lee.

《Unit 16 What a good, kind girl!》

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