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The Swedish rock band


  (1)New word and phrase: rock, band, concert, give a concert, tonight, singer, journalist, famous, song, more than, thousand, accident, careless, fall down, break, go on, someone, heart, past, end, at the end of, happen, part, tourist, go back, in a hurry, grape, science, marry, get married, subject, friendship, anyone, Swedish, Sweden Beatles, Stockholm, Liverpool

  (2)Grammar: 一般过去时态(三)



  there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式

  I didn’t see many tourists here.

  They didn’t stop the concert after the accident.

  (3)日常交际用语:Is this your first visit to…?

  How many…were there…?

  There was /were…

  Was/were there…?

  They got married in…

  (4)语音/s/ s, ss, se ,c/z /z, s, se /sp/ sp /st/ st /sm/ sm /sw/ sw




  (4)能运用there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式进行交际。




  本单元主要教学内容是围绕谈论过去经历的事情。Lesson 37主题是采访歌手。Lesson 38是介绍演唱会的过程。there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式是本课的重点。Lesson 39是介绍旅游过的景点。Lesson 40是介绍父辈们的经历。一般过去时态的教学贯彻始终整个单元。要求教师多创设情景使学生能灵活掌握一般过去时态的用法。

  Lesson 37的对话和Lesson 39选择式对话,突出了一般过去时态疑问句的句式特点,一定要用助动词did来完成(指的是行为动词)。Lesson 38和Lesson 40中的两篇文章“Yesterday’ in concert!”“My father”,不但训练了我们的阅读理解能力,而且教我们如何用一般过去时态去写过去的事情。同时“My father”给我们的单元写作训练提供了范例,可让学生模仿写一篇家人的文章。





  Name: Lan Lan

  The past: always forget her homework, sometimes late for school, careless

  Now: study hard, never forget her homework, get to school early



  Lan Lan’s father: Hello!

  Lan Lan’s teacher: Hello!Are you Lan Lan’s father?

  Lan Lan’s father: Yes, I am.

  Lan Lan’s teacher: I am Lan Lan’s teacher.

  Lan Lan’s father: Glad to meet you.

  Lan Lan’s teacher: Glad to meet you too.

  Lan Lan’s father: Can you tell me something about Lan Lan?

  Lan Lan’s teacher: Ok.

  Lan Lan’s father: Did Lan Lan often forget her homework?

  Lan Lan’s teacher: Yes. But not now. She always finishes her homework on time.

  Lan Lan’s father: Was she often late for school?

  Lan Lan’s teacher: Yes, she did in the past. but now she never gets to school late.

  Lan Lan’s father: Is she still careless?

  Lan Lan’s teacher: No, she studies harder than before.


  (3)课本的第二部分主要是讲解there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式,教师可以将它改编成一段记叙文。如下:

  There were four singers in the band last year. There were also some women in it.

  But there was a problem at that time. One of the singers wasn’t good. People didn’t like her. There are three singers now. There isn’t a problem any more.


      要求学生能讲述一个自己所经历的故事,教师可以设计一个开头,如:It was Sunday yesterday. I went to the park with my classmate. It was very hot. On my way to the park I saw an old man walk along the street. Suddenly, he fell down the street 让学生自由完成后续部分。

  根据阅读课文My father来写一篇介绍学生家庭成员(grandmother/ grandfather)的文章。让学生先就课文所提示的问题向他们的祖父母进行调查,这些问题涉及到他们的出生年代,所受教育,婚姻、子女及工作状况。然后分小组对各人所了解的情况进行讨论,以便互相补充和启发。

关于there be结构的一般过去时的建议


  (1)There is a book on the desk. There was a book on the desk a moment ago.

  (2)There are some apples in the bag. There were some apples on in the bag yesterday.

   然后教师在使用实物教学使学生完全掌握此结构。例如教师在桌上放一些实物问What is / are there on the desk? 学生根据实际情况答There is / are …on it. 教师还可问Is there…? Are there…? How many …are there? 并把这些问题写在黑板上。问答完毕,教师可把桌上的东西收起来,然后问:What was there on the desk a moment ago? Was there…? Were there…? How many …were there? 等问题,可帮助学生回答。

There be 结构与have / has

          在英语里表示“什么地方或时间存在什么事物或人”时,要用there be结构。在此结构里,there 是引导词,本身没有词意,be是谓语动词,be后的名词是主语,主、谓语的数必须一致,句子的结尾是地点或时间状语。如:

    There is a ruler on the desk.

    There are many students on the playground.


  1. there be结构变成否定式时,须在动词be后加not(a / any)或no。变成疑问句时,将be放在there之前,句中如有助动词时要把助动词放在there之前,句子其余部分不变。如:

    There aren’t any pencils in the pencil-box.

    There are no pencils in the pencil-box. 

    Is there any milk in the bottle?

  Will there be a meeting next week.

  2. there be结构有两个并列主语时,要根据就近的主语原则确定谓语是单数还是复数。如:

    There is a boy and two girls in the picture.

    There are two girls and a boy in the picture.

  3. There be 结构中的be可有不同的时态,而且可以和各种助动词和情态动词连用。如:

    There is going to be a sports meeting in our school in May.

    There must have been an accident there. (现在完成时,以后我们会学到的)。

  4. there be结构中的谓语动词be,有时可用seem to be, happen to be, used to be, stand, live等词或词组来代替。如:

     Once upon a time, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle.


     There seems to be something wrong with you.

     There stands a tall tower in the middle of the square. 在广场中央竖立着一座高塔。

  5. 注意there be 结构与have / has 的区别。there be表示“存在有”,而have / has 则强调人或物体本身“具有”(has 只用于第三人称单数)。如:

    My sister has many toys.

    China has a long history.

    We have a lot of friends.

    have / has变成否定式时,应在其后加not或借助于助动词don’t或doesn’t;变成疑问句时,将have / has提在主语前或借助于助动词do或does放在主语前。如:

    I have not a bottle of orange.

    I don’t have a bottle of orange.

    Do you have a red pen?

    Have you a red pen?

    注:I have no Chinese car. = I don’t have a Chinese car.


  (1)New word and phrase: rock, band, concert, give a concert, tonight, singer, journalist, famous, song, more than, thousand, accident, careless, fall down, break, go on, someone, heart, past, end, at the end of, happen, part, tourist, go back, in a hurry, grape, science, marry, get married, subject, friendship, anyone, Swedish, Sweden Beatles, Stockholm, Liverpool

  (2)Grammar: 一般过去时态(三)



  there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式

  I didn’t see many tourists here.

  They didn’t stop the concert after the accident.

  (3)日常交际用语:Is this your first visit to…?

  How many…were there…?

  There was /were…

  Was/were there…?

  They got married in…

  (4)语音/s/ s, ss, se ,c/z /z, s, se /sp/ sp /st/ st /sm/ sm /sw/ sw




  (4)能运用there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式进行交际。




  本单元主要教学内容是围绕谈论过去经历的事情。Lesson 37主题是采访歌手。Lesson 38是介绍演唱会的过程。there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式是本课的重点。Lesson 39是介绍旅游过的景点。Lesson 40是介绍父辈们的经历。一般过去时态的教学贯彻始终整个单元。要求教师多创设情景使学生能灵活掌握一般过去时态的用法。

  Lesson 37的对话和Lesson 39选择式对话,突出了一般过去时态疑问句的句式特点,一定要用助动词did来完成(指的是行为动词)。Lesson 38和Lesson 40中的两篇文章“Yesterday’ in concert!”“My father”,不但训练了我们的阅读理解能力,而且教我们如何用一般过去时态去写过去的事情。同时“My father”给我们的单元写作训练提供了范例,可让学生模仿写一篇家人的文章。





  Name: Lan Lan

  The past: always forget her homework, sometimes late for school, careless

  Now: study hard, never forget her homework, get to school early



  Lan Lan’s father: Hello!

  Lan Lan’s teacher: Hello!Are you Lan Lan’s father?

  Lan Lan’s father: Yes, I am.

  Lan Lan’s teacher: I am Lan Lan’s teacher.

  Lan Lan’s father: Glad to meet you.

  Lan Lan’s teacher: Glad to meet you too.

  Lan Lan’s father: Can you tell me something about Lan Lan?

  Lan Lan’s teacher: Ok.

  Lan Lan’s father: Did Lan Lan often forget her homework?

  Lan Lan’s teacher: Yes. But not now. She always finishes her homework on time.

  Lan Lan’s father: Was she often late for school?

  Lan Lan’s teacher: Yes, she did in the past. but now she never gets to school late.

  Lan Lan’s father: Is she still careless?

  Lan Lan’s teacher: No, she studies harder than before.


  (3)课本的第二部分主要是讲解there be结构过去时态的陈述句,疑问句及否定句形式,教师可以将它改编成一段记叙文。如下:

  There were four singers in the band last year. There were also some women in it.

  But there was a problem at that time. One of the singers wasn’t good. People didn’t like her. There are three singers now. There isn’t a problem any more.


      要求学生能讲述一个自己所经历的故事,教师可以设计一个开头,如:It was Sunday yesterday. I went to the park with my classmate. It was very hot. On my way to the park I saw an old man walk along the street. Suddenly, he fell down the street 让学生自由完成后续部分。

  根据阅读课文My father来写一篇介绍学生家庭成员(grandmother/ grandfather)的文章。让学生先就课文所提示的问题向他们的祖父母进行调查,这些问题涉及到他们的出生年代,所受教育,婚姻、子女及工作状况。然后分小组对各人所了解的情况进行讨论,以便互相补充和启发。

关于there be结构的一般过去时的建议


  (1)There is a book on the desk. There was a book on the desk a moment ago.

  (2)There are some apples in the bag. There were some apples on in the bag yesterday.

   然后教师在使用实物教学使学生完全掌握此结构。例如教师在桌上放一些实物问What is / are there on the desk? 学生根据实际情况答There is / are …on it. 教师还可问Is there…? Are there…? How many …are there? 并把这些问题写在黑板上。问答完毕,教师可把桌上的东西收起来,然后问:What was there on the desk a moment ago? Was there…? Were there…? How many …were there? 等问题,可帮助学生回答。

There be 结构与have / has

          在英语里表示“什么地方或时间存在什么事物或人”时,要用there be结构。在此结构里,there 是引导词,本身没有词意,be是谓语动词,be后的名词是主语,主、谓语的数必须一致,句子的结尾是地点或时间状语。如:

    There is a ruler on the desk.

    There are many students on the playground.


  1. there be结构变成否定式时,须在动词be后加not(a / any)或no。变成疑问句时,将be放在there之前,句中如有助动词时要把助动词放在there之前,句子其余部分不变。如:

    There aren’t any pencils in the pencil-box.

    There are no pencils in the pencil-box. 

    Is there any milk in the bottle?

  Will there be a meeting next week.

  2. there be结构有两个并列主语时,要根据就近的主语原则确定谓语是单数还是复数。如:

    There is a boy and two girls in the picture.

    There are two girls and a boy in the picture.

  3. There be 结构中的be可有不同的时态,而且可以和各种助动词和情态动词连用。如:

    There is going to be a sports meeting in our school in May.

    There must have been an accident there. (现在完成时,以后我们会学到的)。

  4. there be结构中的谓语动词be,有时可用seem to be, happen to be, used to be, stand, live等词或词组来代替。如:

     Once upon a time, there lived in Greece a great thinker named Aristotle.


     There seems to be something wrong with you.

     There stands a tall tower in the middle of the square. 在广场中央竖立着一座高塔。

  5. 注意there be 结构与have / has 的区别。there be表示“存在有”,而have / has 则强调人或物体本身“具有”(has 只用于第三人称单数)。如:

    My sister has many toys.

    China has a long history.

    We have a lot of friends.

    have / has变成否定式时,应在其后加not或借助于助动词don’t或doesn’t;变成疑问句时,将have / has提在主语前或借助于助动词do或does放在主语前。如:

    I have not a bottle of orange.

    I don’t have a bottle of orange.

    Do you have a red pen?

    Have you a red pen?

    注:I have no Chinese car. = I don’t have a Chinese car.

Lesson 37教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives:
  By the end of the lesson, Ss should be able to interview somebody.

    Properties: Tape recorder. Overhead projector, posters of bands

    Language FOCUS: give a concert  journalist  band  the Beatles  Sweden-Swedish

    Teaching Procedures:

      I. Revision

      Dictate the words in Unit 9.

      II. Leading - in

      1. Listen to a song by the band “the Beatles”.

      2. Ask the Ss whether they know any bands of Sweden.

      III. Teaching the dialogue

      1. Listen and (Finish the chart), making sure the Ss understand the dialogue.

2. Language points

        (1) Sweden→Swedish

        (2) give a concert

         eg. Leon will give a concert at capital Gymnasium on May 4th.

        (3) journalist

         eg. Even wants to be a journalist after graduation.


         eg. My favourite band is “H. O.T.”

        (5)the Beatles

       3. Retell sth. about the Swedish rock band according to the dialogue.

       4. Go over the interview in Ex. 2

       5. Make up a similar interview.

        eg. interview “the Beatles” or one’s favourite band.

       6. Act out the interview.

       IV. Exercises in class

       Dictation: The Swedish rock band “Yesterday” is going to give a concert in Kunming tonight. The band is made up of three members.

  They call themselves “Yesterday”, because they like old music. They sing in English because people in many countries can understand English songs.

  Complete the dialogue according to Lesson 37.

       A: Hello! I am a ______ from the CCTV.

       B: Hello! I’m Erik, a ______ in the Swedish ______ band.

       A: Is this your first visit ______ China?

       B: No, we ______ here last year.

       A: ______ were you only three singers in your band?

       B: Became one of ______ left the band last month.

       A: Why do you ______ your band ‘Yesterday’?

       B: Because we like old ______.

       A: You come from ______. Why do you sing ______ English?

       B: Most Swedish people can ______ English. People in many countries can ______ English songs.

       A: When are you going to give a ______?

       B: We are going to make it ______.

       A: This evening? That s great! Can you sing some songs in ______?

       B: Sorry, but I want to learn Chinese. Next time I may sing a Chinese song _______ you.

       A: OK. Good ______ this evening!

       B: Thank you! Bye!

  Answers: journalist singer rock to were Why us call music Sweden in speak understand concert tonight Chinese for luck.

       V. Homework

       Writing: my Favourite Band/Singer

        Requirements: approximately 100 words

        Introduction of the band + why do you like it.

  VI. The design of the blackboard

Lesson 37

the Swedish rock band       your first visit to…

visit China                 leave the band

give a concert              a band called The Beatles’

Lesson 38教学设计方案


  (1)掌握重点单词和词组:at the end of ,gave a concert , more than





  Step 1 Revision.

  (1)Dictation:要求学生写出下列单词的过去式:give, enjoy, jump, fall, break, sing, learn,


                   Past                   Now

          主语+动词过去式      主语+动词原形(当主语为第三人称单数动词词尾加s)

 (3)Ask the Ss to say something about the Swedish band “Yesterday” they knew about from the last lesson, so as to lead to today’s topic.

  Step2 Leading - in

  T: Last time, we know a Swedish band “Yesterday” is visiting China and is going to give a concert in Kunming. In today’s lesson, let’s go to their concert and find out what happened.

  Discuss the following question in small group.

  A.      Do you like music?

  B.      Which band does you like best?

  C.      Why do you like it?

  Step3 Presentation

  1. Look at the picture and describe what the concert is like. Do you think it’s a successful concert?

     2. Have you ever been to a concert? Can you describe one that gave you very deep impression?

     3. Answer the questions according to what one heard.

     When and where did the Swedish rock band give their concert?

     How many people were at the concert?

     Why were there so many people?

  Were there many old people there? Why not?

     How many singers were there at the start of the concert?

     What happened in the middle of the concert?

     Did the concert go on after Max left?

     What did Erik do at the end of the concert?

     How did he learn the Chinese song?

     Did Elsa sing a song in Chinese?

  4. Open the books and ask the Ss to go over the passage slowly by themselves after understanding the general idea of the passage.

     5. Explain

        (1) more than  less than

           eg. There’re more than 100 teachers in our school.

        (2) fall (fell) down

           eg. Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk.

        (3) go on = continue


 eg. Go on trying and you II succeed.

              Let’s go on to discuss the next project.

              I’m sorry to interrupt you. Please go on with your speech.

       (4) at the end of  at the start/beginning of

       eg. At the start of the new term, I made many plans, but I found few were done at the end at the term.

  6. 最后教师让学生根据课文填写此表


Last night





More than five thousand people were there

In the middle

Max had an accident. He broke

his leg. But they went on.

In the end

Erik sang a song In Chinese

  7. Retell the passage.


  Step 4 Exercises in class

        1  the night of April 21, the  2   rock band “Yesterday”  3  a concert in Kunming. More than 5000 people were at the concert and  4  of them were young people.

        5  the concert an accident happened. The Max  6  and  7  his leg. He was taken to hospital. The other two singers   8  the concert. Eriks even   9   a Chinese song, because he likes   10  Chinese songs.

    1. A. on          B. at          C. in

    2. A. Sweden      B. Swedish      C. Swiss

    3. A. gives        B. given         C. gave

    4. A. many        B. plenty        C. most

    5. A. At          B. At the end of   C. In the middle of

  6. A. fell down     B. fell off        C. fell over

  7. A. broken       B. broke         C. breaks

  8. A. went on      B. went on to    C. went on with

    9. A. sang         B. sings         C. song

  10.A. listen        B. listening to   C. hearing




  There are ________ ________ five thousand students in our school.


  One of the _______ ______ a ________ ________ in the ________ _______ the concert.


  He asked the child _________ _________ jump _________ ________ ________.


  I’m very _______, but my brother is very ________.


  He ______ ______ from the bike and ______ his leg yesterday.


  I’m ______ ______ ______ English and I want to learn it ______.

  Answers: 1. more than 2. singers had, little accident, middle of 3. not to, up and down 4. careful, careless   5. fell down, broke 6. trying to learn, well

  Step5 Summary



    1. Retell the passage

  2.Wb. Exercise

 The design of the blackboard

Lesson 38

                   ‘Yesterday’ in Concert!

give a concert                      fall down

more than five thousand people        go on

have an accident                    at the end of …

jump up and down                  try to learn Chinese

be careless                         at the start of …

Lesson 39教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives: Develop the skill of speaking: an interview

Properties: Maps, Pictures of Xinjiang and Tibet

Language Focus: go back   in a hurry.

Teaching Procedures:

      I. Revision

      Check retelling given as homework last time

      II. Leading - in

      Have you ever been to Tibet or Xinjiang? Show pictures of the two places and ask the Ss to say sth. from their own knowledge. Tell Ss Erik has been there.

      III. Practice

     1. Ask the Ss to do the match exercise by themselves.

     2. Check the answer

     3. Pairwork: practise the interview between Li Weiyin and Erik.

     4. Act out the interview.

     IV. Practice

     1. Interview Erik and Elsa. Ask one group of Ss to be interviewers and prepare interview possible questions. The other Ss are Erik and Elsa. They should be ready for being interviewed.

     2. Act out the interview.

     V. Exercises in class

     Reorder the following sentences.

     1. Erik went to Xinjiang by train.

     2. He liked Tulufan best.

     3. He went back to Sweden.

     4.The people of Tulufan are friendly, and their music and dancing are beautiful.

  5. Erik went to Tibet.

  Key: l 2453



  Did you _______ Beijing?


  I like Xingjiang’s _________ and ________.


  There are ________ _________ _________ _________ in Tulufan.


  Did you visit _______ _______ _______ of China before you _______ to Beijing?


  He ________ _________ _________ yesterday, so he went to school ________ _______ ______.

  Answers: 1. visit   2. music, dancing  3. lots of delicious grapes   4. any other place, came   5. got up late, in a hurry

  VI. Homework

     1. Writing; Interview Erik and Elsa

 VII. The design of the blackboard

Lesson 39

  Did you visit any other part of China?

  What did you see there?

  I wasn’t in a hurry.

Lesson 40教学设计方案

Teaching Objectives:
  Develop the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, and revise the whole unit

Properties: Tape recorder, Overhead projector

Language Focus:
  /s/ s ss se c  /z/ z s se  /sp - / sp  /st-/st   /sk - / sk sch  /sw - / sw  /sm-/ sm        get married

Teaching Objectives:

     I. Revision

     Ask the Ss to say out the interview between a journalist and Erik and Elsa.

     II. Listening

     1. Ask the Ss to summarize the pronunciation rules of the sounds /s/ /z/ /sp - / /st-/ /sk-/ /sw- / /sm - / give some example words.

     2. Read the words in the book and check their voices to see if they are correct

     3.Listen and repeat

     (1)1st time: Listen and catch the main idea

     (2)2nd time: Listen to the exercise on Page 128

     (3)3rd time: Listen and check

     III. Reading

     1. Ask the Ss to read the passage by themselves, bearing the following questions in mind.

     When and where Elsa’s father born?

  What are her parents?

     What is her father good at? And what isn’t he good at?

     Say what happened in each year







    2.Check the comprehension questions.

    3. Listen and practise reading. Explain the usage of “marry”.

     marry, vi.       eg. Harry didn’t marry until 50.

     marry. vt. ~ sb.   eg. John is going to marry Jane.

     be/get married   eg. They’ve got married for 4 years.

    4. Retell the passage

    5. Consolidation: chain reading

  IV. Writing

    A Family Member

  V. Rhyme. Friendship

  VI. Go over the main points of the whole unit

  VII. Exercises in class

    Find out one word with the different pronunciation

    1. A. miss    B. cross    C. perhaps    D. his

    2.A.rise     B. blouse   C. surprise    D. house

  3.A.school   B. much   C. child      D. choose

  4. A. page   B. large    C. garden     D. sausage

    5.A.who    B. while   C. why      D. where

  Key: D D A C A

  Fill in the blanks according to the text.

    Elsa’s father was born is ______, the capital of Sweden. When he was at school, he was bad at ____ and ______. His _____ sport was football. In 1967, he ______ Elsa's mother. He liked ‘The Beatles’ ______.

  Answers: Stockholm maths science favourite manned best

  VIII. Homework

    1. Revise the whole unit

  2.Wb. Exercise

  3. Writing: A Family Member
IX. The design of the blackboard

Lesson 40

/s/   My Father

/z/   be born in Stockholm in

/sp-/  live there for …

/st-/   be good at …

/sk-/  like sports

/sm-/  play for…

/sw-/  get married






Birth place

Birth date



My   father









Grand mother








  My grandfather was born in London in 1929. He worked in a school after graduation. In 1959 he came to China and worked in a middle school. He taught English there. Then he went back to England.



  Watching a concert









In the middle


In the end



  There was a music concert today. We all went to watch it. It was very interesting. The concert started at 7:00 and was over at 10:00. There were more than two thousand people in the concert. Most of them were students and young people.

  …   …

《The Swedish rock band》

  • 上一篇范文: Shall we go to the zoo?
  • 下一篇范文: Come to the party

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