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nbsp;                         5)It’s about four hundred yards down this                   street.
                                                       6)It’s about…yards from here.
                                                7) It’s just at the end of the street. You                  can’t miss it.
                                                   8) I’m sorry I don’t know. I’m a stranger                  here myself.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Revision
1. Warming-up exercises
Ss talk about their activities during the summer vacation
2. Talking about films and TV-plays with Ss
Possible questions:
1) Do you like going to the cinemas or watching TV-plays at home?
2) What kind of films do you enjoy?
3) Do you like watching cartoons?
4) Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Step 2  Presentation
1. T: I know you’ve traveled a lot to different places in China or abroad. Today we’ll go to a well-known place which is in Los Angeles, USA. As you know, not only children but also adults like to go there. It’s Disneyland(第3页).
2. Introduction
Ss introduce Disneyland(第3页), using the information they got on the net.
3. Description
Ss look at the picture of the Sleeping Beauty Castle and describe the picture
“On the top of the tower there is an American flag. At the entrance is the word ?Disneyland(第3页). In front of the building there is a garden, in which flowers form a picture of Mickey Mouse.”
Step 3 Listening
1. T plays the tape for Ss to listen to the dialogue as a whole and find out the functional sentences
T: “Carl who has left San Francisco is now working as a guide at Disneyland(第3页). Listen to the conversation between Carl and the visitors. Pay special attention to the questions.”
3. Ss listen and tell the questions & the answers
Step 4 Drill and Practice
1. Ss read the dialogue in halves
2. Ss read the dialogue in pairs, trying to remember it or make a new one. ( asking the way and showing the way)
Step 5 Listening Practice
1. P 145
Help Ss go through the words in Ex. 1 and make sure they understand them.
2. Listening Practice
3. Checking answers
Ex. 1: The Film Studios (interesting)/The Tomorrow Land (very interesting) /Adventure Land (interesting) /The Sleeping Beauty Castle (not very interesting) / The Mountain Train (very interesting)
Ex. 3: a T-shirt/ a necklace/ a hat/ toys for her sister’s children/presents for her friends
Ex. 4: 1. Well, make sure you go to the Tomorrow Land.
        2. You can spend a whole morning there.
        3. What else is there to do?
        4. you can go to the Film Studios.
         5. You can buy different things from all over the world.
Step 6  Language Points
6. ahead   adv.
1) Just walk ahead for a few minutes, and you’ll see the cinema.
2) We finished the task ahead of time.
3) May I speak to Mary, please?
  --Just go ahead.
7. Go through the gate and you’ll find the entrance.  = If you go through the gate, you’ll find the entrance. / Go through the gate, or you won’t find the entrance.
1) Use your brain and you’ll find a way.
2) If you study hard, you’ll surely make progress.
3) Hurry up! Or we’ll miss the last train.
8. Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to…?
9. rest room = toilet ( in American English )
10. sign n.& vt. & vi 符号;标记;迹象;签名;做手势
mathematic signs数学符号;traffic signs交通牌;make signs to sb. 向某人做手势
1) The policeman signed for them to stop. 2) Are the dark clouds a sign of rain?
Step 7  Workbook
1. WB Ex. 2 Read the dialogue and put each of the names in the right place
2. make a new dialogue according to the given one
Assignment:  1. Read the dialogue
       2. Revise the sentence patterns / words /phrases
       3. Oral work: make a dialogue ? Asking the way



教学设计方案Lesson 2

Teaching Aims:
1. Knowledge
1) Teach some required words and phrases
2) Grammar: Learning how to use the object clause correctly
2. Ability
1) Reading Comprehension
2) learning how to use the Object Clause correctly
3) Being able to introduce a famous person
3. Emotional Motivation ? make Ss learn something from Walt Disney, trying to work hard and study hard
Main Points: 1. Learning to use the following expressions in the retelling work
take along; in the hope of; have no luck; be well-known as; lose heart; be pleased with;
Teaching Methods:
1. Questions and answers
2. Discussions
3. Role-plays
Teaching Aids: 1. Computer 2. Tape-recorder
Bb Design:
Unit 1 Lesson 2 Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Born: Chicago’ 1901            take along
Died: in 1966               in the hope of
Wish: to be a famous artist         have no luck
Work: artist’ cartoon-maker’ film-maker  be well-known as
Cartoon characters: ( )           los


  • 上一篇范文: Body language
  • 下一篇范文: 单元整体教案NSEFCII-U02(The Second period)

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