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f the city will be destroyed. 如果那是个大地震的话,城市的大部分地区将要被毁掉。
  I would like a pound of apples, the red ones. 我要一英镑苹果,红苹果。
  He had no excuse for his being late, but he had to fine one. 他迟到找不着借口,但是他必须找一个。
  If you dont like these cups, I have other ones. 要是你不喜欢这些杯子,我还有别的。
  9.Third, you must make the houses as strong as possible. 第三,应该把房屋建的尽可能结实。
  As…as possible是个固定搭配,中间可加形容词或副词,意思为“尽可能的…”。
  He had his breakfast as quickly as possible. 他尽可能快的吃了早饭。
  Please come as early as possible tomorrow. 明天请尽可能早来。
  They keep the classroom as clean as possible.他们尽可能的保持教室清洁。
  12.Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake , but strong ones may stay up. 不结实的建筑物会在地震中倒塌,而结实的建筑物则可能安然无恙。
  短语stay up 的意思是“挺立,站立,熬夜”等。
  You must stay up in time of difficulty. 困难面前你必须要挺住。
  He stayed up all night. 他通宵未睡。
  He has been working for almost a whole day, but he can stay up. 他干了快一整天了,但是还是挺得住。
  1.A is three (four/ five….) times bigger (more/ longer/ higher….) than B. A 比B大(多/高/长…)三(四/五…)倍。
  The new bridge is three times longer then the old one. 新桥比旧桥长三倍。
  At least the train runs six times faster then the boat. 火车的速度至少比小船快6倍。
  The meeting-room is four times bigger than ours. 这个会议室比我们的大四倍。
  2.A is three ( four/ five…) times as big (much/ many/ long/ high…) as B. A比B大(多/长/高。。。)两倍或者是A是B的三(四/五……)倍大(多/长/高……)
  Line A is five times as long as Line B. 线段A比线段B长四倍。(或是线段A是线段B的五倍长)
  Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲比欧洲大三倍。
  This building is three times as high as that one. 这栋楼房比那一栋高2倍。
  3. A is three ( four/ five….) times the size ( amount/ length/ height…) of B. A比B大(多/长/高……)两(三/四……)倍或是A是B的三(四/五……)倍大(多/长/高……)。
  Line A is four times the length of Line B. 线段A比线段B长四倍。
  This building is three times the height of that one.这栋楼房比那栋高2倍。
  如果表示“A比B大(多/ 长/高。。。)一倍“用twice,而且用第一种表示法。
  Bob is twice heavier than Jack. 鲍博比杰克重一倍。
  This road is twice longer than that one.这条路比那条路长一倍。
  关系代词who, whom, that 和which引导的定语从句。
  在句子中修饰名词或代词的从句为定语从句。定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词,定语从句一般修饰跟在先行词的后面。如果先行词指人,关系代词可用who, whom, that.如果先行词指物,关系代词可用which或是that。关系代词who, whom, that 和which既起连接作用,又在定语从句中充当一定成分(在定语从句中作主语或是宾语)。关系代词在从句中作宾语时常常可以省略,但是作主语时不能省略。Whom 在从句中作宾语时用,但是在口语或非正式文体中,常用who来代替whom。
  A plane is a machine which/ that can fly.飞机是会飞行的机器。
  The book (which/ that ) you want is on my desk.你要的那本书在我的书桌上。
  Anybody who/ that breaks the rules is punished.任何违反规定的人都要受到惩罚。
  The boy who/ that likes skating will be here.喜欢滑冰的那个男孩子将会来这里。
  The girl (who/ whom/that) you met in the street is John’s sister.你在大街上遇到的那个女孩是约翰的妹妹。
  Is this the lady (whom) you spoke of? 这个是你谈到的那位女士吗?
教学设计方案:Lesson 25

一、Teaching Aims
  Help the students have free talk about what an earthquake is and what people usually feel when an earthquake happens.
  Practise in pairs on talking about the earthquake that happened in San Francisco in 1898.
  Study the language items in the lesson.
  Do the exercise on page 25 about the indirect speech.
二、Teaching procedures
Step 1 Warming- up
  Ask the Ss some questions about earthquake, such as, “ What will happen when an earthquake happens?” “ What causes an earthquake to happen?” “ What should people do when an earthquake happens?” etc.
Step 2. Listening
  The Ss are supposed to listen to the tape about the earthquake that happened in San Francisco in 1989.
  After listening to the dialogue the Ss are supposed to do the exercises on page 87. Exx.1.
  What are Carl and Wang Bing talking about?
  Where was Carl at the time of the earthquake?
  How did Carl feel when the earthquake was happening?
Step 3. Practising
  The students are supposed to do the pair work on page 25.
  Change the sentences into Indirect Speech.
Step 4. Language points of the dialogue
as 的用法
so do you 形式的复习
at the time of 的用法
it sounded like中sound的用法
feel sth. do的用法
6.fall off 和fall down的辨析
quite a while 的用法
Step 5. Practising
  If time is permitted, the students are supposed to do the exercise on page 87. Exx.2---retell the dialogue.


教学设计方案 : Lesson 26

Teaching Aims
  The Ss are supposed to get the idea what the earthquake is like when it is happening and what causes an earthquake to happen?
Learn how to write a composition about an earthquake that happened in Tangshan, China in 1976.
Teaching procedure
Step 1. Ask the students some questions about earthquakes.
  Have you ever heard anything about earthquakes from your parents?
  Have you ever been in any of the earthquakes? Where and when?
  Do you know the biggest earthquake that happened in China?
Step 2. Reading the text
  For the first time of reading, the Ss are supposed to answer the question:


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