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高二英语第二十四单元Mainly revision

uck / happiness / victory .

I wish you a happy birthday .

I wish you happy / lucky / well .

I wish you safe in the journey .

在英语中“wish + that - clause . ”表示“但愿……;希望……”,宾语从句用虚拟语气。 宾语从句如果和主句所表示的动作同时发生,从句的谓语动词用一般过去时;如果宾语从句所表 示的动作先于主句,从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时;如果宾语从句所表示的动作后于主句,从 句中的谓语动词用过去将来时。例如:

I wish I had your brain .

I wish I were taller .

I wish something interesting would happen very soon .

I wish you would forget it .

I wished that I had known what to say .

I with I hadn\'t said those terrible things about her .


1 . be tired of ( = be no longer interested in ) 意为“对……厌烦”。例如:

Are you tired of living in the city?

They are tired of the same food for supper every evening .

Don\'t make so much noise , I am tired of it .

2 . congratulate……on 表示“就某事祝贺某人”,其中 congratulate 是及物动词,意为 “祝贺;道贺”。例如:

I congratulate you on your achievements with all my heart .

We warmly congratulate you on your success .

He congratulated us on getting married .

I heartily congratulate myself on having chosen a good woman to be my wife .

He has sent me a telegram congratulating me on my success .

表示“祝贺”时,也可使用 congratulations ( 常用复数形式 ) 。例如:

Congratulations on your success .

You passed the examination successfully . Please accept my congratulations .

3 . drop in 意为“顺便来访;到……家来”,常用于非正式文体中。表示“来访某家” 时,用“drop in at…”,表示“来访某人”时,用“drop in on……”。例如:

Please drop in at my office when you happen to be free .

I\'d like to drop in at Mr Sun on the way to school .

Xiao Wang often dropped in when he worked at the college .

I just dropped in to see if he was at home studying English .

4 . earn one\'s living 意为“谋生;挣钱生活”,其中 earn 是及物动词。例如:

He earned his living as a teacher .

She had to help her husband to earn a living by teaching at a language school .

Do you know how much he earns a month?

Rescuing a drowning man earned him the respect of all .

5 . help……out 意为“帮助 ( 做某事;克服困难等 ) ”。例如:

Nobody helped me out when I lost my job .

The students help out in the factory after school .

Kate fell ill last week , many of her friends came to help out .

He often helps us out when we have been in trouble .

6 . “Let\'s drink to……”是祝酒的用语,介词 to 后跟名词,表示“为 ( 某事 ) 干杯” 的意思。例如:

Let\'s drink to the success of Mr John .

Let\'s drink to your further achievements .

Now , let\'s drink to the friendship between both of us .

表示“我提议为……干杯”可以使用“I should like to propose a toast to……”。例 如:

I should like to propose a toast to the health of all the friends present here!

I\'d like to propose a toast to the further development of our country .

7 . make progress 意为“取得进步”,其中 progress 为不可数名词。例如:

The great leader chairman Mao said , “Study hard and make progress every day . ”

In order to improve his spoken English , he listens to English programmes every day , at last he made great progress .

8 . What a shame! ( 真遗憾!真不像话! ) 用来表示“遗憾;愤懑”。可以单独使用,也可 以后跟 that - clause 或不定式短语。例如:

—Li Lei didn\'t do his homework yesterday .

—What a shame!

What a shame that I failed in the mid - term examinations!

What a shame to spare him so much time!


1 . I\'d also like to congratulate you on your good work . 同时我还为你的工作祝贺 你。

congratulate sb . on sth . 因为……向某人祝贺 congratulation ( 名词 ) 多以复数形式 出现。

注意:celebrate 同 congratulate 的区别:celebrate 表示庆祝,宾语常常为一个 special day or special event . 如:celebrate National Day 庆祝国庆 celebrate birthday 庆祝生 日 congratulate 的宾语常为 sb .

2 . You\'ve done very well . 你做得很好。 do well in 在……方面做得好 He did well in the game . 在这次比赛中他表现得很出色。

3 . the three of us / three of us

the three of us 表示我们三个人;three of us 表示我们中的三个人。

4 . At the moment in my country there are very few such schools . 目前在我国这类 学校太少了。

注意:at the moment , for the moment , for a moment 和 in a moment 之区别。

at the moment “此时”、“此刻” ( 现在时态 ) “那时” ( 过去时态 )

He is busy at the moment 他此刻很忙。

At the moment he was busy preparing his lessons . 那时,他正忙于准备功课。

for the moment “目前”、“暂时”,如:

Please stop discussing for the moment . 请暂停讨论。

for a moment“一会儿”、“片刻”,如:

I\'d like to talk with you for the moment . 我想和你谈一会儿。

in a moment “立即”、“马上”,如:


《高二英语第二十四单元Mainly revision(第2页)》

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