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高二英语第二十四单元Mainly revision

'll be back in a moment . 我马上就回来。

5 . ……but none of the banks I spoke to were interested , ……但是,我去找过的银 行没有一家感兴趣。

1 ) I spoke to 是定语从句,省略了连接词 that。

2 ) none / no one

none 可以和 of 连用,no one 不可以。none 做主语,谓语可以用单数也可以用复数;no one 做主语,谓语用单数。none 既可以指 sb . 也可以指 sth . ; no one 单指 sb . 。用 How many 提问时,用 none 回答;用 Are there / Is there 提问时,用 no one 回答。

6 . Could I drop in at your house……?到你家拜访你好吗?

could 在这里是一种委婉语气,表示征求意见。

drop in at 加地点;drop in on拜访某人。如:

I\'d like to drop in on you next week . 下周我去拜访你。

7 . Is he expecting you?他在等你吗?

expect ——在此句中相当于 wait for 等待。但是 wait for 单纯强调动作,expect 强调 内心的企盼。如:

We\'re expecting a telephone .

Is this the letter you\'ve been expecting?

But we should not expect success over night .

8 . I\'ve just arrived myself so forgive me if I don\'t seem to know what\'s going on . 我自己也刚到,所以,如果我看来不了解情况的话,那么请你原谅。

1 ) myself 是 I 的同位语,可以放在主语 I 后面。

2 ) go on 在此句中表示“发生,进展”。

如:What\'s going on here?这儿发生什么事了?

9 . And I owe you some money . 我还欠着你的钱呢。

( 1 ) 句中 owe , vt , 作“欠 ( 钱 ) 、借钱、负债”解。其后常跟双宾语,即:owe sb . sth 或 owe sth . to sb . 如:

I owe the tailor $20 . = I owe $20 to the tailor .

I owed Mary 70 dollars when I was in Paris . 我在巴黎时,欠玛丽70美元。

( 2 ) owe 还有“应把……归功于……”之意。如:

He owes his success to hard work and practice .

I owe it to the doctor that I am still alive .

10 . I\'m afraid I\'m still not very good at it , though . 不过很遗憾。我在中文方面 学得还不太好。

①I\'m afraid + 从句,其意思相当于 I\'m sorry , but……。在口语中常常带有遗憾的口 气,用来引出带有歉意的回绝,或引出不好的消息等。其意思为“很遗憾”,“恐怕”,“对不 起”,“我认为”,例如:

〖 辨析 〗be afraid of 后接动名词短语,表示不愿产生或怕产生一种后果。意为“怕

……”,“担心……”。be afraid 后接不定式短语,表示不敢做出一种行动。意为“不敢 ……”。

He handed the cup with care , because he was afraid of breaking it .

The little girl is afraid to go out at midnight .

②I\'m afraid not 与 I\'m afraid so 常用作答语。如:

“Can you lend me a pen?”“I\'m afraid not . ”

“It\'s going to rain . ”“I\'m afraid so . ”

③句中的 though 是副词,意为“可是,但是”,一般单独放在句末。例如:

He said he would come , he didn\'t , though . 他说他会来,可是他并没有来。

It\'s hard work . I enjoy it , though . 工作很苦,但我干得很快活。

I\'ve got a bit of a cold . It\'s nothing serious , though . 我有点感冒,但是并不严 重。

—Nice day .

—Yes . A bit cold , though .

11 . It\'s a pity you missed the sports meeting last week . 很可惜,上周的运动会你 错过了。

①“It is ( was , seems ) a pity ( that ) ……”是表示遗憾的口语句型。that 从句就 是指所遗憾的事情。在口语中 that 常省略。从结构上讲,it 是形式主语,that 从句是真正的 主语。句型意思是“可惜的是……”,“遗憾的是……”。例如:

It\'s a pity ( that ) we missed the wonderful show last night .

It\'s a pity too much waste has been poured into the river .


What a pity!真可惜! ( 真遗憾! )

What a pity he couldn\'t go with you . 真可惜,他不能和你一起去。

12 . Mr Brain has just heard Zheng Jie playing the piano in a concert . 布雷恩先 生刚刚听了郑杰在音乐会上的钢琴演奏。

I read about you in the newspaper and decided to come and hear you play .

Fortunately people want to come and hear me play .

【 讲解 】①以上是94课中出现的三句话,在上述三个句子中,可归纳为“主语 + 谓语 + 宾 语 + 宾语补足语”的结构。其中的宾语补足语可以是不带 to 的不定式 ( play ) , 也可以是 v - ing 形式 ( playing ) .

②在 see , hear , feel , watch , notice 等表示感觉的动词后,既可用 v - ing 构成复 合宾语,也可用不带 to 的动词不定式构成复合宾语。两者之间有时有差别。用 v - ing , 表示 动作正在进行,即处于发生的过程中,还没有结束;用不定式则表示动作发生了。试比较:

Do you hear someone knocking at the door? ( 讲时还在敲 )

I heard someone knock at the door three times . ( 讲时敲的动作已结束 )

I noticed her coming into the room .

I noticed her come into her room and sit down on one chair .

【 妙文赏析 】

Stay Calm Like Me

Mr Cooler is a successful business man . He is proud of himself .

“To be successful in business , ”he often says , “One must first learn to stay calm , —— always stay calm no matter what has happened . ”

One day , when Mr Cooler came home from his office , he found his wife very annoyed ( 恼火 ) .

“What\'s the matter , dear?”Mr Cooler asked .

“Power cut again ( 又停电了 ) !”said his wife . “All the electric appliances (

电器 ) stopped working . What shall we have for supper? Look , the chicken is ha

lf done in the oven ( 烤箱 ) ,and……” .

Mr Cooler shook his head . He always thought that he was more sensible ( 明智 ) than his wife , and now he started to give her a lecture on the importance of always keeping calm .

“Well , ”he finally said , “it\'s a waste of your energy to get excited about small things . Train yours

《高二英语第二十四单元Mainly revision(第3页)》

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