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高二英语第二十四单元Mainly revision

elf to be patient , like me . A strong person is quiet . He thinks and then takes the most reasonable action . Now look , a fly has just landed on my nose . Am I getting excited or annoyed? Am I swearing ( 诅咒 ) or waving my arms around? No , I\'m not . I am perfectly calm . ”

“But , ”his wife looked closer and said , “but that\'s not a fly . That\'s a bee . ”

“What!”Mr Cooler started shouting . He jumped up and shook his head . He began to wave his arms wildly and even swear .

“Stay calm and think , ”Mrs Cooler said , but her husband had already fallen on his back over a chair and had his glasses broken .

【 思维体操 】

A student asked a teacher how old he was , the teacher said , “When I was your present age , you were only two years old ; When you are my present age , I will be thirty - eight years old . ”Now please help me to guess how old the teacher is , and how old the student is .

答案:26岁,14岁 ( Let“x”be the teacher\'s age , and“y” , the student\'s age . According to the text we have : 38 — y = x — 2 x — y = y — 2 .


【 心中有数 】



英语中的连系动词和行为动词有终止性和延续性之分。顾名思义,终止性动词表示动作是瞬 间发生,且不能延续的,常见的有 come , leave , go , begin , finish , start , open , arrive , find , receive , hit , join , buy , borrow , marry , stop 等。表示可以延续一 段时间的动作或状态的词叫延续性动词。如:study , know , stand , wait , love , stay , work , last 等。

※ 在现在完成时中

延续性动词可与表示一段时间的介词短语 for 或 since 连用。如:

We have studied English for six years .

I have taught history in this school since 1990 .

终止性动词的现在完成式则不能与 for 或 since 短语连用。如:

His friend has joined the army for ten years . ( 误 )

终止性动词在现在完成时中若要与表示一段时间的 for 或 since 短语连用,要改变结构, 通常可变为:

1 . “连系动词 + 表语”的结构:

His friend has been in the army for ten years .

Her husband has been away for five days .

2 . 用“……ago”来表示时间状语

His friend joined the army ten years ago .

Her husband has been away for five days .

2 . 用“……ago”来表示时间状语

His friend joined the army ten years ago .

Her husband left home five days ago .

3 . 用“it is……since……”的结构来替换终止性动词。

It is ten years since his friend joined the army .

It is five days since her husband left home .

※ 在……till ( until ) 结构中

和……till ( until ) 结构连用时,延续性动词只能用于肯定式,终止性动词只能用于否定 式。如:

He worked until seven o\'clock yesterday afternoon .

He won\'t come here till Sunday .

※ 在由 when 或 while 引导的状语从句中

终止性动词不能用在由 while ( 当……的时候 ) 引导的时间状语从句中。如:

When I got home , he was watching TV . ( 正 )

While I went into the lab , the old scientist was doing an experiment . ( 误 )

※ 值得注意的两点

1 . 终止性动词一般不可用于进行时态。如 go , come , leave , start 等,有时用于“进 行时态”形式,是表示“即将”的意思。如:

New Year\'s Day is coming near .

Mr White is leaving for London tomorrow .

2 . 终止性动词不可用于“how long……”引出的疑问句。如:

How long have you borrowed the book? ( 误 )

How long have you kept the book? ( 正 )

【 动手动脑 】


1 . none / no one

( 1 ) Up to now _____ has landed on Mars .

( 2 ) _____ of us is perfect .

( 3 ) —Did anyone come to ask for me?

— _____ .

2 . hear sb . do / doing sth .

( 1 ) At midnight I woke up and heard the wind _____ ( blow ) .

( 2 ) Then I often heard him _____ ( play ) the guitar alone on the bank .

3 . be tired of / from

( 1 ) He was tired _____ being interrupted by frequent phone calls .

( 2 ) I\'ve been / got tired _____ intense work .

4 . drop in on / at / to do / for

( 1 ) Will you mind if you drop in _____ my parents on t way home?

( 2 ) He often dropped in _____ tea .

( 3 ) Let\'s drop in _____ Brown\'s at the weekend .

5 . plan to do / planned to have done ( = had planned to do )

( 1 ) We planned to _____ ( visit ) the Emei Mountain , but the floods prevented us from setting off .

( 2 ) I planned to _____ ( run ) a company of my own , so I refused her offer .

6 . expect / hope / wait for

( 1 ) —Why are you standing here?

— I\'m _____ you . ”

( 2 ) The young couple are _____ a baby .

7 . help sb . out / with

( 1 ) When I was in trouble , my neighbors would come to help me _____ .

( 2 ) Little Alice is a good girl ; she often helps her mother _____ housework .

8 . insi

《高二英语第二十四单元Mainly revision(第4页)》

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