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高二英语第二十四单元Mainly revision

st that sb . should do / sb . is right ( wrong )

( 1 ) All insisted that what Galileo said ______ ( be ) wrong .

( 2 ) I insist that any parent ______ ( not tear ) his / her children\'s letters .


1 . ( 1 ) no one ( 2 ) None ( 3 ) No one。 no one 指泛指意义的“没任何人”;none 指特定范围内 ( 特指 ) “没任何人”,因此与“of + n . ”结构搭配时须用 none。 2 . ( 1 ) blowing ( 2 ) play。 hear sb . do sth . 只说明“听到某人做某事”这件事,强调结果,故 常用来表经常性和重复性行为,hear sb . doing sth . 强调“听到某人正做某事”。类似的动 词还有 see , notice , look at , listen to等。 3 . ( 1 ) of ( 2 ) from。 be / get tired of“厌烦……”;be / get tired from ( with ) “因……而累 ( 疲惫 ) ”。 4 . ( 1 ) on ( 2 ) for ( 3 ) at。 drop in on“顺便走访 ( 某人 ) ,”drop in at “顺便走访 ( 某地 ) ,”drop in for “顺便做……” ( drop in to do sth . ) 。 5 . ( 1 ) have visited ( 2 ) run。 plan to do……“打算做……”;planned to have done ( = had planned to do…… ) “本打算做…… ( 但未做成 ) 。” 6 . ( 1 ) waiting ( 2 ) expecting。 wait 表时间上的等待,常表迟误或等不及,expect 表希望或预期某事将发生。 7 . ( 1 ) out ( 2 ) with。 help out “帮忙 ( 做事,克服困难等 ) ;help sb . with sth . ( = help sb . to do sth . ) “帮助某人做某事”。 8 . ( 1 ) was ( 2 ) ( should ) not tear。 “坚持要某人做……”,从句中的谓语动词用 ( should ) + v . 构成的虚拟语气;前例为“坚持认为”。

【 创新园地 】


1 . They are sure to meet him .

They are sure of meeting him .

2 . He has gone into business .

He has gone to business .

3 . He was shot on his way home .

He was shot at on his way home .

4 . They are searching the thief .

They are searching for the thief .

5 . He has been away for the last month .

He has been away since last month .

6 . When Jack arrived , I was just going to bed .

I was just going to bed when Jack arrived .

7 . She is good to do that .

She is good at doing that .

8 . He was working at a table at this time yesterday .

He was working on a table at this time yesterday .

9 . Is John at home? Is John home yet?

10 . There were very few passengers that escaped without serious injury .

There were very few passengers , who escaped without serious injury .


答案:1 . 他们肯定会见到他。他们深信是会见到他的。2 . 他经商去了。他上班去了。3 . 他 在回家的路上被枪杀了。在回家的路上,有人向他开枪。4 . 他们正在搜查那个小偷 ( 搜身 ) 。 他们正在搜捕那个小偷 ( 小偷在逃。 ) 5 . 这个月他都不在家 ( 刚过去的30天 ) 。他从上个月起 就一直不在家。6 . 杰克到达时,我正要上床睡觉。我正要上床睡觉,恰恰在这时候,杰克来了。7 . 她真好,做了这件事。她擅长于做这样的事。8 . 昨天这时候,他在伏案工作。昨天这个时候,他在做一张桌子。9 . 约翰在家吗?约翰回到家里了吗?10 . 没有几个旅客不受重伤的 ( 大家都受了伤 ) 。旅客很少,他们几乎没人受重伤 ( 脱险了 ) 。

《高二英语第二十四单元Mainly revision(第5页)》

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