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A person of great determination


burst into tears, on board, change one’s mind, take charge, to be honest, envy, tear, scold, argue about, apologize for, shout at sb, ahead of, the rest of…, in that case, burst into, but for…, on the point of…, so long as, upon one's word, leave sb. doing sth.
  1)I was very disappointed not to be going out.
  2)You are obviously a person of great courage.
  3)Unless I visit every bookstore in town, I shall not know whether I can get what I want.
  4)….so long as it remains above the surface of the sea.
  1)I’m sorry about that.
  2)I apologize for being so angry with you.
  3)I’m sorry to have done that.
  4)I’m afraid (that)….
  5)Please excuse me for…



语法:Tenses (时态)及被动语态

Tenses (时态)

  ①The teacher was giving a lesson at this time yesterday. 昨天这个时候老师正在上课。
  ②What were you doing when Mr Li came in? 李先生进来时你在干什么?
2)表示说话人喜悦、不满、厌烦等感情色彩,往往与always,all the time,very often等状语连用。如:
  ①He was smiling all the time. 他一直笑容满面。
  ②Tom was always asking me foolish questions.汤姆总是向我提愚蠢的问题。
  ①He looked out of the window. Dark clouds were moving; it was becoming foggy. 他向窗外望去,乌云飘动着,天正变得雾蒙蒙的。
  ①He said he was staying here for another week. 他说他将在此再呆一周。
  ②I wanted to know when you were leaving for Beijing. 我想知道你何时动身上北京。
  ①Last night Mary wrote a letter to her mother.
  ②Last night Mary was writing a letter to her mother.
  ①By the end of last term we had learned five English songs.
  ②By the time he left school he had studied French(for)two years.
  ③He had come to Europe before the outbreak of the war.他在战争爆发前来到欧洲。
  ①I had mended the TV set before my brother returned.我兄弟回来之前我修好了电视机。
  ②I didn't go to the movie“The Gold Rush”because I had seen it twice.
  ①I remembered that I went out after I had closed the door.我记得自己是在关上门后才出去的。
  ①Mr Smith had lived there alone(for)two years.史密斯先生独自在那儿居住两年。


1.动词feel, look, smell, sound, taste, cut, open, read, sell, shut, wear, write 等的主动形式表示被动含义。
The book written by that famous writer is selling very well.
2.动词need, want, require 后的动名词的主动形式表示被动含义。如:
These flowers need / want / require watering. (含“被”浇水)这些花需要浇水。
be worth后的动名词的主动形式表示被动含义。
This book is well worth reading.这本书值得一读。(实际是“被”读)
3.一些动词的宾语补足语,主动式时不用to, 被动式要带to。这些动词有feel, smell, see, notice。watch, hear, taste, have, make等。如:
People often saw him enter that shop.人们经常看见他进入那个商店。
(1) 动词+介词
We must send for the doctor at once.----The doctor must be sent for at once.
They are taking good care of the children.----The children are being taken good care of by them
People looked down upon women in the past. Women were looked down upon by people in the past. 过去妇女被人瞧不起(轻视)。
1. ( 1998NMET>Shirley ________ a book about China last year but I don't know whether she has finished it.
A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing
分析:考查进行时态的特性之一——未完成性。从题干but I don’t know whether she has finished it这一信息句可知,该题应填过去进行时,表明去年Shirley写着一本关于中国的书,该书没写完,A、C项时态与本句所用的时间状语不符,B项表明书已在去年写完,与本文不符,故排除。答案是D。
2. (1996NMET) Helen ________ her keys in the office so she had to wait until her husband ________ home.
A. has left, comes B. left, had come
C. had left, came D. had left, would come
分析:句意是“海伦不得不等她丈夫回家,因为她将钥匙忘在办公室了”。很显然,leave 的动作发生在的wait之前,应用过去完成时;而第二分句中的主句为一般过去时,其从句是时间状语从句也应用过去时。答案为C。
3. (1995NMET)—_______ the sports meet might be put off.
—Yes, it all depends on the weather.
A. I've been told B. I've told C. I'm told D.I told
分析:从it all depends on the weather 一句的时态和所告知的内容可以断定,应该用现在完成时的被动形式。答案为A。
4. (1998NMET)My brother ________ while he ________ his bicycle and hurt himself.
A. fell, was riding B. fell, were riding
C. had fallen, road D. had fallen, was riding
分析:while he was riding his bicycle 表示在My brother 正骑自行车的时候,即动作的一瞬间。该题的and hurt himself 具有一定的迷惑性。有学生把hurt and rode 当成并列成分而误选C为正确答案。而实际上hurt 同fell才是并列关系。答案为A。
5. (1997NMET)1 first met Lisa three years ago. She ________ at a radio shop at the time.
A. has worked B. was working
C. had been working D. had worked
分析:从信息句three years ago, 可推断是过去时,再由at the time判断该空应填过去进行时。答案为B。
1.辨析in surprise 与by surprise, to one’s surprise:
in surprise表示“惊奇地”意思,可作状语或表语。
I was in surprise when she told me that she was an orphan. 她告诉我她是孤儿,我感到诧异。
He asked me in surprise, “how did you get the news? ” 他惊奇地问我“你是怎么得到这个消息的?”
by surprise 只作状语,表示“冷不防地”,常与take, get, seize等动作连用。
The policeman took the thief by surprise as he opened the window. 警察趁小偷打开窗户时,出其不意地把他逮住了。
The castle was taken by surprise. 这座城堡被奇袭攻陷。
To one’s surprise 在句中作表感情的结果状语。
To my surprise, he finished the task only i

《A person of great determination》

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