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英语教案-Country music

   will no sooner got  D. had no sooner got

2.They ask me to have a drink with them. I said that it was at least ten years since I _____a good drink.

  A. had enjoyed  B. was enjoying  C. enjoyed  D. had been enjoying

3.Helen_____her key in the office so she had to wait until her husband _____ home.

  A. has left; comes  B. left; had come

  C. had left; came  D. had left; could come

4.I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life____ so happy!

  A. did I feel  B. I felt  C. I had felt  D. had I felt

5.The students_____ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _____ in the office.

  A. had written; left          B. were writing ; has left 

  C. had written; had left         D. were writing; had left

答案:DACDD教学设计方案Lesson 41

Teaching Aims
  1. To help the Ss understand the dialogue fully and to improve the students abilities of listening and speaking.
  2. To learn how to talk about people like some film stars, players and so
  3. To review the Past Perfect Tense to make the Ss understand the usage of it and use it with high proficiency.
Step I Warming--up
  1) Do you like to listen to music? What kind of music do you like best? Why?
  2) Do you like English songs?
  3) Can you tell me some of the songs you often listen to and the singers you like best?
Step II Listening
T plays the tape to the Ss twice, then think about the following questions
  1.What is Jackie going to do on Saturday evening?
  2. Where is the famous singer going to perform on Saturday?
  1) going to a concert Saturday evening.
  2) at the New Theatre.
Step III Reading
  2. Let the Ss judge whether the following statements are true or false according to what they read carefully in the dialogue. Do it orally.
  1) Jackie is going to see a film by John Denver on Saturday. F
  2) John Denver is singing at the New York theatre. F
  3) The music that Denver sings is American country music. T
  4) Yang Pei isnt going to hear Denver because she doesnt have a ticket. F
  5) Yang Pei knows a lot about Denver. F
  6) Most of Denvers songs are written by himself. T
  7) A program of his music was broadcast on TV last month. F
  8) Jackie suggests that Yang Pei buy a ticket. T
Step IV Grammar study
  1. Allow the Ss a few minutes to read the dialogue in Part 3 in pairs and pick out the sentences in the Past Perfect Tense.
  2. Give the Ss a brief revision about this tense by providing some examples and supply them with some sentences to differ the Simple Past Tense from the Past Perfect Tense.
Step V Summary and further practice
  Tell the Ss in this period we have learnt something about John Denver, made some dialogues with the expressions in it and reviewed the Past Perfect Tense.
  2.Further practice
  1) Get the Ss to do Ex.3 on Page 107 in the Wb in pails. Then ask several pairs to read out their answers to the whole class.
  2)If time permits, ask the Se to make a short passage orally about John Denver and let some of them speak out. The Ss may also do it after class.
Step Ⅵ Homework
  Finish off Ex. 1 and 2 on Page 107 in the Wb and Part 2 and 3 on Page 43 to review the Past Perfect Tense.



Lesson 42教学设计方案

Teaching Aims
  1. To make clear some difficult sentences in this passage.

  2. To help the Ss get some knowledge about American country music, its development, its subjects and the causes why it has returned.

Step I Revision

  Check the Wb. exercises

Step II Warming-up

  1.The T plays pieces of music which have been prepared, for example: “Country Road”. Then collect the information in a list. “country, sky, mountains, wind, tree, road...”

  2.The T asks them the following questions?

  1)      Do you like this song? Can you sing it? Do you want to learn more about American country music?

Step III Listening

  T plays the tape to the Ss twice, the ask them the following questions:

  1)Why do we say that American country music has become big business?

  2) Why do you think that the first country singers sang songs while playing the guitar?

Keys:1)Because it brings in between 200 and 400 million dollars a year.

  2) Because it was easy for these singers to carry a guitar on their travels.

Step IV Reading

  1. First ask the Ss to divide the whole passage into two parts and sum up the main idea of each part.


  Part1(1,2,3) American music in different times.

  Part2(4,5,6) American country music.

  2. Allow them a few minut

《英语教案-Country music(第3页)》

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