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英语教案-Country music


Teaching aims and demands
Teaching important and different points
value, remain, anger, equipment, however, appear, make fun of, think of, so far, once more, no longer
Haven’t you heard of…?
That’s a good idea!
You’d better…
I think you’d enjoy it.
Why not…?
Why don’t you…?




  建议教师在上课时在导入课时给学生放一些相关的音乐欣赏,在听读练习时可放入多媒体形式,利用对话中的日常生活用语,谈论学生所熟悉的歌星、影星和球星,for example: haven’t you heard of….. 最后朗读并编演对话。


  本篇课文主要介绍了美国乡村音乐在不同时期、年代人们的思想观念的不同及追求人生的目标,用歌曲就能体现出来,如:1990s、1950s、1960s. 而现在的美国乡村音乐从它的主题思想、范围、歌手及使用的乐器都所不同。


辨析hear, hear of和hear from

1) hear 听见;听说(多跟从句)

He listened carefully but could hear nothing. 他仔细听,但什么也没听到。

2) hear of 听说

Have you heard of the name of Whitney Houston?你听说过惠特尼·休斯顿的名字吗?

3) hear from 接到…,来信,后接某人

Linda heard from her pen friend in England yesterday.琳达昨天收到了她的英国笔友的来信。

辨析 however和 but



I really dont like cheese, but I will try just a little this time.我实在是不喜欢吃奶酪,但是这次我要尝一点。


It was raining hard. However, we went out to look for the boy. 雨下得很大,不过我们还是出去寻找那个孩子。

辨析electrical 与electric

1)electrical 指“电气的”,表示与电有关的;

an electrical engineer 电气工程师

electrical work 电工话  electrical energy 电能

2)electric是“用电的”, 表示由电操纵或由电产生的。

an electric lamp /light  电灯an electric clock 电钟

an electric bell 电铃   an electric fan 电扇

辨析alone, lonely


alone 强调客观上独自、独立的、单独一人在句中多作表语。如:

He feels alone. 他感到孤独。


He lives alone. 他单独生活。 ..    .

lonely 只作形容词,“孤独的,寂寞的”,带有主观上的感情色彩,形容失去朋友,缺乏友爱和帮助,感到寂寞或悲哀。在句中作定语或表语。lonely用于地点时,意为“荒凉的、偏僻的”。例如:

Do you feel lonely when you lived alone in the lonely house?当你独自住在那个偏僻的屋子里时,你感到寂寞吗?

辨析appear, seem 与 look

appear 强调外表给人某种印象,有时含实质上并非如此的意思。其后不可接as if从句。

He appears to know more than he really does.

It appears that we have to go there.

seem暗示有一定根据判断,这种判断往往接近事实,其后可接不定式,that或as if从句;

It seems as if he were in a daydream. (常用虚拟语气)


You look very tired. Why don’t you have a rest?         


1. value的用法

value: 价值,购买力;有用性。常用作不可数名词。

Do you know the value of health? 你懂得健康的价值吗?

本单元还出现了fun, anger, beauty, success 等表抽象概念的名词,一般情况下为不可数名词,beauty和success有时作可数名词。如:

His sister is a beauty. 他姐姐长得很漂亮。

The party was a great success.晚会很成功。

Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。

She is filled with anger.她相当愤怒。

What fun! 多么有趣!

2. remain的用法

remain: 保持(某种状态),仍旧是;留下。其常见用法是:


He remained silent all the time.  他一直保持沉默。

remain 作不及物动词。如:

After the fire, nothing remained of the house.


3. make fun of的用法

make fun=laugh at取笑。如:

Nobody likes to be made fun of. 没人愿意让人取笑。


make a mistake   出差错         make sure   保证

make friends with  与……交朋友  make the bed   整理床铺

be made of/from   由……制成    make faces   做鬼脸

make a noise   弄出声           make a phone call to. . .  给……打电话

4. think的用法

1)think vt. 认为、相信,与consider和believe 同义,主动语态常用 think +宾语+宾语补足语或think + that clause

The book is thought (to be) quite useful for the beginners of English.人们认为这本书对英语初学者很有用。

I dont think money the most important.我认为钱不是最重要的东西。

We all think him a clever boy.我们都认为他是个聪明的孩子。

2)think well of对……印象很好”。其近义词有think highly of, speak highly of。如:

He spoke highly of our city.  他对我市评价很高。

3)think可与 about/of/over等介词或副词构成短语

Everyone is thinking about/of (想着) our bright future.

I hope you will think it over. (仔细考虑)

I cant think of (想起) his name at the moment.


Lesson 41

1. They are talking about the coming weekend.  他们在谈论这个周末怎么过。

l) coming是形容词,作“即将到来的”或“正在到来的”解。the coming weekend (the weekend that is coming) 指本周的周本(即将到来的周末),但(a the coming week (the week that is coming) 指的是下周,即the n

《英语教案-Country music》

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