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高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities


〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) having heard the strange news 是现在分词的完成式,作表示原因的状语,相当于一个状语从句 ( as they had heard the strange news ) 。在这个分词短语后面紧跟一个由 that 引导的同位语从句:that Dr Manette…in Paris .

        ( 2 ) 现在分词的完成式是“having + 过去分词”构成,它表示这动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,常用作状语,表示原因或时间。例如:

  Having finished his work , he went home .

  = After he had finished his work , he went home .

  5 . Dr Manette , having been kept a prisoner in the Bastille , Paris\'s most important prison , for many years , had recently been set free… 曼奈特医生曾被当作囚犯关在巴黎最重要的监狱巴士底狱多年,最近获释了……

  〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) 这个句子的主语和谓语是:Dr Manette had recently been set free , 而 having been kept a prisoner…for many years 作状语,相当于一个表示时间的状语从句:after he had ben kept…for many years .

        ( 2 ) “having been kept…”是现在分词完成式的被动语态形式,它由“having been + 过去分词”构成,表示:已经被……”的意思,在句子中主要作状语,表示时间或原因。

  Lucie Manette , having been told of the news , became excited and decided to start for France immediately . ( = After she had been told of the news , Lucie Manette became excited… ) 露西•曼奈特得知这个消息之后,情绪很激动,决定立即起程去巴黎。 ( 作时间状语 )

  Having been translated into many languages , his book soon became well known in the world . ( = As it has been translated into many languages , his book became… ) 他的书由于译成多种文字,很快就举世闻名了。 ( 作原因状语 )

  6 . The poor of the cities and the peasants in the country , having lived such a hard life for so long . took up their guns and knives and began to kill the rich nobles . 城市贫民和乡村里的农民由于长期以来过着非常艰苦的生活,拿起刀枪开始杀富有的贵族来了。

  〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) the poor = poor people . 形容词前加一个定冠词 the,则表示一类人或一类东西。如:the rich ( 富人 ) ,the young ( 年轻人 ) ,the old ( 老年人 ) ,the blind ( 盲人 ) ,the new ( 新的东西 ) ,the ordinary ( 普通的东西 ) ,the unusual ( 不寻常的东西 ) 等。

        ( 2 ) having lived such a hard life for so long 是现在分词的完成式短语,作表示原因的状语,相当于一个状语从句:as they had lied such a hard life for so long .

  句中的 lived 作“度过,过着”解,life 是它的同源宾语。在英语中有些不及物动词如 live , die , sleep , smile , dream , fight , laugh 等后面可有一个意义与它相同的宾语,这样的宾语叫做同源宾语。又如:

  We are now living a happy life . = We are living happily .

  He lived the rest of his life in the United States .

  He died a heroic death in the battle .

  The baby slept a good sleep .

  The little girl smiled a sweet smile .
  I dreamed a beautiful dream last night .

  At this we laughed a hearty laugh .

  She sang a nice song .

  7 . On reading it , he found that a servant of the family in France had been put in prison , through no fault of his own . 读完信后,他得知他法国家中的一名仆人本人没有任何罪过被关进了监 狱。

  〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) on reading it = As soon as he read the letter . 介词 on 作“在……时,在……之后”解。相当于一个月 as soon as 引导的表示时间的状语从句。强调这一动作一发生,另一动作立即发生。例如:

  On hearing the news . he burst out crying .

  = As soon as he heard the news . he burst out crying .

  ( 2 ) on 作此义解时,后面还可跟名词。如:

  However , on his arrival in Paris , he was recognized as a noble and thrown into prison . 然而,当他一到巴黎就立即被人认出是贵族,因而被投入监狱。
  其中 on his arrival in Paris = on arriving in Paris = as soon as he arrived in Paris .

  On his return from Beijing . he began his research work .

  8 . Although Lucie married Charles , Sydney promised her that he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness . 虽然露西嫁经他查尔斯,但是悉尼还是向露西许诺,说为了确保她生活幸福,他愿意为她做一切可能做的事。

  〖 明晰 〗 ( 1 ) 这是一个复合句,主句是 Sydney promised her , 后跟由 that 引起的宾语从句:he would always do anything he could for her to make sure of her happiness . 其中插入了一个省略了关系代词 that 的定语从句: ( that ) he could ( do ) , 修饰先行词 anything。

  ( 2 ) 句首是由 although 引起的让步状语从句。

  ( 3 ) 不定式短语“to make sure of her happiness”在句中作目的状语,修饰谓语“would always do anything”。
【 妙文赏析 】

  老板问盘子干嘛 ?

  When a Korean woman who lives in the United States arrived at work one morning , her boss asked her , “Did you get a plate ? ”“No… , ”she answered , wondering what in the world he meant . She worked in an office . Why did the boss ask her about a plate ? All day she wondered about her boss\'s strange question , but she was too embarrassed to ask him about it . At five o\'clock , when she was getting ready to go home , her boss said , “Please be on time tomorrow . You were 15 minutes late this morning . ”“Sorry , ”she said . “My car wouldn\'t start , and…”Suddenly she said . “My car wouldn\'t start , and…”Suddenly she stopped talking and began to smile . Now she understood . Her boss hadn\'t asked her “Did you get a plate ? ”He had asked her , “Did you get up late ? ”

【 思维体操 】

  Use Your Head

  A man wants to take a dog , a hen and some rice across a river . But there is only one boat and he can only take one at a time . If he leaves the hen with the rice only , the hen will eat the rice;if he leaves the dog with the hen only , the dog will hurt the hen . He thinks it over and an idea comes to his mind .

  Do you know how the man manages to take them all across the river without the hen\'s eating the rice and the dog\'s hurting the hen?

  答案:He takes the hen over first , leaves it there , returns and takes the rice . He leaves the rice and brings the hen back with him . He leaves the hen and takes the dog . Then he leaves the dog and returns for the hen .


《高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities(第3页)》

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