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高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities

科目 英语
年级 高二
文件 high2 unit22.1.doc
标题 A Tale of Two cities
章节 第二十二单元
关键词 高二英语第二十二单元

【 抛砖引玉 】

  Ⅰ. 词汇学习

  servant , let…in , mad , brave , cruel , have a test , deed , in public , sentence…to death , eager , do a good deed , tale ,revolutionary ,cart ,disturb, mental ,noble, tax, fortune ,arrival ,prisoner,mentally ,in peace,strength ,attend ,fall in love with ,make sure of ,suffer ,suffer from ,set fire to ,burn…to the ground, court,do wrong ,chemist

  Ⅱ. 交际英语

  1. You must have been…

  2. She can\'t have been…

  3. She may have done…

  4. You might have done…

  Ⅲ. 语法学习

  学习 - ing 形式作定语和状语的用法

  1 . - ing 形式做定语可以表示所修饰名词的性质特征。如:

  an exciting news ( = a news which is exciting ) 一个令人激动的消息

  a moving film ( = a film which is moving ) 一个令人感动影片

  注意:a surprising look 一个令人吃惊的表情 a surprised look 一个吃惊的表情

  - ing 形式作定语表示修饰名词的性质,特征; - ed 形式做定语表示所修饰名词的状态。

  2 . - ing 形式做状语时通常表示主语正在进行另一个动作,来对谓语表示的主要动作加以修饰或做主要陪衬。这样用时 ( 1 ) - ing 形式表示的必须是主语的一个动作即 - ing 形式的动作发出者应是句子的主语。 ( 2 ) - ing 形式所表示的动作和谓语表示的动作同时发生。 ( 3 ) - ing 形式表示的是次要动作,对谓语表示的动作或状态加以说明。

  1 ) - ing 形式在句中可以做伴随状语,常放于句后。 如:

  They sat in front of the building , laughing and chatting .

  He worked late yesterday , preparing for the lecture .

  2 ) - ing 形式可以做时间状语,常放句首。如:

  ( When ) Walking in the street , I caught sight of a tailor\'s shop .

  ( After ) Finishing my work , I went out .

  3 ) - ing 形式可以做原因状语,常放句首。

  如:Being ill , he can\'t go to school .

  Not knowing her address , we couldn\'t get in touch with her .

【 指点迷津 】

  promise , admit , let , allow

  Mother never ________ my brother to go swimming in the river .

  A . promised B . admitted C . let D . allowed

  此题命得好。所给四个选项均有较强的相互干扰性,增加了试题的难度。其中 let 要求不带 to 的不定式作宾补,易排除。选项 promise , allow 均可用于“vt . + 宾语 + to do sth . ”句型中。如:I promised him to attend to the matter promptly . Allow me to introduce Mr . Zhang . 但是,promise 是较正式的书面用语。admit 不能用 admit sb . to do sth . 句型结构。admit 表示“接受”、“允许”、“让某人享有”之意,一般用于 admit of sth . 结构中。promise“允许”、“答应”,含有“保证” ( 许下诺言 ) 和“有 ( 良好的 ) 前途或希望”之意 ( 如:答应给买一辆自行车 ) 。allow 的意思侧重于“听任”或“默许”,也就是仅仅“不加阻止”。是口语化的说法。根据语境,上面试题的最佳答案应选D ( allowed ) 。


【 学法指要 】


  1 . eager 用作形容词,意为“渴望的,殷切期盼的;热心的”。其副词形式为 eagerly , 名词形式为 eagerness。例如:
  He was eager for success .

  They are eager to see their daughter .

  John was eager for us to come to the party .

  We are eager that the project should be started early .

  They listened to the lecture with eager attention .

  2 . disturb 常用作及物动词,意为“妨碍,打扰 ( 睡眠、工作等 ) ;扰乱…,搞乱…;使 ( 人 ) 心神不宁”。例如:
  The noise in the street disturbed my study .

  Tell me if I\'m disturbing you .

  A light wind disturbed the smooth surface of the lake .

  She was disturbed to near of her mother\'s sudden illness .

  3 . fortunate 用作形容词,意为“幸运的,运气好”,其名词形式为 fortune , 副词形式为 fortunately。fortunate 后通常跟 in doing sth , to do sth . 或 that 从句。例如:
  She is fortunate in having a good husband .

  I\'m fortunate to have good health .

  It was fortunate that he was saved by the passing boat .

  Fortunately , they returned safely .

  4 . suffer 既可用作及物动词,意为“遭受 ( 痛苦、损害等 ) ”;也可用作不及物动词,意为“受苦,苦恼,患病,遭受损害”。例如:
  The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake .

  They suffered a great deal in the war .

  I\'m pleased to know that you didn\'t suffer much pain while you were ill .

  His health suffered terribly from the heavy drinking .

  suffer from 常用作短语,意为“苦于……;患……病”。例如:

  The village is suffering from depopulation .
  Last week I suffered a bad cold .

  5 . doubt 既可用作名词,也可用作动词,意为“怀疑”。例如:

  I have some doubt about his words .

  There is no doubt of his success .

  There is some doubt whether he is the best man for the job .

  I have no doubt that he will pass the examination .

  I doubt the truth of the news .

  I doubt whether he will keep his work .

  I don\'t doubt that our team will win .


  1 . let in 意为“让……进来”。例如:

  You must keep the door closed , don\'t let the dog in .

  Windows let in light and air .

  Will you please let Mr Smith in by opening the door?

  He has a key to the front door so he will be able to let himself in .
  2 . in public 意为“公开地;公然地;当众地。”例如:

  It\'s bad manners to

《高二英语第二十二单元A Tale of Two cities》

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