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九年级 U3 A Good Teacher

初三 Unit Three

  1.教学有关谈论学习(Talking about studies)的用语
  本单元教学了What does…mean? What do you mean by…? Will you please say it again more slowly? I find it very difficult. 有关学习的日常交际用语。教材提供了运用这些
  2.教学表示同意和不同意(Expressing agreement and disagreement)的用语本单元通过谈论学习,表达个人意见──难易、兴趣等等(同意或不同意)。但在教课时,应创造性地引入不同的语言情境。如:四季(Four seasons)、运动(Sports)、饮食(Food)、服饰(Clothing)等等,调动全体学习的言语兴趣,发散思维开阔思路,使语言真正用于交际。
  本单元的难点是句型as…as, not as (so) …as的教学
  No. 1 Classroom is as big as No. 2.
  No. 3 Classroom isn‘t as big as the other two.
  几组演示后,帮助学生分析出:表示甲和乙在某一方面程度相同时,用as…as;表示甲在某一方面不及乙时,用not as…as或not so…as。这里的形容词或副词都有原级,不用比较级。
  本单元的重点和难点在于句型as…as; not as (so) …as(以及与比较相关的句型和若干词及交际语言的用法)。
  1.Beijing is   in the world.
  A. one of the biggest city   B. one of the biggest cities
  C. one of the bigger city   D. one of the bigger cities
  【提示】答案B。本题考查两点:1. one of…译作\"其中之一\",介词of后面所跟的名词必须用复数形式(即整体之中的一个)。2.\"the+最高级\"表示\"最……\"(副词前the可省略)。综合两者,\"最大的城市之一\"应选择B。
  2.Our classroom is   as yours.
  A. so bigger B. as bigger C. so big D. as big
  3.I think Chinese is more popular than   .
  A. any other subjects  B. any of the other subject
  C. any other subject   D. any of other subjects
  【提示】答案C。本题重点在于结构:\"any other+复数名词\"表示同一类物体或人的
其它任何一个;\"any of the other+复数句词\"表示同一类物体或人,除提到的一个外,
  4.Will you please   on the blackboard?
  A. not write   B. to not write   C. not to write   D. don’t write
  【提示】答案A。本题测试表示委婉请示的句型:Will / Would you please (not) do…?
  5.All the students went to the zoo    Lin Tao. Because he was ill in bed.
  A. expect   B. with   C. besides   D. and
  【提示】答案A。本题根据后一句的暗示可知,Lin Tao没有与大家一同去动物园,所以,B和C无法选择。而except是\"除……之外\"(不再有,不算在内)的意思;besides有\"除……之外\"(还有,算在整体内)之意。所以,据题意,应选A。
  One day a rich man met Sam. The rich man asked, \"I hear you are very clever and nothing is difficult to you. Can you tell me why you are so clever?\"
  Sam answered with a smile, \"Oh, I am not clever. Instead, you are too silly.\" \"The rich man became very angry.\"
  Sam said, \"Master, please don‘t be angry. If you don’t believe what I said, now let me ask you a question. If you have a group of sheep, I sent you another group. Then, how many groups of sheep do you have?\" \"Alas!\" \"That‘s the easiest question in the world. One plus one is two. Anybody knows that. I have two groups of sheep.\"
  Sam laughed and said, \"You are wrong, master. Two groups of sheep put together is still one group. That is the easiest question in the world.\"
  ( )1. The rich man is much sillier than Sam.
  ( )2. Sam’s words made the rich man glad.
  ( )3. All people know one plus one is two.
  ( )4. One group of sheep plus one group of sheep is two groups of sheep.
  ( )5. The rich man‘s answer to Sam’s question is wrong.
  本文是一篇幽默故事,到底the rich man和Sam谁更聪明呢?暗示就在Sam的回答中。
  When Jimmy was a boy, he always liked watches and clocks very much. 1 he was eighteen years old, he went into the army, and after a year, he began to teach 2to mend watches. A lot of his friends brought him 3watches, and he mended them for 4.
  Then his captain 5 about this, and one day brought them him 6 watch 7 and said, \"My watch has stopped. 8 you mend it 9 me, please.\"
  Jimmy said, \"Yes, sit, I can.\" 10 a few days, he brought the watch 11 the captain.
  \"How much do I owe(欠款)you?\" the 12 asked.
  \"One pound, sir,\" Jimmy answered. Then he took a small box 13 his pocked 14 gave it to the captain, saying, \"Here are three wheels(齿轮)from your watch. I did not 15 a place for them when I put everything back.\"
  ( )1.A. Until    B. When    C. If      D. Before
  ( )2.A. fiends    B. others   C. himself    D. him
  ( )3.A. breakin

《九年级 U3 A Good Teacher》

  • 上一篇范文: 九年级Unit 15 A doctor for animals
  • 下一篇范文: 第五册10单元41课

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