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Abraham Lincoln

l remember the day when( = on which) I first came to Beijing.我还记得第一次来到北京那天的情景。
  She came at a time when we needed her most.她在我们最需要的时候来了。
  2)where相当于at that place,在从句中作地点状语。如:
  This is the house where (in which) my father used to live.这就是我父亲以前住过的房子。
  Do you know the street where Li Fang lives?你知道李芳居住的那条街吗?
  The building ( which/that) they built 10 years ago was destroyed in the storm last night.他们十年前建的那栋房子在昨晚的风暴中毁坏了。
  The village ( that/which) we visited is very beautiful.我们参观的那个村子景色很美。
  We'll never forget the day ( that/which) we spent together in Wuhan.我们将不会忘记我们在武汉一起度过的日子。
  1. I'll never forget the day _____ we spent together last week.
  2. I'll never forget the day _____ we met each other last week.
  3. Do you still remember the hall _____ we visited the painting exhibition?
  4. After living in New York for 10 years, he returned to the small town _____ he grew up as a child.
  5. It is the third time _____ you have made the same mistake.
Key: that/ which, when, where, where, that

《Abraham Lincoln(第2页)》

  • 上一篇范文: 教学设计方案Lesson 62
  • 下一篇范文: Earthquakes

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