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下学期 Unit26 Mainly revision

stars. He wants them to play in a concert.他在给一些流行歌星打电话,想叫他们在音乐会上演唱。

  play:作“演奏”“演唱”,可以是及物,也可以是不及物。play还可以用于运动方面,如:打(篮球),踢(足球),打(排球)等。应注意的是:play+乐器时,该名词前用定冠词,但如果是球类方面,就不用定冠词。如果要表达“玩…”,应用play with。

  She played the pipa quite successfully.她的琵琶弹得非常成功。

  Not all the students go to play basketball after class.不是所有的学生都下课以后去打篮球。

  Ask the children not to play with fire. It's very dangerous.叫孩子们别玩火,那非常危险。

  I’ll be the biggest live concert the world has ever seen.那场音乐会将是世人曾见过的最大场面的现场直播音乐会。


  ①There will be a live TV broadcast of basketball match between China and Japan.电视将现场直播中日篮球赛。

  It is always a live TV broadcast of spring Festival programme.春节晚会的节目都是现场直播的。

  注:句中的the world指“全世界的人”,它作主语时,谓语动词常用单数,很少用复数。

  All the world knows what he will say. 全世界人都知道他将会说什么。

  …and later as a worker building roads. ……后来当了筑路工人。

  building roads 是-ing形式短语.修饰句中的名词worker,作后置定语,它相当于定语从句who built roads。单个的-ing词语作定语时,通常要放在它所修饰的名词或代词之前。如果这个-ing形式是短语,则要将这个短语放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后。如:

  Do you know the girl standing under the tree?你认识站在树下的那个女孩吗?

  In l975 he returned to Dublin, the capital of the Irish Republic, where he found his own pop group.1975年他回到了爱尔兰共和国的首都——都柏林,组织了他自己的流行歌唱队。

  句中的 the capital of the Irish Republic是Dublin的同位语,而where he found his own pop group是宾语从句;修饰它的先行词Dublin.一般情况下,定语从句中常直接置于被修饰的先行词之后。少数情况定语从句没有位于被修饰的先行词之后,而是被句子中的其他成分所分隔,这种定语从句在英英语法中称为分隔式定语从句。

  He rang up all his friends in the pop world; including the most famous pop stars.他打电话给流行歌坛的所有朋友们,包括最有名气的流行歌星。


  the sports world(体育界),the art world(艺术界),the racing world(赛马界),the world of science(科学界)等。

  2)including是动词include(包括)的-ing形式,作定语。这个-ing短语相当于一个非限制性定语从句(which includes the most famous pop stars.)例如:

  She is fond of music, including folk songs, pop songs and American country music.他喜欢音乐,包括民歌、流行歌曲和美国乡村音乐。

  Our group has six people, including three women. 我们小组有六个人,包括三个女的。

  3)注意把including的位置变化后的特殊表达形式,如上面的句子;Our group has six people, three women included.这相当于独立主句结构,(there women being included)主要形式以后再深入学习。

  By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were went to Africa.到年底为止筹集到的全部款项达9200多万美元,所有的这些钱都送到非洲。

  (l)the total money collected中的collected是过去分词作后置定语。它相当于定语从句the total money that has been collected.过去分词作后置定语通常表示被动意义,即过去分词所修饰的名词是分词所表动作的承受者,本例的money就是collected所表动作的承受者。

  (2)come to意为“达到,总计”。它的本意是“来到”,但常用来表示达到某个数量,如:

  His total income comes to more than three thousand yuan a month.他的总收入达到每个月三千多元。

  (3)“…,all of which were sent to Africa.”是由“不定代词+介词+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,相当于:All of the 92 million dollars were sent to Africa.如:

  We visited some places in France, all of which are world famous. 我们在法国参观了一些地方,所有这些地方都是举世闻名的。

  When I was a child, I learned lots of poems, most of which I can recite even小时候我学过许多诗,其中大部分即使到今天我都能背诵出来。


  辨析 manage to do, try to do



  try to do的意思是“努力去做某事”,但不一定会成功。而且去做的事情,不一定都是困难的。试比较:

  He tried to stop a car but he failed.他设法要拦一辆车,但没拦住。

  He managed to stop a car and got onto it他设法拦了一辆车,并上了车。

  辨析late, lately, later, latest





  He usually gets up late on Sundays.星期天他常起得迟。

  What have you been doing lately? 你最近忙些什么?

  Here is the latest magazine you want.这就是你要的最新的杂志。

  See you later.再见

  辨析for/by/of/to oneself

  1)for oneself为自己;独自,独立地,如:

     She kept the largest apple for herself.她把最大的苹果留给了自己。

  2)by oneself:alone独自,单独地。如:

     He lives by himself in the woods.他独自住在森林里。

  3)of oneself自动地,自发的,如:

     The door opened of itself.门自动开了。

  4)to oneself 对自己,私下,如:

     Tom thought to himself that he could win.汤姆私下认为他会赢。

  辨析realize, recognize



  I realized that it was against the rule. 我意识到这是违反制度的。

  I recognized him though we parted(分开)for years. 尽管我们分开多年了,我还是认出了他。

  辨析persuade, advise:



  I persuade him to go home. 我说服他回家了。

《下学期 Unit26 Mainly revision(第2页)》

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