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下学期 Unit26 Mainly revision

  I tried to advise him to go home, but he refused. 我试图让他回家,他拒绝了。





  He also persuaded other people to provide money or to give help.他也劝服别人提供钱或给予帮助。

  These cars will be supplied to people all over the country.这些汽车将供应给全国各地的人们。


  Tom provided her a pretty hat.汤姆给她准备了一项漂亮的帽子。

  可说provided/supply sth. to sh.也可说provid/supply sb. with sth. ),如:

  The bank provided/supplied him with a loan $100,000银行为他提供了10万美元的贷款。



Lesson 101 教学设计方案

  Teaching Aims

  The way to make telephone calls and how to leave messages

  Teaching Procedures

  Step 1.Lead in

  Show some pictures, then ask the students to answer the following questions.

  1.Do you like to listen to pop music?

  2. Can you tell me some of the famous singers of pop music?

  Step 2.Listening

  Play the recorder twice, then ask them to answer the questions

  1. When and where will the concert be?

  2.What was the message that Bob left for Eric?


  1. July 13th, London.   2. Bob wants Eric to play in the concert.

  Step 3.Practice

  Write down the important phrases and sentence patterns on the blackboard as follows: is that. . . ?Yes, speaking.

  Will you give him a message?

  Who's calling?

  Can you ring me back?

  Can I speak to . . . ?

  Ask the students to make up a new dialogue using these sentence patterns.

  Step 4.Practice

  Ask some of the pairs to act the Scenes out in the front of the classroom.

  Scene 1:Someone is ill and does not go to school today. Now he is making a phone call to one of his classmates, asking about the lessons today and what they will do tomorrow.

  Scene 2: Someone has managed to buy two tickets for the women football match---China ,USA, for the champion---this coming weekend. She is making a phone call to her friend, telling her the news and planning when and where they are going to meet.

  Step 5. Language study

  1.The teacher explains some new words to the students.

  2.Fill in the blanks with proper words.

   turn down, ring back, realize, persuade, provide, practise, non-stop, fly, manage , further


  1. His parents _________ him with the necessary money for his university study

  2. Please tell him I ______this afternoon, at about three o’clock.

  3. Would you mind _________the radio? I’m doing my homework.

  4. He finally _________his mistake, but it was too late.

  5. He tried hard ________me into lending him all my savings.

  6. The actors _________the movements a lot every day.

  7. Many live fish and fresh flowers are _________ to Beijing every day.

  8. The players made great efforts and they _________ to win the match.

  9. The runners ran over 42 kilometers _________.

  10. The museum is closed until _________notice.

  Key: 1. provide  2. will ring back  3. turning down   4. realized    5. to persuade  

  6. practise  7. flied    8. managed    9. non-stop   10. further

Step 6 Homework

  1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  2.Prepare Lesson 102.


《下学期 Unit26 Mainly revision(第3页)》

  • 上一篇范文: The summer holidays
  • 下一篇范文: Lesson 94 教学设计方案

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