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九年级英语第十八单元Planting trees 植树

There are more than five million people in this city .
Millions of people went to the streets to welcome the king .
[点拨]million 前如有数词,million 则不加 s , 如加了s 后必接 of。
17 . toward ( s ) 向;朝;对于 ( 介词 )
A group of students are walking toward ( s ) she sea .
She was walking toward ( s ) town when I met her .
Is he friendly towards her ?
What are his feelings towards us ?
18 . among 在……之中 ( 介词 )
She was sitting among her children .
I found him among the crowd .
There is a small house among the trees .
[点拨]among 表示三者或三者以上的之间。
19 . mountain 山;山脉
It is difficult to get to the top this mountain .
They are climbing the mountain .
The mountains were covered with snow .
[点拨]in ( the heart of ) mountains 在 ( 深 ) 山中,a mountain of difficulties 困难重重。
20 . grow
①种植;栽培 ( 及物动词 )
In early spring we grow trees around our house .
②生长,成长 ( 不及物动词 )
Plants cannot grow without water .
The rice is growing fine .
He has grown into a fine young man .
③发展,增长 ( 不及物动词 )
They city is growing fast .
The population is not growing so fast in this area .
[点拨]grow 的过去式,过去分词为 grew , grown . grow 还可作系动词用,后接形容词作表语,grow up 长大,成人。
1 . neither…nor 既不……也不
He is neither Japanese nor Chinese .
Neither he nor I know that .
Neither you nor I am right .
Neither you nor he is right .
Neither he nor you are right .
2 . knock…into 把……插进;把……敲进
Knock a long , strong stick into the earth next to the hole .
A long stick must be knocked into the earth .
Knock the nail into the wall , please .
3 . make sure 务必;查明;弄确实
Make sure that it is straight .
Make sure that all the windows are closed .
Make sure you get there on time .
I think there is a train at 5 : 15 , but you\'d better make sure .
Have you made sure of the time of the train ?
4 . in a few years\' time 几年之后
In a few years\' time , we hope to cover those mountains , too !
[注意]in… \'s ( s\' ) time , 表示“在某时间之后”,又如:
She is going to Beijing in three days\' time .
I\'ll be back in a week\'s time .
He will be back in an hour\'s time .
He has promised to pay me in three months\' time .
5 . tie…to 把…捆在 ( 拴在 ) ……
He tied the horse to the tree .
They tied the bad to the big tree .
When he woke up , he found himself tied down to the ground .
6 . be just right 正合适,合适的。
The weather is just right for travelling .
This book is just right for reading .
7 . stop…from doing 制止……不使……;阻止
It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south .
The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away .
8 . point to ( point at ) 指向,指引
He points to the high mountains far away .
He pointed the way to the bookstore ( station ) .
He pointed to ( at ) the forest .
9 . far away 遥远
The moon is far away from the earth .
She lives far away .
10 . thanks to 由于,幸亏,多亏
Thanks to the doctor , I am well again .
Thanks to John\'s kind help , we finished it early .
11 . more or less 或多或少,大约
He knows some English more or less .
It is helpful more or less .
They were more or less hungry .
The bicycle costs $100 more or less .
12 . be covered with 覆盖着,尽是
The table is covered with a cloth .
The mountains were covered with snow .
The trees are covered with flowers .
【 学法指要 】
1 . so that 引导状语从句的句型
Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight . 把树放在洞内,让它立直。
[明晰]so that 的意思是“以便,为了”,引导一个目的状语从句。又如:
We got up very early so that we could catch the train .
I ran very fast so that no one should catch up with me .
Close the door so that it is warm is the room .
2 . 现在进行时的被动语态句型
Today , too many trees are still being cut down it the USA . 在美国,今天还
[明晰]句中的 are being cut down 是现在进行时的被动语态。又如:
More Great Green Walls are being built all over the world .
The TV set is being repaired right now .

《九年级英语第十八单元Planting trees 植树(第2页)》

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