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九年级英语第十八单元Planting trees 植树

3 . the + 比较级,the + 比较级
The more , the better . 越多越好。
[明晰]①“the + 比较级,the + 比较级”,意思是“越……越……。”又如:
— What size box do you want ?
— The bigger , the better .
Ask all of them to the party , the more , the better .
The more carefully you do the experiment , the better .
Start your work . The sooner , the better .
②“the + 比较级,the + 比较级”的完整句式是“the + 比较级 + 主 + 谓,the + 比较级 + 主 + 谓”,如:
The more people you know , the less time you have to see them .
The more I gave him , the more he wanted .
The more he eats , the fatter he gets .
The harder you work , the more you will learn .
The earlier we start our work , the sooner we can finish it .
4 . 表示计量的句型“数词 + 名词 + 形容词”
The Great Green Wall is 7 . 000 kilometres long , and between 400 - 1 , 700 kiiometres wide . 绿色长城长7000公里,宽400至1,700公里。
“主 + 谓 + 数词 + 表示单位的名词 + 形容词”用来表示“某物有多长 ( 宽、深、高 ) 等,又如:
The wall is three metres high .
The stick is five inches long .
The boy is eight years old .
1 . Come to school in your old clothes tomorrow ! 明天你穿旧衣服到学校来。
[释疑] ( 1 ) 句中的介词 in 可表示服饰的穿着。例如:
Do you know the girl in the hat ?
He is often in brown .
What shall I go in ?
2 . It\'s Tree Planting Day . We\'re going to plant some trees .( 明天是 ) 植树节,我们将种一些树。
[释疑]plant 一词还可用作名词,意思是“植物”。例如:
There are different kinds of plants on that farm .
Plants can bring us much fresh air . 植物可带给我们大量新鲜的空气。
3 . Really ? Wonderful !
[释疑] ( 1 ) wonderful 常用于对事物的赞叹、称许及惊讶,用以表达说话者分外惊奇的心情。在口语中使用时相当于great . 例如:
It\'s wonderful that you have won the football match .
His uncle is a wonderful maths teacher .
( 2 ) wonderful 是在名词 wonder ( 惊奇,奇迹 ) 后加上 -ful 构成的形容词,常见的还有:use — useful , help —helpful, care—careful, beauty —beautiful
[释疑] ( 1 ) 英语中用作标题的文字,一般常用大写。
( 2 ) 不定式前面常常可以根据意思的需要与疑问副词或疑问代词一起构成短语
We don\'t know when to go there .
The problem is where to plant trees .
We were not sure what to do at that time .
5 . The ground must be just right - neither too wet nor too dry . 地面必须刚好适宜 , 既不太潮湿也不太干燥。
[释疑] ( 1 ) neither…nor…连词,“既不……也不……”之意。分别放在两个平行的述说对象的前面。例如:
He is neither tall nor short .
I can neither sing nor dance .
Neither you nor he knows French .
Neither he nor you know French .
( 2 ) neither 一词单独使用时,可作副词或代词,意为“ ( 两者 ) 都不”,下列句中的名词或动词应用单数形式。例如:
Neither answer is right .
Neither of them knows me .
6 . Knock a long strong stick into the earth next to the hole . Make sure that it is straight . 把一根又长又结实的木棍顺着洞边插进土里,一定要把它立直。
[释疑] ( 1 ) knock…into… “把……插进……;把……敲进……”。例如:
Please help me knock the nail into the wall .
( 2 ) next to “挨着”。例如:
His bedroom is next to mine .比较:
He lives in the next bedroom .
Next to our school is a big lake .
Who sits next to you ?
( 3 ) make sure “查明,弄确实”。例如:
You must make sure that he didn\'t lie .
It\'s hard for me to make sure whose handwriting is better .
7 . Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight . 把树放在洞内,让它立直。
[释疑]so that 意为“以便”,“为了”,引出一个表示目的的状语从句。又如:
He gets up early in the morning so that he can catch the early bus .
Close the door so that it is warm in the room .
8 . Tie the tree to the top of the stick to keep it straight . 把树和木棍的顶端捆好,以保持树能直立。
[释疑] ( 1 ) tie…to…“把……捆在……”。例如:
They tied the bad man to the big tree .
Tie his hands to the back of the chair .
to keep it straight 是动词不定工,在句中作状语,表示捆树的目的。straight 是宾语 it 意义上的补充和延伸,所以叫做宾语补足语。又如:
We always keep our classroom clean .
Don\'t touch the machine . You must keep yourselves safe .
( 3 ) 在句中常用来作宾语补足语的还有动词不定式、分词、名词等。例如:
We all call him Lao Wang . 我们都叫他老王。
Who helped you to wash these clothes ?
I saw him going into the office when I came back last night .
9 . Water it well , as often as possible . 尽可能经常地给树浇好水。
[释疑] ( 1 ) water 可用作动词,意为“给……浇水”。
英语中有些表示物质的名词也可用作动词,试比较下列句中 fish 及 rain 的词性。
He likes to fish on Sunday . But he doesn\'t like eating fish very much .
We had much rain last month , but it hasn\'t rained these days .
( 2 )

《九年级英语第十八单元Planting trees 植树(第3页)》

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