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九年级英语第十八单元Planting trees 植树

类似 as often as possible 的说法还有:
as soon as possible 尽可能的快 ( 指时间 ) , as fast as possible 尽可能的快 ( 指速度 ) ,as more as possible 尽可能的多, as early as possible 尽可能的早
10 . Why was the Great Green Wall built ? 为什么要营造绿色长城 ?
[释疑] ( 1 ) The Great Green Wall 指的是三北防护林,即:西北、东北和华北。
( 2 ) 该句为一般过去时被动语态。
11 . In 1850 , about a third was covered by forests . 1850年,大约三分这一 ( 的美国国土 ) 被森林覆盖。A third 即为 one third 或 1/3。
[释疑]英语中分数的文字表达,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,先读分子,后读分母。当分子大于1时,分母用相应的复数。例如:2 / 3 读作 two thirds . 5 / 7 读作 five sevenths .
12 . A lot of good land has gone with them , leaving only sand . 大片的肥沃土壤随着森林的消失而流失,只留下一片荒沙。
[释疑] ( 1 ) leaving only sand 在句中作状语,表示土壤流失后的景象。
( 2 ) leave 常用的两个意思为“离开”及“留下”。请比较下面两个句子:
The mother left the baby and hurried to work .
Don\'t leave your baby along in the room .
13 . Today , too many trees are still being cut down it the USA . 如今,在美国,大量的树木仍遭砍伐。
[释疑]句中的 are being cut down 是现在进行时的被动语态。
14 . China does not want to copy the USA\'s example . 中国不愿意步美国的后尘。
[释疑]copy 在此意为“照抄”,“照搬”。例如:
Copy a drawing . 临摹图画。
He is copying the sentences on the blackboard .
15 . The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away .
[释疑]stop…from doing sth . “阻止……以免……”,“防止……做某事”。
I have often stopped myself from doing something wrong .
You must stop that big dog from coming into the house .
16 . They must be built all over world . 全世界都必须营造绿色长城。
[释疑]含情态动词的被动语态结构:情态动词 + be + 过去分词,又如:
This work must be finished in a week .
The trees should be watered often .
In south China , rice may be harvested three times a year .
17 . Many thousands of trees must be planted every year . 每年都得裁成千上万株树。
[释疑] ( 1 ) many thousands of“数千;万千上万”,thousand 在此是名词。又如:hundreds of 好几百, millions of 数百万
( 2 ) hundred , thousand , million 也常常用作数词,此时后面不能加 s。例如:
We\'ve learned about eight hundred English words .
That farmer had over five thousand ducks .
18 . The more , the better . 越多越好。
[释疑]这种句式的结构为:“the + 比较级,the + 比较级”,意为“越……越……”。请看:
Ask all of them to come to the party . The more , the better .
Start your work . The sooner , the better .
The more I think of it , the happier I am .
The harder you work , the greater progress you will make .
19 . This year alone , we\'ve already planted ten thousand trees . 仅仅在今年,我们已经裁了一万棵树。
[释疑]alone 是形容词,在句中意为“仅仅”。又如:
The people live by bread alone .
We all think that he alone can do it .
20 . But we\'re growing a lot more now , thanks to the Green Wall . 然而,幸亏有了绿色长城,我们现在种植了更多的粮食作物。
[释疑]thanks to…构成副词短语,意为“幸亏”,“由于”例如:
Thanks to their help , we won the match .
We arrived at the railway station in time , thanks to that bus driver .
21 . Is it straight ? More or less . 树放直了吗 ? 基本上是直的。
[释疑]more or less “或多或少,差不多”。例如:
What he said is more or less true .
22 . 同义词 wear , dress , in , put on , try on 的区别
[释疑] ( 1 ) wear ( 穿,戴 ) ,表示穿着的状态,它不仅可以表示“穿着”某种
She was wearing a red dress ( a pair of white gloves , glasses , a gold ring , a new watch ) at the ball that night . 那天晚上在舞会上她穿着红色连衣裙 ( 戴着一副白手套,眼镜,一枚金戒指,一块新手表 ) 。
( 2 ) dress ( 穿,穿着 ) ,既可表示穿着的动作,又可表示穿着的状态,只用于穿衣。当 dress 作及物动词时,后面的宾语只能是人。
Have you finished dressing ?
He dressed and went out .
She was dress in with .
Mother dressed the child .
( 3 ) in ( 穿着,身着 ) ,表示状态。in 是介词。
The PLA men are in green uniform .
The comrade in blue is director of the play .
Come to school in your old clothes tomorrow !
( 4 ) put on 强调“穿,戴”的动作,不能与表示持续性的时间状语连用。如:
He put on his coat and went out .
He put on his glasses to read the letter .
You don\'t need to put on your cap .
( 5 ) try on ( 试穿 ) ,表示动作,如:
I went to the tailors to try on my new suit .
Several pairs f shoes were tried on , but none of them were satisfactory .
Can I try it on ?
Mary was trying on a new dress .
23 . must be 的几种意义
“must + be + 过去分词”,如:
Young trees must be looked after .
This thing must be handled with care .
A greenhouse must be built first .

《九年级英语第十八单元Planting trees 植树(第4页)》

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