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九年级 In the library


1. 词汇

A. 单词

  四会: several, yet, on, reading room, return, polite, politely, star,

everywhere, pay (paid, paid), before, ever,

  三会: dictionary, shelf (shelves), anywhere, helpful, pity, history

B. 词组/句型

have got = have
in the school library

on the shelf
find + n./pron. + prep.短语

five minutes ago
in the reading room

on time
work at one‘s desk

borrow sth. from sb
pay for sth

at that moment
Please be more careful.

from now on
never …before

Not at all.
speak to sb

foreign music
travel on a train

hours ago

2. 日常用语

 * Excuse me. Have you got … ?

 * Sorry. I haven’t got one.

 * Sorry. We haven‘t got any at the moment.

 * Have you seen it anywhere?

 * I’m so glad.

 * Excuse me, have you got any … ?

 * I‘ve looked for it everywhere.

 * I can’t find it anywhere.

 * What a pity!

 * Please be more careful from now on!

 * I‘ve never lost a book before.

 * It won’t happen again.

 * Have you ever made dumplings?

 * I‘ve just done my homework.

 * Has he returned his library book yet?


3. 语法: The Present Perfect Tense (1) 现在完成时(一)

1) 构成: have/has + done

2) 过去分词的构成:

规则形式: ask asked asked

travel travelled travelled

不规则形式: lose lost lost

eat ate eaten

find found found

3) Statement forms陈述句形式

I/You/We/They have just seen …

He/She/It has just seen …

4) Question forms疑问句形式

Have you/we/they seen … yet?

Has he/she/it seen … yet?

Short answers简略答语

Yes, I/you/we/they have.

Yes, he/she/it has.

No, I/you/we/they haven’t.

No, he/she/it hasn‘t.



1. have got = have

★have got形式上是现在完成时,但实际上却和have同一个意思。

 She has got a new watch.= She has a new watch.


 Has she got a new watch?= Does she have a new watch?


 She hasn’t got a new watch. = She doesn‘t have a new watch.


★have to有时也可用have got to代替

 Have you got to go there by bus? = Do you have to go there by bus?


2. 现在完成时的用法(一)

★ 对现状有影响的某个已发生的动作,或者说动作虽发生在过去,


 I have lost my bike.


 Thank you. I’ve had my supper.


 I have seen the film.



 I have found my bike.


 I found it this morning/yesterday/last week/three days ago.


 The visitors have left.


 They left just now/a moment ago/before I came.


★句中如有already, just, yet, every, never, before这类副词作状语,谓语动词常用现在完成时。


 already, just, ever, never常位于助动词后,before常位于句尾。

 never, ever和before有时也可以与一般过去时连用。

 She has already finished her work.


 They have just won a relay race.


 Have you got ready yet?

《九年级 In the library》

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