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  ( 1 ) so…that…“如此……以至……”,so修饰它后面的形容词或副词,that 引出一个表结果的状语从句。例如:

  The rain was so heavy that I had to stay at home .

  He got up so late that he was late for school .

  ( 2 ) pleased 是形容词,意为 glad , pleased 多用于书面语或正式场合。glad 多用于口语,语气比较随便。例如:
  Are you Miss Green ? Pleased to meet you .

  Glad to see you . Are you any better today ? 很高兴见到你,今天好些吗 ?

  ( 3 ) so…that…还可引出表目的状语从句。这就要求我们从句子本身的内在含意来判断。比较下面的句子。

  He got up so early that he could catch the early bus . ( 表目的 )

  He got up so early that he caught the early bus . ( 表结果 )

  20 . Haven\'t you forgotten something ? 你们难道没忘了什么吗 ?

  此句比 You have forgotten something . 语气更为强烈。而不是一般的提问,所以不用 anything 。下面两句都有强烈的“肯定”意味。

  Don\'t you see he is here ?

  Didn\'t I tell you about this yesterday ?

  21 . John turned round and looked at him in surprise . 约翰转过身来,惊奇地望着他。

  ( 1 ) round 作形容词时,意为“圆的”。作副词或介词时,意为“循环地”,“围绕”。句中的 round 修饰动词 turn,是副词。请注意 round 在下列句子中的词性。

  He has a round face . ( 形容词 ) 他长着一副圆脸。

  You can see a round table in the middle of the room . ( 形容词 )

  Don\'t look round . The class has begun . ( 副词 )

  The moon travels round the earth . ( 介词 )

  ( 2 ) in surprise 是介词短语,修饰句中的 looked , 作状语。surprise 除了作名词外,还可作及物动词。surprised 相当于一个形容词,表明主语的状态。例如:

  His visit was a surprise to me . 他的访问出乎我意料之外。

  He shouted in surprise when he heard the bed news .

  What he said surprised us very much .

  22 . “Pardon ? ”he said . “什么 ? ”他问道。

  pardon 一词的原意是“宽恕”,“原谅”。在口语中,当听话人没听清或不明白对方的讲话时,常说“pardon ? ”用以请求对方再把原话说一遍。

  — The telephone number is 355708 . 电话号码是355708。

  — Pardon ? Wait a moment . I\'ll write it down . 什么 ? ( 或:再说一遍好吗 ? ) 等一下,我把它记下来。

  23 . That was nearly the cheapest jacket in town . 这夹克几乎是城里最便宜的夹克了。

  这句话颇具幽默感,如果没付钱,当然是“最便宜的了”。但毕竟不是事实,所以句中的动词用 was,而不用 is。

  24 . 表示时间的 for , since , from , during 和 ago 的异同

  for ①用来表示某动作或情况持续了多长时间,既可指过去,也可以指现在和将来。

  I once studied French for three years . ( 指过去时间 )

  That house has been empty for six weeks . ( 指现在时间 )

  Our teacher will be away for the next ten days . 我们的老师从现在起将要离开

十天。 ( 指将来 )

  ②如果 for 表示的一段时间一直持续到现在为止,就要和现在完成时连用,不能用现在一般时。如:

  I\'ve known her for a long time . 我认识她已经好长时间了。 ( 不能说 I know her… )

  这种用法的 for 可用 since + 行动开始的那一时间来代替。如:

  He has worked here since this time last year . 他从去年这时候起就在这里工作。

  ③当我们说的是过去某个时刻时,我们要用 for 和过去完成时来表示一直持续到那个时刻的一段时间。如:

  When she arrived , I had been waiting for two hours . 当她到达的时候,我已经等了两小时了。

  from ①我们说某动作或情况从什么时候开始,什么时候结束时,就用 from…to… 或 from…till / until 的结构。如:

  I was asleep from three to six . ( = for three hours ) 我从三点到六点在睡

觉。 ( 我曾睡了三小时 )

  ②当我们不说出动作或情况是什么时候结束时,也用 from 一词。如:

  We had to begin our work from six in the morning .

  from 也可用于地点。如:

  Where do you come from ?

  since ①只用于时间而不用于地点,意指“从那时起到说话的时刻。”它常常和现在完成时或过去完成时连用。如:

  What have you been doing since this morning ?

  It has been raining since two o\'clock .

  It was now six and he was tired because he had worked since dawn .

  注意 since 与 from 的区别,

  I was there from three o\'clock , but nobody came . 我从三点钟起一直在那儿,但没有人来过。 ( 不能说……since three o\'clock )

  I \'ve been there since three o\'clock , but nobody\'s come yet . 我从三点钟起一直在那儿,但没有人来过。( 此句不能说 ……from three o\'clock )

  ②在“It is + 时间词语 + since”中,since 可以和现在时态或过去时连用。

  It\'s a long time since the last meeting .

  It was ages since my last meal , and I was very hungry .

  注意 since 与 for 的区别:

  当 for 和 since 都用在现在完成时句子中时,这两个词很容易搞混。记住:for 表示什么事情延续了多长时间。since 则表示这件事是从什么时候开始的。试比较:

  for three days since Tuesday

  during①用于已知的一段时间,即为大家所熟知的节日名称,如:Christmas ( 圣诞节 ) ,或者已经限定的时候或阶段。如:

  during the years 1980 — 1990 在1980年1990年期间


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