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  It rained all Monday but stopped raining during the night . 星期一整天下雨,但夜里雨停了。 ( 在某一时刻 )

  He was ill for a week , and during that week he ate nothing .

  during 与 for 的区别:

  during 表示什么时间发生了什么事。for 表示这件事持续了多长时间。

  There was a storm during the night ; it rained for three or four hours . 夜里暴风雨大作,雨一直下了三四个小时。

  My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer . 我父亲在夏天住了六个月医院。

  ago 不用来表示动作和情况的持续时间,也不用来表示动作是什么时候开始的。ago 只表示过去的事情是什么时候发生的。但我们用的是从现在往过去追溯的“倒数法”,而不说出具体日期。ago 要和过去时态连用。如:

  I saw him three days ago . 我三天前看见他的。 ( 从现在起倒数的三天 )

  I caught this cold two weeks ago .

  注意ago 是“自今…之前”,before 是“自过去…之前。”

  25 . either … or 与 neither … nor 和 both … and 的区分

  ①either … or … ( 或者…或者… ) ,neither … nor … ( 既不…也不… ) ,这是两组表示选择的关联连词,均用来连接两个在语法功能上相同,在结构上相称的并列成分。当它们连接并列主语时,谓语动词的人称和数量常与最邻近的主语 ( 即 or 或 nor 后面的名词 ) 保持一致。如:

  Either you or she is correct ( right ) . 或者你对,或者她对 ( 不是你对,就是她对 ) 。

  ②either … or 连接两个或两个以上的分句或并列成分,提供两种或两种以上的可能性。如:

  Come either today or tomorrow .

  ③neither 或 nor 单独使用时,后面所接句子的主语和谓语要倒装。如:

  You don\'t know his address , neither do I .

  both … and 表示“两者都”,“既……又……”,是 neither … nor 的反义词组。试比较:

  It was both cold and wet .

  It is neither cold and hot .

  Both John and Mary were there .

  25 .购物时的交际用语

  ( 1 ) 售货员招呼顾客,提供服务时的用语:

  What can I do for you ? / Can I help you ?

  ( 2 ) 顾客表示想买什么时的用语:
  I\'d like to buy / get… 我想买…… / I want… 我要……/ I\'m looking for…我在找……/ May I have a look at… ? 我可以看看……吗 ? / Have you got… ? 你 ( 们 ) 有……吗 ?

  ( 3 ) 谈论尺寸、大小、颜色、价格时的用语:

  What size / colour / kind do you want ?

  I\'m afraid we haven\'t got…,but we\'ve got…

  Do you have any other kind / size / colour ?

  How much / many…do you want ?

  What about…… ?

  That pair looks nice .

  May / Can I try it / them on ?

  Try on , please .

  How much is it ? / How much does it cost ?

  That\'s a bit / too expensive .

  It\'s too expensive . I don\'t think I\'ll take it .
  Have you got anything cheaper ?

  That\'s cheap / fine / nice . I\'ll have / take it .
【 妙文赏析 】

  Doctor\'s Advice

  Once an old man went to the hospital to see a doctor . After having examined him carefully , the doctor said , “It\'s useless for you to take any medicine because no medicine will help you . You\'d better have a good rest . Go to stay in a quiet country place for a month , go to bed early , drink some milk , walk a lot and smoke only one cigar a day . ”

  “Thank you very much , ”said the old gentleman , “I shall do everything you say . ”

  Two weeks later , the old man came to the doctor again . “How are you ? ”said the doctor , “I\'m very pleased to meet you . You look much happier . ”

  “Oh , doctor , ”said the old man , “I feel quite well now . I had a good rest . I went to bed early . I drank much milk . I walked a lot . Your advice certainly helped me . However , you told me to smoke one cigar a day . One cigar a day almost killed me at first . It\'s no joke to start smoking at my age , you know . ”

【 思维体操 】


  1 . Mary\'s mother asked her to buy something .

  She said , “The thing is a five - letter word . Its first letter is in paint and also in draw . Its second is in peace but never in war . Its third is in up but not in down . It fourth is in village but not in town . Its fifth is in dress but not in suit . The whole is a most delicious fruit . ”

  Mary thought for a minute , then she knew what her mother wanted her to buy . What is it ?

  2 . Mary asked her mother how many she needed to buy . Her mother said . “The number is between one and ten . If you double the number , the result will be the same as if you added two to it . What is the number ? ”

  3 . Two women went shopping . One spent ten dollars more than the other , and tog


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