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科目 英语
年级 初三
文件 middle3 unit21.1.doc
标题 shopping
章节 第二十一单元

【 抛砖引玉 】

  Ⅰ. 词汇学习

bit , size , suit , dollar , perhaps , retell , dinner , pardon , brush , simple , finger , be worn out , dark blue suit , either… or light green dress , the following week , a bit , think about , sell out , never mind , so … that , be busy doing , on and on , just a moment , in surprise , fall over

  Ⅱ. 句型学习

  My shoes are worn out .

  How much does it cost ?

  They were either too big or too small .

  The suit was so expensive that he could not buy it .

  Ⅲ . 语法学习

  1. 过去完成时

  2. 由 so… that … 引导的表示结果的状语从句。

【 指点迷津 】


  1 . pair 一对;一双

  I need a pair of shoes .

  The children came in pairs .

  〖 点拨 〗pair可作量词连接可数名词和不可数名词,如:a pair of glasses 一幅眼睛。two pairs of paper两张纸。 a pair of new shoes 一双新鞋。in pairs 成双,成对。

  2 . size 尺寸;大小

  What size shoes do you wear ?

  This book ( house ) is the same size as that .

  〖 点拨 〗medium - sized 中号 ( 型 ) 的,large - sized 大号 ( 型 ) 的。the same size as …同…一样大。

  3 . bit 一点儿;小片

  Have you a little bit of bread ?

  〖 点拨 〗 a bit 用于形容词前,指“有点,相当”,a bit of 用于名词前,表示一点点

。not a bit 一点也不,而 not a little 相当于 very。

  4 . suit 一套 ( 衣服 ) ;西服

  Father bought him a suit of new clothes .

  His new suit doesn\'t fit well .

  〖 点拨 〗 suit 还可作动词用表示: ( 衣服、颜色等 ) 合身、适合,如:The new dress suits you very well .

  5 . name 1 ) 命名;名叫;说出……名字

  I know a girl named Joan .

  Can you name all the flowers in the garden ?

  2 ) 名字,姓名,名称

  Her name is Mary .

  〖 点拨 〗name sb . sth 给某人起名叫……。Someone named … 名叫……的一个人。

  6 . for 因为 ( 连词 )

  I asked her to stay to tea , for I had something to tell her .

  We must start early for we have a long way to go .

  〖 点拨 〗for 常引导补充说明的理由原因。不能回答 why 提出的问题。

  7 . dollar 美元

  Dollar is a unit of money used in the U . S . A , Canada , and some other countries .

  〖 点拨 〗dollar 前有数词修饰时,dollar 须加 -s。

  8 . perhaps 可能;也许

  Perhaps he will be there , but perhaps he won\'t .

  Perhaps she wasn\'t angry with you .

  〖 点拨 〗perhaps 也许,是“也许如此,也许不如此”的意思。语气很委婉、相当于 maybe。

  9 . retell 重述;重讲

  The children are asked to retell the story .

  〖 点拨 〗retell 是由动词 tell 加前缀 re - 构成,前缀 re - 表示“又、再、重”。如:rewrite 重写。
  10 . dinner 正餐;宴会
  It\'s time for dinner .

  I\'m busy cooking dinner .

  Shall we give a dinner for her birthday ?

  〖 点拨 〗表示“吃饭”的动词,英国人一般用 have , 美国人用 eat , dinner 前加冠词表示一顿一顿的饭食,不用冠词时,通常表示吃饭这件事。
  11 . pardon 原谅;宽恕;对不起

  Pardon me for being late .
  Please pardon me for waking you .

  I beg your pardon . I don\'t know this was your seat .

  〖 点拨 〗I beg your pardon . = Beg your pardon . = Pardon . 读升调时,意思是“请再说一遍”。读降调时,意思是“请原谅,对不起”。 pardon sb . for ……原谅某人……
  12 . dirty 脏的

  My dress is getting dirty .

  Wash your dirty face ( hands ) .

  13 . brush 1 ) 刷;擦 ( 动词 ) 2 ) 刷子 ( 名词 )

  Brush your teeth every morning .

  〖 点拨 〗a tooth brush 牙刷 / a clothes brush 衣刷 a writing brush 毛笔
  14 . simple 简单的;简易的;简朴的

  The book is written in simple English .

  The old man lived a simple life .

  〖 点拨 〗live a simple life 过朴素的生活

  16 . finger 手指

  We use our fingers to feel and pick up things .

  〖 点拨 〗大姆指:thumb , the forefinger 食指 , the middle finger 中指, the ring finger 无名指, the little finger 小指 。


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