1 Bill Pattinson,Pierre Montagnier and Laurent Moussiegt(2000):"Meauring the ICT Sector."Working paper of the Information Society,OECD's
Directorate for Science,Technology and Industry.http://www.oecd.org.
2 Business Week(1997),November.
3 Business Week(1998),December.
4 Landefeld,J.Steven and Barbara M.Fraumeni.(2000):"Measuring the New Economy",Survey of Current Business(Monthly):March.http://www.bea.doc.gov.
5 Jorgenson,Dale W.and Kevin J.Stiroh(2000):"Raising the Speed Limit:US Economy Growth in the Information Age".
Brooking Papers on Economic Activity.http://www.brookings.org.
6 Jorgneson,Dale W.(2001):"Information Technology and the U.S.Economy".American Economy Review,
7 Moore,Gorgon F.(1997):"An updated on Moore's L
September 30,1997.
8 Progressive Policy Institute(1999):"The State New Economy Index,Technology,Innovation and New Project.
"Washington DC.http://www.pp.ionline.org.
9 Schreyer,Paul(2000):"The Contribution of Information and Communication Technology to Output
Growth:A Study of the G7 Countries",OECD STI working paper DSTI/DOC(2000):pp.18,http://www.oecd.org.
10 World Bank(2000):World Development Report 2000/2001.New York:Oxford University Press.
1 Bill Pattinson,Pierre Montagnier and Laurent Moussiegt(2000):"Meauring the ICT Sector."Working paper of the Information Society,OECD's
Directorate for Science,Technology and Industry.http://www.oecd.org.
2 Business Week(1997),November.
3 Business Week(1998),December.
4 Landefeld,J.Steven and Barbara M.Fraumeni.(2000):"Measuring the New Economy",Survey of Current Business(Monthly):March.http://www.bea.doc.gov.
5 Jorgenson,Dale W.and Kevin J.Stiroh(2000):"Raising the Speed Limit:US Economy Growth in the Information Age".
Brooking Papers on Economic Activity.http://www.brookings.org.
6 Jorgneson,Dale W.(2001):"Information Technology and the U.S.Economy".American Economy Review,
7 Moore,Gorgon F.(1997):"An updated on Moore's L
aw",Speech at Inetl Corporation,Santa Clara.CA,
September 30,1997.
8 Progressive Policy Institute(1999):"The State New Economy Index,Technology,Innovation and New Project.
"Washington DC.http://www.pp.ionline.org.
9 Schreyer,Paul(2000):"The Contribution of Information and Communication Technology to Output
Growth:A Study of the G7 Countries",OECD STI working paper DSTI/DOC(2000):pp.18,http://www.oecd.org.
10 World Bank(2000):World Development Report 2000/2001.New York:Oxford University Press.