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Unit 25 At the conference



  They have bought a new house.They must earn a lot of money.他们买了一所新房子,他们一定挣了许多钱。

  I’m new on the job but I am already gaining experience.我干这工作是新手,但我已经在获得经验。

  In Barcelona, the Chinese team got 16 gold medals.在巴塞罗那,中国队获得16块金牌。

  Who won the race?这场赛跑谁赢了?


  What a lot of invitations to send out!

  短语动词“send out”作“发出、送出”解。例如:

  The ship sent out a message for help.

  “send out”与“give out”,“give off”同义,例如:

  The sun sends out light and heat.


  send for(派人去叫,请) send up(发射,把……送上去)

  send back(遣返,送还)  send off(寄出,发出,为……送行)

  send down使价格下降)   send round(传阅,传递)

  send a message(发送消息)send a telegram(发电报)

  send a blow(给人一击)  send sb. away(解雇)send sb. mad(drive sb. mad)(使人发狂)

  If Dr Baker is in the hall,will he please make himself known to me?

  句中的“make himself known to me”的意思是“向我作自我介绍”。这里的make作“使/令”解,常用于“make oneself+过去分词”结构,如:

  make oneself known(使……被了解),make oneself understood(使……被理解)等。例如:

  Will you please make yourself known to us in English?

  Her voice is so low that she can’t make herself heard.

  Hold on , please. 请稍等。

  1)hold on表示“别挂,等一等”,是电话用语,等于hold the line,常用祈使句表示。如:

  —Can I speak to Mr. Smith?

  —Hold on , please. I’ll go and see if he is in.




  A minute , please,

  Just a minute.

  Just a moment.

  One moment, please.

  Hang on a moment, please.

  Hang on a minute, please.

  Don't hang up , please.

  Hold on a second, please.

  Hold the line, please.

  Would you hold the line a moment?

  Would you wait a minute?

  I can’t get through.我打不通电话。

  get through到达,通过;(打电话)打通

  ①The letter I wrote to my mother got through at last on Sunday. 我给我母亲写的信终于在周日收到了。

  ②She was very happy because she got through the examination.因为她考试及格了,她很高兴。


  get back回来

  get down从……下来

  get down on sth.对……产生反感,开始不喜欢

  get in进入,抵达,收获

  get off下车

  get on(along)相处融洽,(使)上车,穿上。

  Make up a dialogue,using the following as a guide.利用下面的例子作为指导编一段对话。

  make up:弥补,赔偿;编辑,编制;缝制,组成,整理(房间),结算(帐目)等。

  ①He lost much, so we must make it up to him somehow.他的损失太大了,无论怎样,我们得补偿他。

  ②I was ill yesterday. And I must go to the teachers’ office to make up the missed lessons.我昨天病了,我得去老师的办公室把耽误的课补上。

  ③The children shook their hands and made up.孩子们握手言和了。

  An invitation to the 199…Medical Conference in London.”一份参加199…年在伦敦召开的医学大会的请柬。



  accept an invitation接受邀请

  give somebody’s an invitation邀请某人

  receive an invitation 收到请柬

  refuse somebody’s invitation拒绝某人的邀请

  send out an invitation发出请贴

  at the invitation of somebody’s 应某人的邀请

  on invitation应邀

  an invitation from来自某人的邀请

  “There must be some mistake.”sad Dr Baker.贝克博士说:“准是出了什么差错了。”


  ①Please hurry up,there is someone waiting for you at the school gate.请快点,校门口有人等你。

  ②There must be some reason for him to be late again.想必有某种理由他才又迟到了。




  ①John said the professor must be at least seventy, but Peter thought he couldn't be as old as that.约翰说那位教授至少有70岁,但彼得认为他不可能有那样老。

  ②He can't have been to your home. He doesn't know your address.他肯定没去过你家,他还不知道你的地址呢。


  ①Anyone can make mistakes.人人都会犯错误。

  ②He looks pale. He may be ill.他脸色苍白,可能病了。


  -Can they have missed the bus? -Yes, they may have.



  can not表示“不可能”;may not表示“可能不”。

  ①She may not tell lies.她也许没有说谎。

  ②He can’t be her father; he is too young. 他不可能是她的父亲,他太年轻了。


  Michael________ be a policeman, for he’s much too short.

  A. needn’t    B. can’t&n

《Unit 25 At the conference(第2页)》

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