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九年级英语第十五单元At home with the twins

st, spend, pay和take的用法
Sth. + cost + sb. + money (某物)花了(某人)多少钱
This sweater cost me 100 dollars.
Sb + spend + money + on/for + sth. 花钱于….
I spent 100 dollars on this sweater.
Sb + spend + time + (in) doing sth. 花多少时间来做…
I spent my summer vacation (in) reading and fishing.
Sb + pay + (sb) + money + for + sth. 某人付给某人多少钱买某物
I paid (the shopkeeper) 100 dollars for this sweater.
我付给(店主) 100美元买这件毛衣.
It + take + sb + time + to do sth做某事花掉某人多少时间
It took me one hour to finish my homework yesterday.
I. 找出与划线部分读音不同的单词.
1. A. change B. make C. mistake D. dance
2. A. eighth B. either C. eighty D. eight
3. A. dark B. star C. hard D. war
4. A. heart B. clear C. hear D. dear
5. A. school B. moon C. wool D. food
6. A. weather B. leave C. head D. bread
7. A. rather B. together C. with D. think
8. A. enough B. cough C. laugh D. light
9. A. Britain B. chemistry C. dinner D. mind
10. A. whether B. whole C. who D. whose
II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空.
1.I’m very pleased ________ (hear) that your wife will come to our get-together.
2.The tow shirts both look nice. I can’t decide which ________ (buy).
3.Whose turn is it ________ (give) a talk in class?
4.What are you usually doing while your parents _______ (watch) TV?
5.Can you tell me how much the radio ________ (cost) you?
6.I ________ (do) some reading when the light went out.
7.How many times ______ your parents ________ (visit) our school this year?
8.Where _______ you _______ (go) for your last summer holiday?
9.How soon ________ you ________ (be) ready for the journey?
10.I ________ (not stay) there for long.
III. 单项选择
1.What have you decided to give your girl friend ________ her birthday?
A.at B. in C. with D. for
2.I’d better invite ________ .
A.both them B. all them
C. them all D. them of both
3.________ do you know they are fighting about?
A.How B. Which C. What D. Where
4.I don’t know how Sally ________ at school with her lessons.
A.gets up B. gets on C. gets out D. gets down
5.Sorry I mistook you ________ Mr Green.
A.with B. of C. by D. for
6.I don’t think a small thing like this ________ so much.
A.paid B. spent C. cost D. took
7.He still has no idea when ________ her the bad news.
A.tells B. telling C. will tell D. to tell
8.If you stay at school this Sunday, I ________ go anywhere ________ .
A.don’t, either B. don’t, too
C. won’t, either D. won’t, too
9.Everybody in our class went to help except you ________ .
A.and me B. or me C. and I D. or I
10.He didn’t think the shirt ________, so he didn’t buy it.
A.enough cheap B. enough expensive
C. cheap enough D. expensive enough
11.________ he told us about how to learn English well is really very important.
A.Which B. That C. What D. Where
12.Is this story the same as ________ in that newspaper?
A.what B. that C. it D. the one
13.I ________ go there this morning, so I stayed.
A.needn’t to B. didn’t need
C. didn’t need to D. needed not
14.“Aren’t you Mary’s sister?”“________. I’m her aunt.”
A.No, I am B. Yes, I’m not
C. No, I’m not D. Yes, I am
15.“Tom does very well in Chinese.”“____________”
A.He does it B. He does so
C. So does he D. So he does
16.She asked me whether ________ able to read and write in English.
A.was he B. he was
C. he could be D. could he be
17.“I’m sorry I’ve forgotten to bring you the letter.”
“Never mind. ________.”
A.I’m going to get it myself
B.I’m going and get it myself
C.I’ll go and get it myself
D.I’ll go to get myself
18.I ________ that piece of cake for two yuan.
A.spent B. cost C. bought D. took
IV. 完形

《九年级英语第十五单元At home with the twins(第3页)》

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