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_______ every week. (leaf)
 1. 去公园怎么样? _____ ______ going to the park, Jim?
  2. 恐怕你将落在其他学生后面。_____ ______ that you will fall behind the other students.
  3. 请不要忘记关灯。 Please don’t forget to ____ ____ the light.
  4. 你做那件事为了什么? _______ do you do that _______
  5. 为什么男孩的老师把他从学校开除了?
  6. Why did the boy’s teacher______ him ______ _____ school?
  A)1. me 2.pictures 3. second 4. shorter 5.most quickly 6. her 7.fifth 8.leaves
  B) 1.What about 2 I’m afraid 3. turn off 4.What for 5.send away from
IV. 阅读理解
 A. 判断正误,对的写A,错的写B。
James Watt (詹姆斯.瓦特)and the kettle (水壶)
  James Watt was an English boy. He was clever and bright. He liked to ask questions and always thinking-hard. One day he was sitting in the kitchen with his old grandmother. There he saw a kettle on the fire. Soon steam(蒸气) began to come out of the kettle. It was rising, rising and rising. And the lid(盖子) was moving.\"Grandma, what\'s in the kettle?\" little Watt asked.\" Water, my child, nothing but water.\"\" I know there is something else. Look, it is pushing the lid up.\"\" Oh that\'s only steam.\"\" How does the steam get under the lid?\" The steam must be very strong.\" the boy said to himself.\" It can push things, if there is more water, the steam will be much stronger.\" Many, many years later, James Watt tried to make steam work for people. Finally he gave the world the first steam engine(发动机). His name lives forever.
( ) 1. James Watt liked to ask questions and think hard when he was a boy.
( ) 2. Because he was too foolish, James Watt liked to ask questions.
( ) 3. The water in the kettle can turn into steam without being heated (热 ).
( ) 4. There had been steam engines in the world before James Watt was a schoolboy.
( ) 5. James Watt invented the steam engine.
   One of Mike\'s friends loved money very much and never gave anything to any body. Soon he became rich. One day, the rich man was walking along the river with his friends. He was talking and laughing and suddenly he fell into the river. His friends tried to help him. One of them held out his hand and said,\" Give me your hand, and I will pull you out!\" The rich man went under the water and then came up again, but he did not give his friend his hand. Again another of his friends tired, but again the same thing happened.
  Then Mike said,\" Take my hand and I will pull you out!\" The rich man took out his hand at once, and Mike pulled out him out of the water.
  \"You don\'t know our friend very well,\" He said to the others. \" When you say \'Give\' to him, he does nothing; but when you say \'Take\', he takes.
( ) 1.What was the rich man like?
   A. He loved money very much. B. He always helps others. C. He was not afraid of death.
( ) 2. What happened one day to the rich man as he was walking along the river?
   A. He was hit by a car.   B. He fell into the river.  C. He lost all his money.
( ) 3. What did his friends do when this happened?
   A. They all ran away. B. They tried to save him. C. They didn\'t know how to save him.
( ) 4. When his friend said ,\"Give me your hand !\",the rich man .
  A. give his hand to his friend at once   B. held out his hand and cried for help
  C. didn\'t give his hand to his friend.
( ) 5. The rich man like the word because he liked to take things from others and never gave anything to anybody.  A. \" give\" B. \" take\" C.\" hold\"
 答案:A. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A B. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B
V. 完型填空
A Thomas Edison went to school only three months of his life. After that, his mother became his teacher. His mother was strict ___1___ him. She ___2___him to study every day, not only in winter, but also in summer. He didn’t ___3___if the other boys were playing outside ___4___ he was studying. His mother gave him both learning and love learning .She thought it was ___5___important for her son to think than only to remember things.
 Edison’s mother’s way of ___6___ was to read ___7___Edison the best books she could find books written by the great English writers Shakespeare and Dickens, and many important books of history. When Edison was eight years old, he enjoyed ____8____ in reading good books. By the time he was nine, he could read difficult books very quickly. He enjoyed ____9____ to do everything for himself. He never really learned to remember the facts and rules of certain (某些,一定的) things. He learned to do number ____10____, but he didn\'t like to do them. He didn’t think about numbers the way most peop


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