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Unit 6 Mainly revision

the pump and took him to the police station.We had everything we needed, a bottle of the liquid and a photograph of the liquid being pumped into the sea.


  The clock had just struck eleven when I first heard a noise coming from the lift. I opened the door of our room and listened: someone was   1   against the door of the   2   and calling out at the same time.

  “What’s   3   ?” I shouted. “The door has been   4  and I can’t get out,” the answer came back. The voice, which  5  like that of a girl, came from several   6  below.

  My wife had now   7   me and she went off directly in search of the night porter (值班人) . After calling to the girl that   8  was on its way, I went back into the   9   to get some tools. Then I too hurried   10   the stairs until I reached the place   11  the lift was stuck.

  I tried my hand at forcing to    12   the lift door, talking all the while to the girl trapped inside,   13   my tools were of no use for this purpose. Very   14   , however, my wife returned.   15  to find the porter, she had called the police, who agreed to send an engineer?   16   she has also got in touch with the fire service.  

  In a short time the engineer appeared, followed by two   17   . Almost immediately afterwards the firemen    18   too. With his special equipment it   19  the engineer only a short while to get the door open. In spite of her experience, the girl was in good   20   . “I’m hungry,” was her only remark as she stepped out of her cage.

  1. A. standing      B. beating    C. sitting    D. shouting

  [解析]从空后的against the door…and calling out at the same time我们得此答案, beat在此意“敲、击”。.    答案:B

  2.A.flat     B. room    C .house       D .lift

  [解析]从首句…when I first heard a noise from the lift. 我们得知,此时那人敲的是电梯的门。

  3. A. matter      B. wrong    C. accident     D. question

  [解析]在深夜11点钟有人敲电梯的门,“我”感到不解,因此问“怎么了?”在此A有干扰性,matter用作名词时,前面要有冠词the。  答案:B

  4. A. opened     B. broken   C. stuck      D. stopped

  [解析]stuck在此意为“卡住、陷住”。  答案:C

  5. A. sounded     B. heard   C. listened     D. looked  答案:A

  6. A. stairs    B. floors     C. roofs        D .flights

  [解析]“声音来自几层楼下”。在此A,C均有干扰性,floor指整个楼房的一层,从电梯的位置看,电梯应是在楼梯口,因此B不合题意。stair指楼梯台阶,因此A也不合题意。a flight指楼梯的一段。   答案:D

  7. A. called   B. stopped   C .seen   D. joined

  [解析]“我妻子也加入进来……”。join sb. 加入到某人的行列中;和某人一起…。答案:D

  8.A.It        B. nothing   C .lift    D .help

  [解析]“在告诉她救助就要来之后,……”。on the/one’s way, 即将到来 答案:D

  9.A.lift      B. door   C. flat     D. way   答案:C

  10. A. down        B. up    C. on      D. from

  [解析]“我”从家里赶快返回电梯,从前文我们得知此时电梯在several flights below, 因此I hurried down the stairs .    答案:A

  11.A.that     B. where   C. which     D. there

  [解析] where引导定语从句修饰place, where在句中作状语。答案:B

  12. A. open         B. close    C. shut      D. turned

  [解析]电梯的门一直紧闭,“我”想撬开门。force to do sth. 强行做某事。答案:A

  13.A.though     B. if     C . but   D. because   答案:C

  14. A. quickly     B. fast    C .well   D .soon

  [解析]A、B也都可以表示“快”但quickly多侧重行动的敏捷,而fast指速度快,在此作者指不大会儿工夫,“我”妻子回来了,因此用soon一词。   答案:D

  15. A. Able      B. Unable   C. Glad   D. Sony

  [解析]从she had called the police, …看,“我”妻子没有找到值班人.答案:B

  16. A. Besides     B. Instead   C. Still    D. But

  [解析]besides在此为副词,意思是“另外”。   答案:A

  17. A. porters      B. men   C. policemen   D. firemen

  [解析]她没有找到值班人,因此A不合题意。从空后的almost immediately afterwards the firemen 18 (arrived) too. 得知D也不合题意。 答案:C

  18. A. reached     B. arrived   C. got       D. left

  [解析]A,C都可以表示到达,但reach当“到达”解时是及物动词,get to + n. 或get后直接跟副词才可表示“到达”。答案:B

  19. A. spent       B. took     C. passed    D. stayed

  [解析]It took sb. some time to do sth. 花某人一段时间做某事。spend也可表示“花费”,但其主语是人而不是it或物。 答案:B

  20. A. spirits      B. health   C. conditions    D. manners

  [解析]“尽管有这次(不愉快的经历),女孩的情绪很好。”   答案:A



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《Unit 6 Mainly revision(第2页)》

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