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  注意:as long as这个短语还可以做从属连词用来引导条件状语从句。意思是“只要……”,也可以说;so long as。如:As long as I live, I’ll study. 只要我还活着,我就要学习。
  You may borrow the books so long as you keep it clean.
  As long as we don’t lose heart, we’ll find a way to overcome the difficulty.
10. Maybe we can go scuba diving sometime. 也许改天我们能潜泳。
  Maybe it will rain tonight. 可能今天晚上会下雨。
  Maybe it is true. 也许这是真的。
  It may be wrong. 这可能有错。
11. Not all sharks are alike. 并不是所有的都相似。
  alive adj. 意思为“相同的;相像的”常做表语。
  They were born on the same day. The two brothers are very much alike.
  他俩出生于同一天。这兄弟俩长得很像。= They were born on the same day. The two brothers are very like.  他俩出生于同一天。这兄弟俩长得很像。
  注意:like 之前可以用very 来修饰,但是alike之前则不行。另外,alike也可以用做副词。如: You and I think alike.你和我的想法一致。
  Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。
12. … but many sharks feed on fish, other sea animals, smaller sharks and sometimes people.
  Feed on sth. 以……为食
  Cows feed on hay. 奶牛吃干草。
  The children always feed on the best of food. 孩子们常常吃最好的食物。
13. It is said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the great white shark.
  It is said …据说……
  It is said that you are good at operating computers.  据说你很会操作电脑。
  It is said that the sports meeting will be put off till next Thursday.
  It is thought that … 据认为……
  It is known that … 众所周知……
  It is reported that … 据报道……

  1. 现在完成时态的结构have/has+过去分词
  2. 现在完成时涉及两个时间概念。一是过去,二是现在。谓语动词虽然所表示的动作发生在过去,但是该时态所强调的还是对现在的影响或结果。关键在于这种影响和结果正是说话人的兴趣所在。因而,该时态通常不带有时间状语。如:
  The boy has come back.  孩子回来了。(意思是说孩子在家。)
  I’ve lost my pen.  我把钢笔给丢了。(意思是说我现在没有钢笔用。)
  3. 现在完成时态还可以用来表示开始于过去,且该状态一直延续至今而且还有可能继续下去的可能性的情况。谓语动词的动作通常是可持续的。如:
  I have lived here for more than twenty years.  我在此住了二十多年了。
  Nothing has happened ever since.  打那以后就什么也没有发生过,
  4. 非延续性动词用于现在完成时态的时候,通常不带表示时间段的时间状语,因此不和for或者since连用。例如,不能说:I have bought the house for two years / since two years ago.
  而应当说:I bought the house two years ago.
  或者说:I have had the house for two years.
  或者说:It’s two years since I bought the house.
  但是非延续性动词的否定式可以和表示一段时间的时间状语连用,表示这种动作的否定状态的延续。如:I haven’t bought anything for a week / since you left.
  5. 同学们应当特别注意的是,现在完成时态是一个属于现在时态的范畴,所以它可以和包括“现在时刻”在内的时间状语连用。如:
  Now, today, this morning / week / month / year, by now, so far, up to now, already, before, just, ever, never, always, recently, lately.等等。如:
  I have done nothing today. 我今天什么事情也没有干。
  We have had four lessons this morning.
  Have you seen her before?  你以前见过他吗?
  6.当强调行为的行为时间、执行者、行为方式、行为场所、行为原因时,句中一般用一般过去时,而不用或者很少用现在完成时,间或用现在完成时也是为了强调结果。如:Who did it? How did he do it? Why did he do it? Where did he do it? When did he do it?
例1 I don’t think the girl is right, ________ ________?
  A. do I B. is she C. isn\'t she D. does she
  解析 答案B。一般来说含有宾语从句的句子改为反意疑问句时,疑问部分常与主句的主谓语要一致,但主句的主语是第一人称时,疑问部分常与从句的主谓要一致。本句中从句的动词为be,且前面表示否定,这样A、C、D都不合题意,B是正确答案。
例2 单项选择填空
( ) 1. The old writer lives ________, but he doesn\'t feel ________.
  A. alone; alone B. alone; lonely  C. lonely; lonely D. lonely; alone
( )2. There are bookshops on ________ side of the street. _________ of them do not close till midnight. A. both; All     B. every; None  C. either; Some   D. other; Many
( )3. I don’t like this movie, ________.  A. either  B. neither  C. too  D. also
( ) 4. I don’t know if he ________ tomorrow. If he ________, I’ll call you.
  A. comes; comes B. will come; will come C. will come; comes D. comes; will come
  1.B. alone可用做副词,意思是“单独的;独自的”。形容词lonely可作表语,意思是“孤独的;寂寞的”,指心理上感到寂寞、孤独等。
  2.C.“在街道两边”要说on half sides of the street或者 on either side of the street。选项 A中的 both不能接side。选项B中的every表示三者和三者以上的每一个,故B不符合题意。如果要表达“在街道的另一边”应为on the other side of the street。选项D中other前没有冠词the.因此选C。
例3 下列各句A、B、C、D中有一处错误,将错处序号填入题前括号内并在后面横线上写出正确的答案
( ) 1. How long have the Whites arrived in China?________
    A      B    C D
( ) 2.


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