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u haven’t changed your mind,have you? 你还没有改变主意,是吧?
常用的mind的短语: change one’s mind 改变主意
make up one’s mind 下决心
keep sth. in mind 记住某事
never mind 没关系
6.Please speak to her in English as much as possible every day.
Read this story as quickly as possible.
as…as possible “尽可能……地”, “尽……地” 两个as之间多半是副词.如:
He’d like to see the headmaster as soon as possible. 他想尽快见到校长.
Please come as early as possible. 请尽可能早点来.
I’d like to know as much as possible about my exam.
as…as one can 如:
I’ll return the pan as soon as I can. 我会尽快归还这只锅.
Miss Zhao got a medicine box as quickly as she could. 赵老师尽快拿起这只药箱.
7.Where do the Greens stop on the way? 格林一家中途在什么地方停留?
on the way “在途中”, “在路上” the可以换成物主代词 如:
They stopped at different towns on the way. 路上他们在不同的城镇停留.
He met a friend on his way home. 在回家的路上,他碰到一个朋友.
1.Billy is coming round to get his book back.
A. here B.soon C.over there D.back
2.She hates moving here and there.. She hopes to stay in one place.
A. is afraid of B.doesn’t like C.is glad for D.loves
3.Kust then there was a knock at the door.
A.soon B. at once C.because D.at that time
4.When will you fly back?
A.run B.go by train C.go by sea D.go by air
5.Do you know how long the meeting will last?
A.go on B.begin C.end D.open
1.Edison ______ hard. At last he had an idea.
2.The light in the room was very ______.
3.The doctor operated at once and _______ mother was saved.
4.Could you look after her ______ we’re away?
5.Are you sure he _______ mind?
6.Look at these red _____ on the trees.
7.How _______ does Ling Feng have to speak to Polly in English?
8.Please clean the floor of her cage ______ a week.
9.What were you doing ______ I came in?
10.He got up ______ late to catch the first bus.
1. thought 2.bad 3.his 4.while 5.doesn’t 6.leaves 7.often 8.once 9.when 10.too )
A singer with a Balloon(气球)
New York can be a very dangerous city ___ especially(特别)at night. Many people do not go out alone into the streets after dark. Their problem is even worse for women. One New Yorker found an unusual answer to the problem. As a singer, she has to drive alone to clubs (俱乐部)late at night. Then she has to drive home after the show (表演)
The singer needs a “friend”. So she has got herself Bob___ a balloon that looks like a man. He sits in the passenger (乘客)seat of her car while she drives at night. People in the street think the woman driver has a man with her, and she feels safe.
( )1. Many people in New York are afraid to go out alone after dark because _______.
A.it is dark in the street. B.it is hard to drive a car at night
C.the city is not safe at night D.the people often prefer to stay at home
( )2.The New Yorker in the story is ______.
A.a woman B.a man passenger C.a man driver D.the woman’s friend
( )3. When she drives home after the show, _______.
A.it’s late at night B.it’s about supper time
C.it’s late in the evening D.it’s getting dark
( )4.Bob is the name of _______.
A.the singer’s husband B.the car driver
C.a strong passenger D.a big balloon
( )5. She feels safe because _______.
A.she has a balloon along with her B.nobody knows Bob is a balloon
C.she has a man together with her D. many people are afraid of balloons


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