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  (1)This book is three times larger than that one.这本书比那本书大三倍。
  (2)They produced 15 % more rice last year than they did in 1990.
注意:以上可归纳为句型:“A is … times + adj. / adv. (比较级)+ than B.”
  另外这一句型还可转化为句型“A is … times as + adj. / (原级)+as B.”例如:
  (1)At least, the train runs 6 times as fast as the boat.
  (2)After the experiment, the plant is four times as tall as it was before.

Before class ask Ss to sum up the use of –ing Form and in class the teacher may have a contest among Ss who have been divided into two or several groups to see which group has done the job best. In this way Ss will usually have a good preparation of their work and will be willing to do what seems boring to them, which is the necessity to learn well. The teacher may add what has been left out and have a summary. After that, enough exercises are needed to help Ss to use, understand, remember and master what they have learned. Only through the use of the language can Ss really get what they are required to get.
Grammar-- -ing Form
Revising the use of –ing forms of the verbs and make Ss grasp the use of it.

I. v+ing 的句法功能:
1.作主语。可直接作主语, 表示一般抽象概念时,可以与不定式互换,但在句型“It is no use/good”等候一般用动名词。
e.g. It is no good smoking too much.
   Seeing is believing.
2. 作宾语。有些动词可以直接跟v.-ing作宾语,
如:mind, miss, enjoy, escape, prevent, practice, postpone, suffer, suggest, keep(on), avoid, admit, bear, deny, advise, delay, risk, resist, finish, fancy, excuse, imagine, consider, can’t help,
下列 “vi.+介词或副词” 构成的短语动词,后接v.-ing作宾语。
succeed in, approve of, persevere in, inquire of, persist in, complain of, insist on, aim at, benefit from, burst out, can not help, be busy (in), be on the point of, feel like, guard against, give up, go on , keep on, leave off, put off , be used to, object to, be accustomed to, refer to, be opposed to, stick to, be dedicated to, be devoted to ,look forward to, turn to, come near to, devote oneself to, due to, pay attention to, be faithful to ,be equal to, be familiar to, be sentenced to…
e.g. We enjoy learning English.
He insisted on seeing the exhibition.
I am looking forward to seeing you.
The mayor considered building a new town-hall.
3. 作表语。作表语表示主语的内容或表示状态,说明主语的特点( 这是主语是v.-ing形式的执行者)。
e.g. Our aim is studying English well.
   His speech is very exciting.
4. 作定语。 表示主动,相当于一个定语从句, 表示动作在进行;或说明用途或作用。(单个一词作定语,须放在所修饰词的前面;短语作定语须放在所修饰词的后面)
e.g. The lady talking (who is talking) with him is a doctor.
   Will the swimming pool be open?
The man walking by the lake is a scientist.
5. 作补语。作宾语有两个特征:一是宾语与 v.– ing 有主谓关系,且宾语是v+ing动作的执行者;二是v.+-ing形式所表示的动作正在进行。
e.g. We heard the boy crying there.
   You can see them performing every night.
When I entered the room, I found him listening to the radio.
跟 v+ing 作补语的词常是感官动词和使役动词,如notice, see, hear, watch, get, feel, have, find, keep, observe, look at, listen to, smell etc.
6. 作状语。常作表示原因、时间、结果、条件、让步、伴随或方式状语。其逻辑主语是句子的主语且句子的主语是动作的发出者。
e.g. Being blind, how could they see an elephant?
   He sat at the desk reading a book.
   Seeing from the hill, we find the city beautiful.
V+ing 形式一般式和完成式,有主动语态和被动语态,共四种形式,以tell为例
  asking      being asked
  having asked   having been asked
e.g. He is proud of being learned. (He is proud that he is learned.)
   I am sure of John’s coming in time. (I am sure that John will come in time.)
   I am sure of his having been elected. ( I am that he has been elected.)
V+ing 的否定形式是在V+ing前加 not.
e.g. What is troubling them is their not having enough knowledge about computer.
   Not taking any biscuits that morning, we had nothing to eat later.
有些动词接不定式和V+ing,意思基本一样。如begin, start, continue, plan, can’t bear, like, love, hate, prefer, intend…
e.g. Let’s continue to study/ studying law. (让我们继续学习法律。)
但,有些表示系恶的动词,如like, love, hate, prefer, intend …,接v+ing 表示一般的喜恶,接不定式表示特别的情况。
e.g. I don’t like going to the theatre alone.(一般情况)
   I’d like to go to the theatre if you with me.(特殊)
下列动词或短语,need, want, require, bear, demand, be worth… 接v+ing 的主动形式,表示被动意义, 与接不定式的被动形式意义大致相同。
e.g. This problem needs looking into. (This problem needs to be looked into. )
   This book is worth reading twice. (This book is worth to be read twice.)
在下列动词或短语后,如,stop, remember, forget, regret, try, mean, go on, go afraid…
可以接v+ing 也可以接不定式,但意义不同。
e.g. I remember to fill out the form.(我记得要填表。)(表示动作尚未发生。)
   I remember filling out the form.(我记得一天表了。)(表示动作已经发生了。)
   I stopped to eat. (我停下别的事,来吃饭。)(停止手中事去做另一件事。)
   I stopped eating. (我停止吃饭。)(停止正做的事。)
   I regret to say I can’t stay here any longer. (我很抱歉的说我不能在此久留。)(表示动作尚未发生。)
   I regret leaving/having left you. (我后悔离开了你。)(表示动作已经发生了。)
   He tried to write better. (我力图把字写得好些。)(设法, 努力去做,尽力。。。)
   He tried knocking at the back door. (他试着悄悄后门。)(试试去做<看看有何结果>)
   I should like to be rich. (but I am poor.) (我很想富有。(但我很穷))
   I like being rich. (I am rich.) (我喜欢富有。 (我已富有))
   I forget to bring my umbrella. (我忘记带伞了。)(表示动作尚未发生。)
   I will never forget seeing you. (我永远不会忘记见到你的情景。)(表示动作已经发生了。)
   I meant to call on him. (我想去看望他。)(打算做。。。)
   This means wasting time. ( 这就意味着浪费时间。)(意味着; 也就是。。。)
   Having washed the clothes, I went on to sweep the floor. (我洗衣服接着就扫地。)(干完一件事,接着干另一件事。)
  They went on doing their work after a short rest. (他们休息一会儿,又继续干活了。)(一直做同一件事。)
  The enemy was afraid to come after us. (敌人不敢追我们。)(不敢去做一件事。)
  She was afraid of making mistakes. (她怕犯错误。) (害怕某一结果。)
补充常用v+ing 的句型。
1.go+doing 的结构,表示“去干某事”的意思,多指从事与体育、娱乐有关的活动。例如:
  go fishing 去钓鱼 go hunting去打猎 go riding 去骑马
  go shopping 去购物 go dancing 去跳舞 go climbing去爬山
  go boating 去划船 go climbing 去爬山 go shooting 去射击
  go farming 去务农 go teaching从教 go nursing 当护士
  go soldiering 当兵 go nutting 采坚果


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