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  ①I have nothing to blame myself for.我没有什么可责怪自己。
  ②The parents scolded him severely for lying to them.他因对父母亲说谎而遭严厉责骂。
搭配辨析answer与  reply
  ①There’s another knock.I’ll go and answer the door.   又有人敲门,我去开门。
  ②I asked her the reason,but she didn’t reply.   我问她为什么,她却不回答。

搭配辨析for sale与  on  sale
  这两个词都有“出售”之意。for sale常指个人所有物出售、待售;on ssle常作形容词短语,表示物品出售。上市,也可用作形容词或副词,表“廉价出售的/地/特价的/地”。e.g.
  ① He put his car for sale.  他把汽车拿出来卖。
  ② They sell eggs on today.  今天那家店鸡蛋大减价。
  ③ Kinds of fresh fruit are on sale.  新鲜水果上市了。

1. 1)  -ing形式的一般式表示性质、主动,而及物动词的过去分词则表状态、被动。
 例 ①a.The work was tiring.  这工作挺累的。
        b.The workers were soon tired. 工人们很快就累了。
   a.-lng形式作表语表示主语(物)的性质。 b. 过去分词作表语表示主语(人)的状态。
  ②a.It was a piece of exciting news.   这是一个令人激动的消息。
     b. The excited old man drank a lot that night.(定语) 激动的老人那晚喝了很多酒。
   a. -ing 形式作定语表示后面名词的性质。  b. 过去分词作定语表示后面名词的性质。
  ③a. He had the horse running more than 100 miles 他让马奔跑了一百多英里。
        b.I’ll have the letter typed immediately. 我会马上找人把这封信打出来。
  2).  表主动含义时,名词前作定语的-ing形式表示进行,过去分词表示完成。
例:①a.France Is a developed country.  法国是一个发达的国家。
         b.China is a developing country•     中国是一个发展中国家。
    ②a. a changed world已经变化的世界。    b. a changing world正在变化的世界。
    ③a. the risen sun已经升起的太阳。    b. the rising sun正在升起太阳。
  3). 过去分词短语和-ing 短语及不定式短语作后置定语的区别
例:①I don’t like to see letters written in pencil.
  ②This is the building built last year.这是去年建的楼房。(被动,完成)
  ③The building being built there is our lab.
  ④They have designed a building to be built next year.
  b表被动含义时,瞬时动词不能用-ing 进行式的被动语态,应使用过去分词。
例:①most of the people being invited to the party were famous scientists. (Ⅹ)
    ②Most of the people invited to the party were famous scientists.(√)
例:①We enjoy seeing the films having been directed by Charlie Chaplin.(Ⅹ)
       ②We enjoy seeing the films directed by Charlie Chaplin.(√)
2. 过去分词和不定式作宾语补足语
例:①When we talk with others,we make ourselves understood not just by words.
     ②When we talk With others,we make them understand us not just by words.
 3. 过去分词的逻辑主语
例:①Seen from the hill, we find the village very small.  (Ⅹ)
       ②Seen from the hill,the village looks very small.(√)
  l.The managers discussed the plan that they
   would like to see the next year.(NMET 2000)
  A.carry out        B.carrying out   C.carried out         D.to carry out
  分析: 例1的答案为C。此句中包含一个定语从句,the plan是定语从句的先行词,将其放到定语从句中构成 they would like to see the plan ____(carry out)。the plan与 carry out构成被动关系,故用 carried out。
  小结: 此题测试的是过去分词作宾补。过去分词作宾补时,它所表示的动作对象是前面的宾语,与其构成被动关系。
  2.Most of the artists to the party were ____  from South Africa.
  A.invited      B.to invited
  C.being invited   D.had been invited(NMET90)
  3.The first textbooks________for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.
  A.having written     B.to be written
  C.being written    D.written (NMET94)
  4.The Olympic Games,____ in 776B.C.,did not include women players until 1912.
  A first played          B.to be first played
  C first playing   D.to be first playing (NMET97)
  分析:例2的答案为 A。例3的答案为 D。此两题都是前面的名词与动词之间构成被动关系,作后置定语。可变为限制性定语从句,who were invited…;that  were  written…。例4的答案为 A.名词 the Olympic Games与动词 play之间构成被动关系,也作后置定语,可变为非限制性定语从句 which were first played…。
  5.____more attention, the trees could have grown better.
  A. Given   B. To give    C. Giving    D. Having given  (NMET 90)
  6. ____ in thought,he almost ran Into the car in front of him.
  A、Losing     B.Having lost  C.Lost     D.Lose(NMET96)
  分析:例 5的答案为 A。主句的主语the trees与动词give之间构成被动关系,故用过去分词。此题过去分词作了条件状语。可改为 If the trees had been given more attention…. 例 6的答案为C。把此句还原后是As he was lost in thought, he …lost

  7.Cleaning women in big cities usually get ____ by the hour. (NMET’98)
  A.pay   B. paying     C.paid      D.to pay
  分析:此题的答案为C。此题旨在考查“get十过去分词”结构的用法。该结构中的 get可以用be代替。后跟过去分词作表语,含有被动含义,多用于强调结果或表示不期而遇和偶然发生的事。类似的短语还有get broken;get hurt; get married; get caught等。


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