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bsp;   B.to be first played
  C first playing   D.to be first playing (NMET97)
  分析:例2的答案为 A。例3的答案为 D。此两题都是前面的名词与动词之间构成被动关系,作后置定语。可变为限制性定语从句,who were invited…;that  were  written…。例4的答案为 A.名词 the Olympic Games与动词 play之间构成被动关系,也作后置定语,可变为非限制性定语从句 which were first played…。
  5.____more attention, the trees could have grown better.
  A. Given   B. To give    C. Giving    D. Having given  (NMET 90)
  6. ____ in thought,he almost ran Into the car in front of him.
  A、Losing     B.Having lost  C.Lost     D.Lose(NMET96)
  分析:例 5的答案为 A。主句的主语the trees与动词give之间构成被动关系,故用过去分词。此题过去分词作了条件状语。可改为 If the trees had been given more attention…. 例 6的答案为C。把此句还原后是As he was lost in thought, he …lost

  7.Cleaning women in big cities usually get ____ by the hour. (NMET’98)
  A.pay   B. paying     C.paid      D.to pay
  分析:此题的答案为C。此题旨在考查“get十过去分词”结构的用法。该结构中的 get可以用be代替。后跟过去分词作表语,含有被动含义,多用于强调结果或表示不期而遇和偶然发生的事。类似的短语还有get broken;get hurt; get married; get caught等。

  误:I pulled out a tooth yesterday.    正:I had a tooth pulled out yesterday.
  have sth. done 结构。又如: l had my eyes examined yesterday.
  Have sth. done 还有 “遭遇(不幸)”之意。如He had his hands burned.
  2. 高先生主管那所医院。
  误:Mr Gao is in the charge of the hospital.
  正:Mr Gao is in charge of the the hospital.

  分析:in charge of 表示 主管,负责(某 事),而  in thecharge  of 表示 “在……主管之下”。  如:The hospital is in the charge of Mr. Gao.
  误:He would be a manager,
  正:He used to be a manager.
  分析:would和 used  to都可表示“过去常常发生的动作”,后接动作动词。如:
He used to/would go fishing in the lake. 但 would 后面不能接表认识、状态的动词,而used
to 可以。如:   My elder brother used to be a sailor.
  误:I suggest to bring in more equipments.
  正:I suggest bringing in more equipment.
  误:The song “My heart will go on” is popular to the young people.
  正:The song “My heart will go on” is popular with the young people.
  分析:be  popular  with表示“受……的欢迎”。

Lesson 17教学设计方案

Step 1 .Presentation
Ask questions like these:
  Where can you find advertisements?  Why do companies advertise?
  Do you watch advertisements on TV?  Which are your favorite advertisements?
  Put any useful notes and key words that arise out of this discussion on the Bb.

Step 2.Dialogue
(I.) Listening (Say to the class, “Now, we are going to listen to a discussion about an advertisement. It is a little bit long, so I’ll play the tape twice with only two questions.”)
1. What is the advertisement for?
  A. a camera  B. a computer  C. a typewriter   (Key: B)
2. What will the ad be like?
  A. humorous  B. serious  C.exciting     (Key: A)
(II.) Reading
1. Ask the students to read the dialogue again, checking the answers. Then ask:
“What suggestion seems to be the final decision?”
(Key: Bob’s suggestion: Put comments of the customers’ at the top of the ad in big print and bring in some humor.
2. Say to the students, “In this dialogue we should learn how to express opinions: agreement or disagreement. Read the dialogue quickly again and I’m sure you can find several such expressions.”
( The students are sure to find these expressions. The teacher should praise them, encourage them to think of more and put the expressions down on the Bb. Also, the teacher should remind the students which are indirect and polite ways and which are direct.
  1. I think it would be a good idea to do…
  2. I agree with…
  3. That’s true/ right.
  4. Good idea!/ That’s great!/ Why not!/ Exactly!
  1. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you.
  2. Sorry, I don’t think so.
  3. Do you (really ) think so?/ Do you think…?
  4. I don’t agree (with …).
  5. I don’t think you are right.

Step3.Fill in blanks.

  1.Do you think managers want to read what users think about a new piece of office equipment.

  2.That’s a good way of giving information,but it’s not a good way of persuading people. For one thing, it’s boring, and people aren’t going to read an ad that looks boring.For another thing,one computer looks very like another.People aren’t going to remember the name of the product.

  3.So what exactly are you suggesting?

  4.Then we can put their comments at the top of te advertisement in big print.We can bring in some humour too. People enjoy reading humorous ads.

  I’ll ask the company for a list of recent customers.

Step4.languag points:

  1.I think it would be a good idea to have comments from secretaries and typists who are already using it  我想听听用过它的秘书打字员的评论是个好主意。

  (1)句中的 have comment from…表达“听取…的意见/评价”,相当于listen to the views/opinions of…,from 接人,表听取别人的意见。e.g.
  You‘d better have  comments from your teachers and classmates.你最好听听你的老师和同学们的意见。

  (2) 这个句子是委婉地提出建议的交际英语。句中would是will的过去式,但在此句型中并不表示过去,而是用来代替一般现在时,在说话人提出建议时为了把话说得委婉一点、含糊一点,实际是一种虚拟语气e.g

   ---- I’m afraid I’


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