收购的研究发现,在1975-1991年间,平均看来收购企业的异常收益接近于零。Healy,Palepu and Ruback(1992)、Mitchell and Lehn(1990)、Loughrant and Vijh(1997)的研究也显示了同样的结果。Ghosh(2001)在研究后发现收购公司以现金收购后现金流量每年增长3%,但其来源是销售额的增长,而不是成本的削减;换股收购中上述增量下降,但不显著。
6.并购与企业经营绩效。并购能否提高企业的经营效率,至今尚无定论,其中原因很多,最主要的是许多学者在对并购企业经营效率的实证分析中,采用了不同的效率测定方法(DEA法、SFA法、TFA法和DFA法)。这些方法在定义变量,特别是在定义误差项时,存在着重大的差别,如SFA法假定误差项呈正态分布;而DFA法则假设误差项呈均匀分布等。Garden and Ralston(1999)利用DEA法对信用联盟的兼并进行了分析,发现兼并并不能给各方带来显著的收益,因而管理层不应将兼并作为降低成本的方法。其他学者在研究了并购企业经营效率后也发现,由于较高的并购成本和被收购企业较差的经营状况导致并购后企业的利润率呈现出递减的趋势。但是,也有一些经济学家通过分析证明,并购实现了经营的多元化,从而在长期中提高了企业的经营业绩。De Yong(1993)运用TFA法对1987-1989年发生的384起并购案进行了检验,结果发现大多数并购能够小幅度提升企业经营业绩。并购方式的不同对并购后企业经营业绩的影响也具有很明显的差异。根据理论上的分析,横向并购和纵向并购在短期内较混合并购更易产生并购后的协同效应,从而提高企业并购后的经营业绩。Hagedoorn and Duysters(2000)从技术扩散的角度研究了长期内并购对企业经营业绩的影响。长期内,由于并购双方的技术协同,采用新技术、新工艺,研制新产品,从而提高了企业的赢利能力。
①G.Andrade & E.Stafford(2002),“Investigating the economic role of mergers”,Journal of Corporate Finance,Vol. 161.
②G.Andrade,M.Mitchell & E. Stafford (2001), “New evidence and perspectives on mergers”, Joumal of Economic Perspectives, 15:103-120.
③G.L. Delong(2001), “Stockholder gains from focusing versus diversi- fying bank mergers”, Joumal of Financial Economics, 59(2).
④G.Marcu (2000), “Issues for consideration in mergers and ac- quisitions from a regulatory perspective”, Speech at the Institut for Intemational Research 9th Annual Conference, BIS Review 60.
⑤W.Marr, S.Mohta & M.F.Spivey (1993), “An analysis of for- eign takeovers in the United States”, Managerial and Decision E- conomics, 14:285-94.
⑥M. Firth (1980), “Takeovers, shareholder returns and the theo- ry of the firm”, Quarterly Joumal of Economics, 94:235-260.
⑦L. Capron, et al. (1999), "Resource reemployment following horizontal aequisitions in Europe and North America, 1988- 1992”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.19.
⑧J. Franks & R. Harris (1989), “Shareholder wealth effects of corporate takeovers: the UK experience 1955-1985”, Journal of Financial Economics, 23: 225-249.
⑨P.M.Healy, K.G.Palepu & R.S. Rubeack (1992)
⑩C.Brown & J. L. Medoff(1988), “The impact of firm acquisition on labor”, Corporate Takeover: Causes and Consequences, ed. A.J.Auerbach, Chicago: UCP.
(11)J.F.Weston (2002), “M&As as adjustment process”,Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade.
(12)S.Kaplan & M. S. Weisbach (1992), “The success of acquisi- tion: evidence from divestitures”, The Journal of Finance, March.
(13)R. G. Hubbard and D. Palia (1995), “Benefits of control, man- agerial ownership, and the stock returns of acquiring firms”, RAND Journal of Economics, 26(Winter): 782-792.
(14)K. D. Brouthers, P. Hastenburs & J. Ven(1998), “If most merg- ers fail why are they so popular?” Long Range Planning, June.
(15). F.Weston, K.S.Chung and J.A.Siu(2000):《接管、重组与公司治理》,东北财经大学出版社。
(16)J.Tobin and S.S. Golub(2000):《货币、信贷与资本》,东北财经大学出版社。
6.并购与企业经营绩效。并购能否提高企业的经营效率,至今尚无定论,其中原因很多,最主要的是许多学者在对并购企业经营效率的实证分析中,采用了不同的效率测定方法(DEA法、SFA法、TFA法和DFA法)。这些方法在定义变量,特别是在定义误差项时,存在着重大的差别,如SFA法假定误差项呈正态分布;而DFA法则假设误差项呈均匀分布等。Garden and Ralston(1999)利用DEA法对信用联盟的兼并进行了分析,发现兼并并不能给各方带来显著的收益,因而管理层不应将兼并作为降低成本的方法。其他学者在研究了并购企业经营效率后也发现,由于较高的并购成本和被收购企业较差的经营状况导致并购后企业的利润率呈现出递减的趋势。但是,也有一些经济学家通过分析证明,并购实现了经营的多元化,从而在长期中提高了企业的经营业绩。De Yong(1993)运用TFA法对1987-1989年发生的384起并购案进行了检验,结果发现大多数并购能够小幅度提升企业经营业绩。并购方式的不同对并购后企业经营业绩的影响也具有很明显的差异。根据理论上的分析,横向并购和纵向并购在短期内较混合并购更易产生并购后的协同效应,从而提高企业并购后的经营业绩。Hagedoorn and Duysters(2000)从技术扩散的角度研究了长期内并购对企业经营业绩的影响。长期内,由于并购双方的技术协同,采用新技术、新工艺,研制新产品,从而提高了企业的赢利能力。
①G.Andrade & E.Stafford(2002),“Investigating the economic role of mergers”,Journal of Corporate Finance,Vol. 161.
②G.Andrade,M.Mitchell & E. Stafford (2001), “New evidence and perspectives on mergers”, Joumal of Economic Perspectives, 15:103-120.
③G.L. Delong(2001), “Stockholder gains from focusing versus diversi- fying bank mergers”, Joumal of Financial Economics, 59(2).
④G.Marcu (2000), “Issues for consideration in mergers and ac- quisitions from a regulatory perspective”, Speech at the Institut for Intemational Research 9th Annual Conference, BIS Review 60.
⑤W.Marr, S.Mohta & M.F.Spivey (1993), “An analysis of for- eign takeovers in the United States”, Managerial and Decision E- conomics, 14:285-94.
⑥M. Firth (1980), “Takeovers, shareholder returns and the theo- ry of the firm”, Quarterly Joumal of Economics, 94:235-260.
⑦L. Capron, et al. (1999), "Resource reemployment following horizontal aequisitions in Europe and North America, 1988- 1992”, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.19.
⑧J. Franks & R. Harris (1989), “Shareholder wealth effects of corporate takeovers: the UK experience 1955-1985”, Journal of Financial Economics, 23: 225-249.
⑨P.M.Healy, K.G.Palepu & R.S. Rubeack (1992)
,“Does cor- porate performane improve after mergers?” Journal of Financial Economics, 31(2) :135-176.
⑩C.Brown & J. L. Medoff(1988), “The impact of firm acquisition on labor”, Corporate Takeover: Causes and Consequences, ed. A.J.Auerbach, Chicago: UCP.
(11)J.F.Weston (2002), “M&As as adjustment process”,Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade.
(12)S.Kaplan & M. S. Weisbach (1992), “The success of acquisi- tion: evidence from divestitures”, The Journal of Finance, March.
(13)R. G. Hubbard and D. Palia (1995), “Benefits of control, man- agerial ownership, and the stock returns of acquiring firms”, RAND Journal of Economics, 26(Winter): 782-792.
(14)K. D. Brouthers, P. Hastenburs & J. Ven(1998), “If most merg- ers fail why are they so popular?” Long Range Planning, June.
(15). F.Weston, K.S.Chung and J.A.Siu(2000):《接管、重组与公司治理》,东北财经大学出版社。
(16)J.Tobin and S.S. Golub(2000):《货币、信贷与资本》,东北财经大学出版社。