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Unit 24 The science of farmingle

it down before you forget it.趁你还没忘记,把它写下来。

  China was one of the first countries in the world to study the science of farming.中国是世界上最最研究农学的国家之一。

  l)on of the first…to do…作“最早做……的之一”解,first后面跟不定式,作定语。如:

  They are first to bear hardships,the last enjoy comforts.他们总是吃苦在前,享乐在后。

  2)作后置定语的不定式(短语)“to study the science of farming”与其所修饰的先行调(同组)“(one of)the first countries”发生了脱离的情况。这种“脱离”或称“分裂”有时是必要的,是不可不用的。归纳起来,有下列三种:

  a.当中心名词另有形容词、介词短语或定语从句作其后置定语时,后置不定式从句作其后置定语时,后置不定式定语应往后移置。故本句应将“in the world”置于“to study…”之前。而不能相反。另如:

  You will remember the vain efforts of my little brother to climb to the top of that big tree.


  He orders this morning to put out of the city at once.

  试比较:This morning he received orders to put out of the city at once. 但不可说成:

  He received orders to put out of the city at once this morning.


  A lot of ways have been found to protect the country against attack.

  At the meeting a decision was made to transfer a part of the student to another school.

  Here are five pieces of advice collected from Jia Sixie’s book Oi Min Yao Shu. 这里从贾思勰的《齐民要术》中摘录的五条意见。


  Here comes the bus. 班车来了。

  Here he comes. 他来了。



Lesson 93 教学设计方案

Teaching Aims

  1. Study this lesson to know how to talk about the weather and know more about farming.

  2. Get the students to practise the dialogue in pair’s.

  3.. Ask some students to act it out.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1. Lead in

Ask the students questions like these:

  What’s the weather like today?

  Do you know what is the weather going to be like for the next two days?

  Did you listen to the weather report on the radio?

Step 2. Listening

  Play the tape for the students to listen and find out according to the dialogue:

  What’s the weather like today?

  What’s the weather going to be like for the next two days?

  What’s the weather going to be like at the weekend?

Step 3 .Reading

  Read the dialogue silently and find out:

  What will Tim do tomorrow?

  What had they better do before the weather changes?

Step 4 .Dialogue

  1. Play the tape of the dialogue for the students to listen and follow.

  2. Go through the dialogue briefly. Deal with the language points.

  1) be busy with, l)be busy doing

  2) What's...like...? 怎么样?指人时问的是“外貌,性格”

   How is...? 怎么样?指人时问的是“身体状况”

   What is the weather like? = How is the weather?

  But: What is the new teacher like?

  Possible answers: He is very tall. Or: he is very kind.

  How is the teacher now?

   Possible answers: He is getting better today. Or: He is quite all right.

  3) be made of, be made from

  3. Let the students practise in pairs.

  4. Ask one pair to act it out in front of the class.

Step 5. Practice

  1. Ask the students to make sentences from the two tables.

  2. Deal with the new words.

Step 6. Listening

  1. Listening Cassette Unit 24. Play the tape once or twice as necessary.

  2. Discuss the answers with the whole class.

  3. Do Ex.2,3 on page 130.

Step 7. Consolidation

  1. Do some exercises on page 94, Ex. 1,2,3.

  2. Ask the students to make up a similar dialogue.

Step 8 Homework

  Prepare a story with the words in the box on page 94.

《Unit 24 The science of farmingle(第3页)》

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