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八年级新教材 Unit 2 教案_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力


Unit 2 English Around the World

The first period: The road to modern English   (Reading)






文。本节课为阅读课,包括Warming-up, Pre-reading, Reading和Comprehending

四个部分。Warming up介绍世界英语,要求学生区分英美语单词。此部分的


Pre-reading 部分设置了两个与主题有关世界英语的问题。在激活学生已有的


言的起源、发展变化、行成原因,以及它的发展趋势。Comprehending 部分旨



Teaching goals

1.     Target language

a.Useful words and expressions

include, play a role, because of, international, native, come up, culture, actually, present,

vocabulary, usage, identity, such as, rapidly

b. Important sentences

   World Englishes come from those countries…(P9)

   Native English speakers can understand each other…(P9)

   It became less like German, and more like French…(P10)

2.     Ability goals

Enable the students to describe the history of English and know of the differences between

American English and Britain English.

3.     Learning ability goals

Help the students learn how to analyze the way author describe the history of English.

Teaching important points

  Divide the text into two parts and find the main idea of each paragraph.

Teaching difficult points

  Work together with the partners and express one’s opinion on why people all over the world want to

learn English.

Teaching methods

  Discussion, reading, listening, cooperative learning, asking-and-answering.

Teaching aids

A computer, a recorder and a screen.

Teaching procedures and ways

Step I. Greeting

Step II. Lead-in and discussion

Arouse the students’ interest and let the students know of world English.

1.      How many languages can you speak?

Standard Chinese, Cantonese, English, Japanese…

2.  Which language is used most widely?   English         

And which language has the largest number of speaker?  Chinese

3.      English is spoken in many countries, can you list some?

   Britain, American, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India …

4.      Why English is spoken in other countries, like American, India…?

1). Englishmen once ruled American, India…

2). Many people moved to America.


5.      Do you think the kinds of English spoken in these countries are the same?

6.      Guess which of the following words are British English and which are American English.

mum/mom    in a term/on a term    rubber/eraser   

gas / petrol    centre / center

British English: mum, in a term, rubber, petrol, center.

7.      Do you think old English and modern English are the same?

   Listen to an English song ---- Auld Lang Syne<友谊天长地久>,pay attention to the

lyrics (歌词)in red. And what conclusion can you get from this song?

   Auld Lang Syne (Old Long Since)

   Should auld (old) acquaintance be forgotten.

and never brought to mind? 
   Should auld (old)acquaintance be forgot

and days of auld lang syne  (为了过去的好时光?)
   For auld lang syne my dear, for auld lang syne

   We’ll take a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne.


   And here’s a hand my trusty friend

and gie’s a hand of thine.(give us a hand of yours)

   We’ll take a cup of kindness yet for auld lang syne.



Step III. Reading

Get the students to know the history of English and help the students to form a good habit of reading.

Get the students to know the history of English and help the student to form a good habit of reading.

A. Fast-reading

Read the text quickly and answer two questions:

1. How did different kinds of English come about?

All languages change when cultures communicated with one another.

2. When was India ruled by Britain?

  From 1765 to 1947

B. Careful-reading

Read the text again carefully and finish three tasks:
1. Do Ex.1 of Comprehending on page 10.   

Keys: 1.A    2.D    3.C    4.D    5.B   

2.      How do you understand the title? (The history and development of English)

3.      How many parts can the text be divided into?

and find the main idea of each paragraph. (You can discuss in groups.)

《八年级新教材 Unit 2 教案_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力》


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