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  The race began. Fred got off to a good   35   . But somewhere along the way, he made a   36   turn. He became lost in a wilderness of sand and rock-a lonely place   37  the temperature can   38  top 40 degrees centigrade!

  A   39   party was organized, and planes were brought in. Soon the searchers began   40  something; Fred s motorcycle, foot prints in the sand, even his empty can.  41 they couldn’t find Fred.

  The searchers could not   42   this. Why didn’t Fred try to signal (发信号) the airplanes above? Why didn’t he   43  marks for the searchers to follow? It was almost as if he didn’t   44 to be found. Twelve days after the race, the searchers found Fred’s body - And near it, they found his bright orange helmet (头盔)   45  under a small bush(树丛) . It seemed to be hidden so that  46  couldn’t be seen from the air.

  Perhaps the searchers were right. Maybe Fred   47   want to be found. Why? Because he was a  48  man. He was trying to find his  49   way out of the desert. But he never  50   it. Fred Mundy had lost his race with time.

  31.  A. enter         B. watch     C. help        D organize

  [解析]enter有“参加”之意。B、C、D三项意思不符合题意。     答案:A

  32. A. forest          B. meadow    C. desert     D. country

  [解析]据前文所叙,应该是发生在沙漠荒地。     答案:C

  33. A. defeat         B. enjoy    C. improve      D. win    答案:D

  34. A. bottle             B. can     C. cup               D. mouthful

  [解析]can 在此为名词,意为“罐”。    答案B

  35. A. way      B. speed   C. position      D. start   答案:D

  36. A. skillful            B. difficult   C. wrong             D. dangerous

  [解析]后面说他迷路了,是由于这里拐弯出了差错。故应填C项。   答案:C

  37. A. that       B. where   C. whose      D. when   答案:B

  38. A. easily     B. hardly   C. mainly      D. fully



  39. A. race         B. helping    C. search      D. saving

  [解析]从下文中searchers可推出此空应填C项。    答案:C

  40. A. watching     B. collecting    C. recognizing   D. finding    答案:D

  41. A. Instead     B. But    C. Besides            D. And    答案:B

  42. A. guess      B. judge    C. understand        D. prove

  [解析]this指后面要提到的一系列问题,所以此空填C项。     答案:C

  43. A. write      B. make    C. keep       D. leave

  [解析] leave marks意为“留下标记”。     答案:D

  44. A. want      B. ask     C. allow       D. agree答案:A

  45. A. lost       B. buried     C. hidden     D. hung   答案:B

  46. A. it       B. searchers     C. planes     D. he

  [解析]指头盔。头盔是bright orange(鲜桔红色),如果不是有意藏起来,飞机是可以发现的。所以这里应该填A项(it),而不填D项(he)。     答案:A

  47. A. didn’t     B. mustn’t     C. couldn’t    D. shouldn’t     答案:A

  48. A. proud     B. stupid      C. strong      D. strange

  [解析]A项(proud)与前面第三段第一句相符。      答案:A

  49.A. only      B. lost     C. lonely         D. own答案:D

  50. A. had       B. made C. won       D. did [解析] it指his way. 答案:


  中国体操明星,前奥运会金牌得主刘璇,现在就读于北京大学,主修(major in)新闻(journalism)。她之所以选择新闻专业,是由于她以前常与记者接触,所以对新闻专业感兴趣;并且她觉得学习新闻可以让她学习到许多不同领域的知识。她想在将来成为一个国际体操裁判。她的人生格言(motto)是:“如果你想成为一个胜利者,首先征服(conquer)你自己。”
书面表达参考答案(One possible version)
  The Chinese star gymnast and former Olympic gold medali


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