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of his students 中的speak highly of ?
  这里的speak highly of是指\"高度评价\",\"赞扬\"的意思。例如:
  The teachers present all spoke highly of his spirits.
  We should speak highly of his saving the girl in the cold water against the risk of his life.
  He was spoken highly of by the girl\'s parents.
  speak ill of 说……坏话
  speak for 充当……代言人
  speak for oneself 为自己辩护
  speak sb fair 对某人彬彬有礼说话
  to speak of 值得一提(常用于否定句中)
9.He is not only the pride of our school but also the pride of all the people in Hainan.
  not only…but also意思是\"不仅……而且\",应连接相同的语法成分。当连接主语时,谓语动词采用就近原则,即随后面的主语而定。例如:
  (l)Not only you but also your father is coming. 不但你,而且你父亲也要来。(连接主语)
  (2)Jane is not only beautiful but also kind. 珍妮不但漂亮,而且人非常好。(连接表语)
  (3)He plays not only the piano but also the violin. 他不仅弹钢琴,还拉小提琴。(连接宾诺)
  (4)They not only sing but also dance. 他们不但唱还跳。(连接谓语)
10.no matter +what/who/which/when/where /how
  无论……。No matter这个词组可以用来接两个分句,不能只用于一个分句。另外,no   matter后面用的是现在时,其含义却是将来。
  No matter what you say, I won\'t believe you.
  No matter who telephones, say I\'m out. 无论谁打电话来,都说我出去了。
  No matter when you come, you\'ll be more than welcome.
  No matter how hard you try, you\'ll never lose your English accent.
11. none,neither
  none一般指三者或三者以上\"都不\",是代词all的反义词。当谈到两个人或两件事的时候,不用non,而用nether,意思是\"两者都不\",是代词both的反义词。none和none of作主语时,谓语动词即可以用单数形式,也可以用复数形式。当表示一个人或物\"都不\"时,一般用单数形式;当表示所有的人或物\"都不\"时,一般用复数形式。当它在非正式的文体中更常用复数形式。neither,neither of作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。但如果是neither…nor…\"既不……也不;两者都不\"作主语时,谓语动词根据nor后面的主语而定(也称为邻近原则)。
  None of her students are/is here.她的学生中没有一个在这里。
  None of those buses go to Tianjin.
  Neither of her parents helps her. 她的父母都不帮助她。
  Neither of the two boys is right. 这两个男孩没一个对。
  Neither Tom nor I have been to New York.
  Neither you nor he has come home early. 你和他都未早回家。
12. journey和trip的区别
  It\'s over 40-hour journey by train from Beijing to Yunnan.
  Have a good journey! 祝你旅途愉快!
  (2)trip严格说来指\"短途旅行\",目的可以是公事或娱乐。但在日常用语中也可与 journey互换。
  We\'re planning to make a trip to the Great Wall.
 1. It was dark, but they went on ______. They never work so late, though they worked late last night. Now they are not working, they are having a rest.
  A. work B. to work C. worked D. working
  分析与解答:go on doing sth.意为\"继续做某事\",go on to do sth.意为\"接着做另外一件事\"。根据题意,本题答案为D。例如:He didn\'t have a rest but went on running. 他没有休息而是继续跑了。
 2. - Who jumps _____in your class?
   - Li Ming. He cleared the 1.6 meter ban last week.
  A. high B. highest C. the most highly D. tallest
  分析与解答 high表示\"高的,高地\",既可以作形容词又可以作副词。highly adv. 表示:\"高度的,高尚的\"等, think highly of somebody 意思是器重某人,speak highly of somebody意思是\"称赞某人\"。在这里表示跳得高,只要用 high就可以,又根据in the class所以用最高级,选B。tall主要用来表示形容人或物的高低。
 3. 根据句意选择合适的词语填空。
  1). The important thing is to be good at ______.
    We must ______ this problem carefully, (study, learn)
  2). When you _______a street, you must walk _______it quickly and not run.     (cross, across)
  3). During this holiday, I\'m going to make a long _______ with my family.     (journey, trip)
  4). My son is my ________. He can speak English very well.
    I\'m ______of knowing the football star. (pride, proud)
  5). The children have ______made a snowman. They are singing and dancing around it.
    The children made a snowman ______. (just, just now)
  6). ______ Tom ______ I are happy to be your students.
    ______ Tom ______ I am good at painting. (both…and…, neither…nor…)
  1).learning 此句意思是:重要的事情是要学会学习。)study(我们必须认真研究这个问题。研究用study。)
  2).Cross, across(第一个空需要一个动词,而第二个空由于前面有动词walk所以需要一个介词。)
  4).pride(意思是我的儿子是我的骄傲。用名词。)proud(我以认识那位球星为荣。用be proud of句型。)
  5).just(第一句是现在完成时的句子,所以用just表示刚堆完雪人,不强调具体什么时间堆,而主要强调雪人堆完后现在孩子们的心情。)just now(第二句动词用过去时,强调过去的具体某个时间做的这件事。译文是:孩子们刚才堆的雪人。)

四、习题精选 初三


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