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Unit 19 Jobs

d basketball. 男孩喜欢打球,比如足球和篮球。
  Some students, Li Jun, for example, live in the country. 有些学生住在农村,例如李军。
  注意:for example有补充说明的意思,而补充说明往往有解释的作用,所以它往往可与such as或like互换。and so on只有概括作用而没有解释作用,所以一般不能和for example或such as或like互换。
辨析:promise与allow, permit
  allow 指“并不反对”或“不加阻止”, 偏重“默许”或“听任”, 含义较消极。
  permit 和 allow 在许多情况下可以通用, 但两者都指有权的人给予的同意与许可。但permit较 allow 正式, 含有“积极地、从正面地允许”的意义,
  They don't permit you to smoke. 他们不允许你抽烟。
  Each passenger is allowed twenty-five kilogrammes of luggage. 每位旅客允许携带二十五公斤的行李。
  She promised her brother that she would write to him. 她答应弟弟将给他写信。
辨析gentle; soft
  soft 指人说话语气的温和,也可指物体质地的柔软。
  He paid no attention to his mother’s gentle scolding. 他对母亲的温和责备毫不理会。
  They’re not soft enough.它们不够柔软
辨析just, fair
  He was fair in the amount of money he gave to each of them.
  A teacher should be just to every student.
  1.There are women police officers, women doctors, teachers, engineers, farmers and so on.
  在表示妇女的职位时,英语中用“woman +职位名词”的复合词。这两个词的单、复数要一致。如:
  a woman doctor→women doctors, a woman farmer→women farmers。
[比较]  由“girl+名词”所构成的复合词,girl总是用单数。如:
  a girl student (一个女学生), two girl students (两个女学生.) , 不说two girls students。
  2. But I had to lie to the company and pretend to be a man in order to get a job.
  He pretended sickness.
  He pretended to be friendly with us.
  He pretended that he had a headache.
  注意:pretend 之后的不定式有时态变化
  He pretended to be reading.
  The boys pretended to have done their lessons.
  3. We shall have to make a decision about Mr King, whose story I have just told you.
  “make a decision (about )”意为“作出(有关的)决定”(=decide)
  I'm afraid that you've made a wrong decision.
  [联想] 在英语中,有许多由make同表示动作的名词搭配所构成的词组,其词义相当于表示动作的动词。例如:
  make an answer =answer(回答)         make an arrangement = arranger(安排)
  make a change= changed(修改,改变) make a choice= choose(选择)
  make an examination = examine(检查)    make progress = progress(进步,前进)
  make a report = report (报告)           make a suggestion = suggest (建议)
  make a start =start(开始)              make a travel = travel (旅行)
  make a warning = warn(警告)
  4.To everyone's surprise, Mr King refused.
  1) to one's surprise/to the surprise of. . .,介词短语,意思是“使某人感到惊奇的是……”,在句中作状语,表示行为的结果。
  [联想] to one’s delight /to the delight of (使某人高兴的是)
  to one’s joy/to the joy of (使某人愉快的是)
  to one’s sorrow/to the sorrow of (使某人悲伤的是)
  To his delight, he has got to the top of the company
  He refused the gift.
  He refused me permission to use his dictionary.
  He refused to let me use his dictionary.
  Mr. King, whose legs were badly hurt, was quickly taken to hospital. 金先生的双腿严重受伤,很快被送进医院。
  1)这是一个复合句,whose legs were badly hurt是非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的名词,Mr. King,引导词whose本身在定语从句只和定语,修饰legs.
  I don't agree with your decision. 我不同意你的决定。
  1) agree with +名词/代词/从句
  在这个句型中,如用人作主语,表示“同意……”,“赞同……”,后面接指人或表示“意见”,“看法”的词(如:suggestion statement, practice .proposal);如用事物作主语,表示“与……一致(相符)”,“(气候、食物等)适合……”。例如:
  I agree with most of what you said, but I don't agree with everything.
  The verb must agree with the subject in person and number. 动词在人称和数上应与主语一致。
  2)agree to+名词/代词
  agree to 的意思是“同意(赞成)……”,后面接表示建议、计划、条件、安排等的词,不但表示同意,而且含有协助合作之意。例如:
  They agree to our suggestion.
  agree to 还有“答应”的意思。可表示答应某件自己实际上不赞成的事。例如:
  The boss agreed to the terms only under the pressure of the workers.
  agree to 也可用于被动句型,但agree with却不可以。例如:
  Their terms have been agreed to.
  3 ) agree on/about +名词/代词
  agree on的意思是“对……取得了一致意见”,主语常常是协商一件事的人们或单位,后面常接表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动、日期、条款等名词,介词on有时可用about来替换。例如:
  We all agreed on an early start tomorrow morning.
  There is one point on which they all agree.
  4)agree with sb. on sth.
  这个句型的意思是“对某事跟某人意见一致”。它的相反意思的句型:disagree with sb. about sth. “对某事跟某人意见不一致”。例如:
  I agree with you on this matter.
  They disagreed with you about some of the opinions in this report.
  5) agree to do sth.
  agree to do sth. 的意思是“同意(答应)做某事”。例如:
  The worker agreed to mend the machine next Monday.
  6)agree + that 从句
  We agree (with you)that this article is worth reading.
  7) agree 作“同意”解时,也可单独使

《Unit 19 Jobs(第2页)》

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