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Unit 23 Resuing the temple

  The custom dates from ancient times.这个习惯是从古代开始的。

  The castle dates back to the 14th century. 这座城堡是在14世纪建造的。

  I'll date Nancy for the dance. 我将约南希去跳舞。


  be dangerous指对主语对他人构成威胁;

  in danger 指某人(物)处于危险地。如:

  out of danger 意为“脱险”。

  The man is dangerous. 此人是个危险人物(会伤害别人)。

  The man is in(great) danger. 此人处境(很)危险。

  in all和in total 都有“总共”之意,作状语。如:

  There were twenty in all in the party. 参加这次聚会的总人有20人。

  The cost of the project amounts in total to 25,000 US dollars.


  altogether作“总共”解时,与副词短语all together 意思接近,可用于可数或不可数名词,位置灵活。如:

  There are altogether/all together twenty—four children in the class.


  The White family are on holiday in Egypt.怀特一家在埃及度假。

  (l)family 是集合名词。当其作主语时,谓语动词用单、复数均可。如果把它看做一个集体,则用单数;如果把它看做这个集体中的个体,则用复数。句中的family 被视作这个集体中的个体(family members),所以谓语动词用复数动词are。例如:

  My family is a big one. There are 16 members. 我家是个大家,有十六口人。

  类似的集合名词还有army,group, organization, team, nation等。

  (2) be on holiday表示状态“在度假”go on holiday表示动作“去度假”。例如:

  Jack told me that his parents had gone on holiday two days before. 杰克告诉我他的父母亲两天前就去度假了。

  One of the most important temples in danger was the one at Abu Simbel.位于阿布辛波的那座寺庙是处境危险的最重要的寺庙之一。

  the one,用来代替一个特指的单数可数名词;而one用来代替一个泛指的单数可数名词。例如:

  The school is that we visited last year.这所学校是我们去年参观过的那所学校。(the one=the school)

  There were a lot of books in the shop and I bought. (one=a book)

  那书店里有很多书,于是我买了一本。(one+ a book)

  Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake. 今天,你可以乘飞机去阿布辛波,也可以从湖对岸乘船前往。

  from across the lake从湖对岸,介词from后面往往可以再接一个介词短语,在句中作地点状语。这一结构也叫双重介词结构,常见方式有:“from +介词短语”是“介词十介词短语”结构中最常见的一个,其后可接的另一个介词短语至少有十个以上。

  He said hello tome from across the room.他从房间的另一边向我打招呼。

  The 1ittle boy came out from behind the door.小男孩从门后走了出来。

  They came from beyond the sea.他们来自海外。

  Can't we visit the High Dam? 我们难道不能去参观高坝吗?

  以 can或其它助动词+ not开头的这类句子,是一种否定问句,用来提出要求或征求意见。使用这种问句时,往往期待对方给予肯定的答复。

  ①You haven’t had anything since morning.Aren’t you hungry?从早晨到现在你什么也没吃,你不饿吗?

  ②Can’t we leave a message for her?咱们不能给她留个条吗?

  Then anyone who wants to can go for a walk round Aswan after the boat trip.乘船游览以后,凡是想去的人都可到阿斯旺各处走一走。

  (1)句中的“anyone who…”是常用结构。其中的关系代词who引导了一个定语从句。又如:

  Anyone who wants to listen to the talk must come to school at two o'clock 凡是想听报告的人必须两点到校。

  ( 2) 句中的“who wants to”是个省略的说法,其中的to是不定式符号,它代替整个动词不定式,以避免上下文中提到的相同的内容。又如:

  A: Would you like to go to Ann’s birthday party tomorrow?

  B: Yes, I’d like to(=I’d like to go to Ann's birthday party tomorrow).



  I went there, because I wanted to(=l wanted to go there).



  He has to get a job and he is ready (to).


  A: Can you start the car?

  B: OK, I’ll try.



  (4) 在would like和want之后,通常不能省略“to”。例如:

  A: Are you interested in playing football?

  B: Yes, I would like to.



  My parents encouraged me to be a lawyer, but I don't want to.


  (5) 当want和like用于从句中(在when/ if/ what/as之后)对,动词不定式符号“to”常常省略。例如:

  Come when you want. 你什么时候想来,就来吧。

  You may go if you like. 如果想走,你可以走。

  Also,around the area of Aswan there are a lot of important old temples,which date from about 1250 B.C.而且在阿斯旺地区的周围还有许多重要古庙,它们是公元前1250年左右建立的。


  He marred a doctor,which made his parents angry.他娶了位医生,使得他的父母很生气。

  She had two sons,neither of whom was kind to her.她有两个儿子,没一个对她好的。

  The dam, which is the biggest in the world, is 3,830 metres long.


  (1) “…,which is the biggest in the world”是一个非限制性定语从句,它插在主句(The dam is 3,830 metres long)的主语和谓语之间,前后有逗号隔开。例如:

  The letter, which I got yesterday, lay there unopened.


  (2) 3,830 metres long是名词短语,表示长度,在句中作表语。英语中常用“…metres long/ wide/ high”等表示长度/宽度/高度(=metres in length/ width/height),如课文中的:980 metres wide

《Unit 23 Resuing the temple(第2页)》

  • 上一篇范文: Unit 24 The science of farmingle
  • 下一篇范文: Unit 21 Karl Marx

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