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Unit 23 Resuing the temple

, 40metes wide, 500 kilometres long. 例如:

  He is a basketball player; he is six feet tall.


  It was carved in the rock and had on the outside four large stone figures, each of which was 20 metres high.


  (1)句中的each of which was 20 metres high是一个非限制性从句。句中had的宾语是four large stone figures,状语on the outside。这种定语从句是由“名词(代词或数词)+介词+关系代词”来引导的。又如:

  In his house there are three rooms, each of which has a bed.

  They lived in a house, the door of which opens to the south.

  China has hundreds of island, the largest of which is Taiwan.

  These books, two of which I have read, are interesting.

  (2)除了of which外,还有of whom这种句型。即:“名词/代词/数词+of whom”

  There are around 100 teachers in our school, most of whom are women.

  These girls, the youngest of whom is my sister, will dance a waltz for us.

  Her brothers, both of whom (three of whom) work in Scotland, ring her up every week.

  (3)除了上述所举的名词、代词、数词外,some, all, none, several, few等词都可接of+ which/ whom的句型。






  Jack is the kind of people who prefers listening to talking. (限定性)


  The students, some of whom were rather busy, did not spend much time on music. (非限定性)





  Beijing,which Is the capital of China,has developed into an international city.




  The cab drivers who knew abut the traffic jam took another road. 知道那里塞车的出租车司机换了另一条道。(言外之意:不知道的司机则没有换路线,只有部分司机换路线了)

  The cab drivers,who knew about the traffic Jam,took another load.出租车司机因为知道那里塞车了,他们都换了另一条道。(言外之意:所有司机都知道,都换了行驶路线)






  The mail .whom you met with just now is our English teacher. 你刚才碰到的那个人是我们的英语老师,在这个句子中whom是介词with的宾语,但却不能省略,


  He came back on time,as we expected. 他按时回来了,正如大家所希望的。


  The weather turned out to be very good, _____was more than we could expect.

  A. What    B. which    C. that   D. it



  1.His stories, ______this is one example, are all well written.

  A. which   B. for which  C. of which  D. that

  2.He bought a lot of books, one of _____a few days before.

  A. that was published    B. which were published 

  C. which had come out   D. that had been published

Keys: CC


Lesson 89 Dialogue 教学设计方案


Teaching Aims:

  Get the Ss to make suggestion and take advice by using the patterns in the dialogue.

Teaching procedures:

Dialogue Presentation

1.Ask the students the following questions:

  (1).What do you usually say when you give an opinion about something?

  (We should …, We’d better…, Why can’t we…, Why not …, Maybe we could…)

  (2).What do you usually say if you refuse someone’s suggestions ?

  (I don’t want to…,I’d prefer to …, I think we should…, I’d like to…)

2.After the students listen to the tape, ask them to find out expressions about making plans and giving suggestions.

Dialogue Practice

Practice I. Ask the Ss to fill in the following form with the expressions they hear on the tape.

How to make suggestions

We could…/I’d prefer to…/I’d like to…/Maybe we could…/Can’t we…

How to express agreement to someone’s suggestions

I think that’s a good idea.

《Unit 23 Resuing the temple(第3页)》

  • 上一篇范文: Unit 24 The science of farmingle
  • 下一篇范文: Unit 21 Karl Marx

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