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Unit 12 English programmes   [拓展知识]

1. 词法
   (1) with the name
     [说明]with the name 意思是 “称为” ,相当于called/named 以及定语从句 “whose
      name is…”。还有 “by the name of…”等。
      例如:The young man called Tom is Kate's brother.
        In America there is a city with the name “Boston”.
   (2) do
     [说明] do 除了作实义动词外,还有很多种助动词用法。在“If you do have difficulties,
      it is better to try again another day.”句中,do是助动词,用来加强语气。助动词do,
      does, did 可用于一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定陈述句中,与动词连用,以加强语气,在句
      例如:He did come yesterday.
        Li Ming does speak Japanese very well.
        李明日语的确说得好(注意speak 要恢复原形)。
        Do be careful.
   (3) go with
     [说明] go with
      例如: I'll go with you.
        I can't go with you on that.(I don't agree with you.)
        These new curtains don't go well with your Persian rugs.
    1.Language ____ French, Italian and Spain come from Latin.
      A. because of   B. except for   C. for example   D. such as
    2. It's foolish ___you to do this.
     A. for   B. of   C. about   D. from
    3. The colour of cap doesn't ___ that green coat at all.
     A. go with   B. get on with   C. go on with   D. get with
    4. They found that the article was difficult____.
      A. to be understand   B. understood   C. to understand   D. understand
    5. You can learn foreign languages___ listening to programmes in foreign languages
      ___ the radio.
      A. from ,by   B. with, in   C. and, at   D. by, on
2. 语法句法
   (1) I find listening really hard.
     [说明] 有些动词后面常用形容词,副词或介词短语作宾补,这些词是 find, make, think,
     paint, keep等。
      例如:Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy.
      I found the book interesting.
      They painted the wall blue.
      Keep the door open.
      We seldom found him out.
      When she woke up, she found herself in hospital.
  (2) 现在完成进行时的用法
    [说明] 现在完成进行时表示从过去开始,一直到现在的动作,这个动作可能刚刚结束,也可
     例如:They have been working in America ever since 1999.
       Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time.
       你去哪儿了? 我一直找了你好长时间。
    1. The policeman ___ who had stolen the bike at last, didn't he?
      A. found out   B. found   C. discovered   D. tested
    2. He didn't attend the party yesterday ____his mother's serious illness.
     A. because   B. because of   C. as a result   D. in fact
    3. Mr Zhang ___in our school ever since 1979.
      A. was teaching   B. is teaching   C. was taught   D. has been teaching
    4. He lived in a room ___ window faced the south.
     A. whose   B. who   C. who's   D. which
    5. You'd better ___here.
     A. not smoking   B. to smoke   C. not smoke   


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