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下学期 Unit 20 Mainly revision

The room is too small for us three. 这房间太小,我们三人住不下。
  说明:“too…to”也表达同一含意。区别是:for +n/ pron.; to+in f.。
  By the first century the making of paper in some parts of China had been well developed and had become common. 到了公元一世纪,中国有些地区造纸业已十分发达并且变得普遍了。
  本句有两个并列谓语,都用了过去完成时态(had been well developed和had become common),表示在过去某一时间之前已经发生的动作。这一过去时间是通过介词by的短语(By the first century)来表示的。又如:
  She had not finished her report by yesterday afternoon. 到昨天下午为止,她还没有写完报告。
  By the end of last week all the plans had been made. 到上周末为止,所有的计划都订出来了。
  They carved a whole page of characters back to front in the wood
  “back to front” 是一个合成词,作“反面地”解,在句中作状语,修饰动词carved。
   side-by-side(肩并肩)、hand-in-hand (手牵手)等
  The boy has his sweater on back to front.
  He came face to face with death.
  Although these were much more useful than the metal pots, they were still difficult to read and were very heavy to carry. 和金属锅相比,这些书籍虽然有用得多,但是读起来还是很费劲,拿起来又很重。
  1)句中的much为副词,修饰比较级,表示程度,可译为“……得多”。能充当这类程度状语的副词还有far, a lot, even, still, a great deal, a bit, a little等。例如:
  Houses are much/ far / a lot more expensive these days. 如今房子贵多了。
  The Chinese farmers are even/ still/ all the / a great deal richer than before. 中国农民比以前更富了。
  注意:程度副词every, too等不能和比较级连用。
  2)difficult to read和heavy to carry同属于“adj. +带to不定式”结构。
  Those programmes are usually easy to receive and not difficult to understand. 这些节目通常都很容易接收到,而且也不难听懂。
  适应于这种结构的形容词还有:easy, hard, difficult, impossible, comfortable, pleasant, heavy, interesting, pretty等。


辨析every day与everyday

  every day分开写,在句中通常作状语,表示“每天”;
  You should read English every day. 你应该每天都读英语。
  You should practise your English in everyday life. 你应该在每天的日常生活中去练习英语。


  The basket contains a variety of fruits. 这篮子里装有各种水果。
  The price includes the tax.这价钱包括税金。
  注意:与include 有关的including,included的用法。例如:
  We all went to the museum, Lily included. 我们去了博物馆,莉莉也去了。
  The band played many songs, including some of my favourites.

辨析method 和way

  It is English way of living. 这是英国人的生活方式。
  We must improve the method of teaching English. 我们必须改进英语教学法。

辨析at the same time与meanwhile

  不同点:at the same time意为同时,然而。有两种表示:
  1)  两个动作或情况在同一时间发生或存在;
  It will cost a lot of money. At the same time, I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.    这要花不少钱,但是我们还是需要它,它肯定对我们有用处。
  They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile let’s have coffee. 他们很快就到,在此期间,我们来喝咖啡吧。

辨析in the beginning, at the beginning






3)与at last“最后”相对,常用at


  The new school term start at / in the beginning of September. 新学期九月初开始。
  The shop is at the beginning of the road. 商店就在道路的起点处。
  In the beginning, we sued hand tools, Later we had machines. 起初,我们用手工工具,后来我们用机器。
  She was against the plan at the beginning, but at last she was for it. 她起初反对这个计划,但最后还是同意了。


Lesson 77 教学设计方案

Teaching Aims
  Let the students know the development of printing mentioned in the dialogue.
  Learn some words: for example print, carve, come out ,press, throw away.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Presentation
(Teacher) Today we are going to learn about printing in Chinese history.
  1. Show the students a picture on which the Chinese characters are white.
  2. Show the students another picture on which the Chinese characters are black.
Step 2 Listen to the dialogue
  Ask someone to answer the questions.
  1) How many ways of printing are mentioned in the dialogue? Two.
  2) What are they?
  One way is using rocks and paper; the other way is using wood and paper.
Step 3Read the dialogue aloud after the tape.
Step 4Practise the dialogue in pairs.
Step 5 Deal with the language points.
Step 6 Listen to the whole dialogue again to review.
Step 7 Work in pairs. (Part 2 Oral practice)
Step 8 Workbo

《下学期 Unit 20 Mainly revision(第2页)》

  • 上一篇范文: 教学设计方案 Lesson 71
  • 下一篇范文: Lesson 79 教学设计方案

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