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Unit 2 English Around the World Teaching Plan

n English, Terry? ②A woman said she would ___ me the next day. ③What’s ______ about that? ④Well, we say “I’ll ____ you tomorrow.” ⑤Now that sounds ____ to me! ⑥So I have to _____ not to touch people when I’m in ____. Step3. Speaking 1.     Listen to the tape and find how many people there are. Find what is happening between them. 2.     Read the dialogue and complete the sentences. 3.     Practice the dialogue in three and act it out. 4.     Ask Ss to work in small groups of four, make up another dialogues, and act it out in class, using the useful expressions on page 10.    Step4. Post-speaking       Match the following pairs: (1)   I’ve got to go now, Goodbye.        A. Thank you (2)   How are you?                    B. Yes, please. (3)   How a good weekend!             C. How are you. (4)   Cheers!                      D. You too! (5)   Ah, you speak English very well.      E. I’m fine. Glad to          see you again. (6)   Bless you!                         F. Yeah, see you later. (7)   Take care!                      G. Cheers! (8)   Would you have a bit more fish, please?  H. Thanks. (9)   See you later, alligator.  I. It’s been nice talking to you, Bye. (10)             Hi, long time no see.    J. Same to you! 1.     Listen to the tape to find the right answers. 2.     Ask Ss to practice these short conversations with their partner. III. Homework 1.     Make up two dialogues about other languages difficulties such as pronunciation, spelling, grammar, uncertainty, misunderstanding and inability to express what they mean or want to say. 2.     Preview the part of Reading .
Period3   Reading (1)  I.        Teaching Aims and Demands 1.        Get the Ss to learn about English spoken around the world 2.        Improve the reading ability of the Ss, especially the skills of summarizing and scanning. 3.        Encourage Ss to think and talk in English through communicative tasks and provide Ss with chances of cooperation. 4.        Get the Ss to realize the importance of learning English. II.     Teaching Procedures      Step1.Warming up        1.(1). Show the language profile of myself   Mother tongue Yuyao dialect Fluent Second language: native Putonghua Fluent Third language: foreign English Good Fourth language: foreign German A few words              (2). Ask Ss to work in small groups of four,discuss and fill in group members’ language profile .Ask them to discuss in what situations they use the foreign languages.(e.g. listening to pop songs, accessing software and web sites, chat rooms, reading packages of products, etc)                    (3) Ask some groups to report.        2. Introduce some terms : mother tongue, native speak, L1, ESL, EFL (see the teacher’s book in P35--36) Step2 While-reading   1.        Skimming Ask Ss to read through the passage and summarize the main idea of each paragraph. 2.        Scanning (1)   Ask Ss listen to the tape and fill in the form (2)   Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss (3)   Check the answer   Number of speakers example of countries working situation The native language The second language The foreign language           3.        Carefully  reading (1)   Explain some words and expressions.(total, in total, equal, except, except for, except that, majority, communicate, etc) ---see the teacher’s book in P28—29,P34—35 (2)   Analyze some complex sentences (3)   Sum up the text      English  Used in        spoken as           learned as                developing quickly in 42 count

《Unit 2 English Around the World Teaching Plan(第2页)》

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