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Unit 22 Britain and Ireland


  “play a part in”意为“在……方面起作用”,“在……中扮演角色”。这个短语中的part原本作“(剧中的)角色”讲,在part前可以用不同的形容词来修饰(great / small/ important等),表示起着“大/小/重要的作用”。例如:

  —Which part do you play (in the film )?

  —I play the part of Lenin.

  Science plays an important part in agriculture.

  Generally, the weather in Britain is neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.


  They are neither workers .nor peasants; they're students.(连接两个表语)

  He was ill then; he could neither eat nor drink.(连接两个谓语动词)

  I had neither pen nor paper. How could I make notes? (连接两个宾语)


  Neither the teacher nor the students are right.

  Neither the students nor the teacher is right.

  3) Are you English? 你是英国人吗?


  ①the English-people of England,表示全体英格兰人。也可指全体英国人,但是,全体英国人的正式说法应是the British。就个体而言,男性用Englishman (复数English men ) , 女性用 Englishwoman (复数Englishwomen ) 。

  ②the Scots=people of Scotland,表示全体苏格兰人。就个体而言,男性用Scotsman(复数Scotsmen), 女性用Scotswoman (复数Scotswomen )。the Irish, the Welsh情况同此。

  ③the French=people of France, 表示全体法国人。就个体而言,男性用Frenchman (复数Frenchmen ) , 女性用Frenchwoman (复数Frenchwomen )。

  注:like, love, hate, dislike其中前三个的后面既可接名词、代词、也可接动词不定式或动词的-ing形式,意思差不多。而dislike却不能接动词不定式。使用时,请注意。


Lesson 85 (dialogue) 教学设计方案

1.Dialogue presentation

  Ask the Ss some questions and make a dialogue with the students:

  T: Where are you from ?

  S: I’m from China(Beijing).

  T: But you speak English.

  S: English is used by the world.

  T: Very good. Do you know what countries are using English ?

  S: Such as :England, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and so on.

  T: So we can say the English, the Americans, the Canadians, the Australians and the New Zealanders are speaking English.

  T: So today we are going to learn something about England.

  II. Dialogue Practice

  Practice 1.Listening.Ask the Ss to fill in the blanks with the information they hear on the tape.

  David is from Britain.

  He is British

  He is not English.

  He speaks English.

  He is Scottish.

  It is  to the north  of England.(斜体为答案)

  Practice 2.Ask the Ss to retell the dialogue in the third person form.


  David is from Britain. He speaks English. He is British, but he is not England. He is Scottish. He is from Scotland, which is to the north of England; it's part of Britain.

  Practice 3.Ask the Ss to make dialogues similar to the one in L85.

  Model: Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  Long ago, the first travellers went to Ireland from ________, and later from the south and west of _________. They found that much of the land was _________, but there was ________ grass for sheep and cows, _________ it rained a lot. The seas around Ireland were full of all sorts of __________. Many of the peasants were very poor and they lived mainly on _________. Around __________, potatoes __________ bad because of a terrible disease and many people died of ___________. Tens of thousands had to travel to other countries to look _________ a better life. Although many families became __________, people still kept in __________ with each other. Now life has improved for the population. Most Irish people go to __________ every Sunday and the church plays an important part in people s lives. The Irish are very fond of __________ and ____________. They often get together in the evening to ___________ and ___________ music.

  A: Are you from England ?

  B: No, I’m not.

  A: But you speak English.

  B: That’s correct.

  A: Where are you from then ?

  B: I’m from the USA.

  A: So you are American.

  B: That’s right.

  Practice 4 Ask the Ss the following questions.

  1) Where is England?(to/on the south of Scotland, in the south of Britain)

  2)Where is Ireland ?(to the west of England)

  3)Where is London? (to the east of Cardiff)

  4)Where is Wales? (on the west of England, to the south of Scotland)

《Unit 22 Britain and Ireland(第3页)》

  • 上一篇范文: Unit 21 Karl Marx
  • 下一篇范文: Lesson 90 (Extensive Reading)

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