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;   soul together.

      They are such little children that the they cannot clean the house by


      在very, pretty, not后用nearly, 不用almost。例如:
      I’m not nearly ready.

      在any, no, none, never前用almost, 不用nearly。例如:
      I almost never see her.

      need 表示“需要”或“必须”,作情态动词时,仅用于否定句或疑问句中。在肯定句中一般用must, have to, ought to或should
      You needn’t come so early.

      Need I finish the work today? --Yes, you must.
      注意:needn’t have done“表示本来不必做某事而实际上做了某事”。例如:You needn’t have waited for me.

      “should have done”表示应该做到而实际上没有做到。
      You should have started earlier.

      “ought to have done”表示过去应做某事而实际未做。
      You ought to have helped him (but you didn’t)


      表示感觉,愿望和状态的某些动词如have, be, hear, see, like等词一般不用进行时。

      有些动词形式上是主动结构,但表示被动的意思。常见的有可和 well, easily
      The cloth washes well.这布很经洗。
      The new product sells well.这新产品很畅销。
      The pen writes well.这支笔很好写。

      在动词 arrange,command, demand, desire,insist, order,propose, request,
      require, suggest等后面的宾语从句中用“(should)+ 动词原形”(虚拟语气)例如:
      We suggested that we (should) have a meeting.
      We insisted that they (should) go with us.
      The doctor ordered that she (should) stay in bed for a few days.
      He demanded that we (should) start right away.
      all agreed to his suggestion that we(should) go to Beijing for
      My idea is that we (should) do exercises first.

      在feel, hear, notice, observe, see, watch, have, let,

      make等词后的补足语中,不定式不带to。但是这些句子如果变成被动结构时,就必须带to。例如:I often hear him sing the
      He is often heard to sing the song.

      注意:不定式动词在介词but, except,
      She could do nothing but cry.
      What do you like to do besides swim?
      I have no choice but to go.

      作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面须有相应的介词。例如:He is looking
      for a room to live in.
      There is nothing to worry about.
      Please give me a knife to cut with.
      There / It is no use/ good/ not any use/ good/ useless doing sth.

      admit,appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, enjoy, escape, excuse, feel
      like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, include, keep,
      mention,mind,miss,practise, put off, resist, risk, suggest, can’t help,
      can’t stand(无法忍受)等。

      I tried not to go there.(我设法不去那里。)
      I tried doing it again.(我试着又干了一次。)]

      mean to do 有意... mean doing意味着...
      I mean to come early today.(我打算今天早些来。)
      Missing the train means waiting for another hour.

      allow, advise, forbid, permit

      We don’t allow smoking here. We don’t allow students to smoke.

      The window needs(requires, wants)cleaning(to be cleaned).

      在短语devote to, look forward to, pay attention to, stick to, be used to,
      object to,thank you for, excuse me for 等后的动词也必须用动名词形式:I look forward to
      hearing from you soon.
      Badly polluted, the water cannot be drunk.(原因)
      Being written in haste, the composition is full of mistakes.
      Having been deserted by his guide, he couldn’t find his way through the
      Asked to stay, I couldn’t very well refuse.
      这里 asked 可能意味着 having been asked, 也可能意味着when/since I was asked, 但用了 having
      been asked 就不会有歧义。



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