《Word Fun》课例点评
T: Let’s do a chant with these four balloons OK?
(教师与学生一起做chant,并指着黑板上的四个气球:large large These are large; small small These are small)
T: Can you remember the chant:”Two Balloons”This time let’s change the words(教师把刚才的chant进行了换词,换成了刚刚学过的知识:large和small)
Ss: These are large balloons large balloons. ~peng! pa! Oh no!
These are small balloons small balloons. ~peng! pa! Oh no!
I have no balloons no balloons~
T: Don’t cry my kids.
I have another balloons, Look!(教师拿出六根长气球)
T: But these are not large or small, these are long.
T: Say the word as long as you can
Ss: long~~~~~~~~~~~
T: Let’s do a chant: Look at me: /l//l/long/l//l/long These are long long, These are long
T: So clever! But if I want so me short ones, What should I do? Do you want to have a try?
T: OK, Good job! Now these are short, Let’s count how many short balloons here
T: Well done! Can you find large or small, long or short thing sin our classroom?
T: Excellent! I have a magic box, What are on the box?
T: Good! There are some lucky card sin it, you can take out one and you’re your partner with the same picture
《《Word Fun》课例点评(第2页)》